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...RAGGLE FRAGGLE! (Long, several stories)

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  • ...RAGGLE FRAGGLE! (Long, several stories)

    Wow...just wow. Today was my short day (only 4 hours), and yet I managed to amass these stories before I even took my 10 minute break! I was writing them on my arm as I went along, and everyone was joking that I was gonna hit my elbow before I left. Thankfully I only got ¾ of the way there :-P.

    Firstly, and I'm not sure if this just doesn't click for some people, but if you have a HUGE order you just HAVE to get for the rest of the office, here's a hint: COME TO THE LOBBY!!! If people are in the drive-thru it's because they want to be in and be out. Pastry Wench #1 didn't get this.

    Me: Usual spiel

    PW: Yes, do you have pastries?

    Me: (No. 'Fraid not. Why not, you ask? Because we hate you) Yes, we do. Would you like to know what kinds? (I only ask that because it's a courtesy, I really hope I don't have to list off every kind we have during a rush)

    PW: No, that's okay. I need 14 different ones. All scones, muffins, and coffee cakes.

    Me: (….WHAT?!) O....k....anything else.

    PW: No. drives up

    Now, this may not seem like a big deal, but

    a) She didn't give me any specifics other than the types, so thanks for that.
    b) 14...14! Granted, we usually get more pastries than most stores, but that's because we have to basically stock 2 stores! 14 is gonna deplete our supplies by a fair chunk and it's not even 8 a.m. Yet....
    c)Your lack of information plus my incessant need to make sure that we have more than 1 type of pastry for every other customer means that, yes, this is going to take a few minutes for me to get your crap together. I also have to take the orders of the cars behind you, make breakfast sandwiches for drive-thru AND lobby, and make oatmeals for lobby as well.
    And she had the gall to complain that the people behind her were getting angry at her. Gee, wonder why? And yes, we ARE going to tell everyone behind you exactly why you took so damn long, there's no way in hell we're taking the brunt of that anger from the group of people you just made late. Thankfully the girl at the window made sure to tell her repeatedly the next time she had a big order she should call ahead and come into the lobby, and the PW looked offended that we would DARE suggest she did anything remotely inconveniant. Please, ma'am, die in a fire.

    Round 2

    So, a few mintues after that we get another 'lady'.

    PW2: Yeah, I need drink 1, drink 2, and 4 assorted pastries (AGAIN WITH THE VAGUENESS!), each in their own individual bag.

    Me: Ok. (a touch easier than the last, only 4, I can do that. Here's where it gets difficult

    PW2: Alright, so do you have blueberry muffins?

    Me: We have 3, but we don't have 4. (Thank you, 14 pastry wench!)

    PW2: Oh, well...I need 4 of something.

    Me: you want assorted pastries or the sa...

    And she drives off cutting me off. After the split second of being pissed as hell I stand confused in front of the pastry case for a moment wondering whether or not to try to get 4 of the same pastry or get her what she originally asked for. You know. An ASSORTMENT! So I go for a compromise and get 2 banana loaves and 2 croissants. When she gets to the window she hears me tell the girl on register what I got and starts to do that whole, “” And so we ask whether she wanted different pastries or the same of each kind, because if she wanted the same we only had a few options for her since we were running low. She rolled her eyes, huffed, and said “Forget it! I don't want any of them now! My client will just have to do without!”

    Y'know what...whatever. I honestly don't care. I really really don't anymore. But, alas, they still know how to pluck my nerves. Onto:

    Story the Third

    Me: Opening spiel

    SC: ….....You talkin to me?!

    Me: (...really?...REALLY?!) Yep.

    SC: Oh, well I want 2 $10 gift cards.

    Me: ...will that be all?

    SC: yep. drives off

    Now, this may seem like nothing, but gift cards take a while. Long enough that we're gonna get a few glares from the next 7 or so cars. That and I HATE people just driving off on me, and...seriously? You talkin to me? WTF?

    No, it's not “special” it's “annoying”

    Me: (You know the drill)

    SC: (said quietly and with a slight accent I couldn't place <-Will be important later) I want a raspberry lemonade first of all.

    Me: O...k...Just one second. (Now, I've been working at that place 3 years and have NEVER had anyone ask for just lemonade. I had no Earthly idea how to ring this up so it took a minute to find the right combo of buttons I thought would work) Alright, what else can I get ya?

    SC: Ok, this is a little special. (Ok...that either means they usually don't come here and think that this person's drink is hard, which it usually isn't,'s something like this I need a chai frappucino, vent-ay, tall scoop of ice, double blended, dome lid, and I want extra sjfkep.

    No, that's not a typo. I had NO idea what her last word was. I get the rest in after doing a mental WTF, and then the following exchange happens:

    Me: Ok, so I've got an iced venti, tall scoop of ice, double-blended, dome lid, chai frappuccino, and what was that last part?

    SC: I want extra spece.

    Me: ...Extra space? (I'm trying to find SOME word in the English language that is close to what I'm hearing. Sure, asking for a domed like and asking for extra space is weird, but I wouldn't put it past ANY customer at this place)

    SC: No! Extra speache! No whip cream or cinnamon or anything, I want it all in the dome lid!

    Me: I'm sorry, I'm just having trouble understanding that one word.

    SC: Seachesjjeklje! Extra Speaceea!

    Thankfully someone else jumped in and figured out this woman wanted us to pour her drink into the cup, put the dome lid on, and then pour the rest through the tiny hole in the lid so that it basically looked like a slurpee. When she drove off she apparently was mumbling about the “stupid guy who couldn't understand english”. Had I not walked around the corner I probably would've thrown one of the drinks on her...but that's why I walked around the corner. Maybe I've become a little overly sensitive, but comments like “learn to speak english” and crap like that can set me off immediately.

    And all of this happened before 9 a.m.

    /sigh. Here's hoping I continue to nail my auditions so I can keep my limited hours!
    "Some wounds grow worse beneath the surgeon's hand; better that they were not touched at all."

  • #2
    Oy vey!

    With the last one -- I'm trying to figure out what they could've said that started with "s" and meant that particular thing...and I'm not getting anywhere.


    • #3
      *phew* for a second I thought you had a problem with a Fraggle

      (we Fraggles are usually pretty friendly )

      Originally Posted by edible_hat
      (also, wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?)


      • #4
        Quoth Wembley View Post
        (we Fraggles are usually pretty friendly )
        As soon as I saw the title, I started humming the song. Was I the only one?
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          dance your cares away (clap clap) worries for another day! Let the music play (clap clap) down in*cough* sorry!

          What is with people and being vague with large orders? At my store we have a few regulars that are drug reps picking up large orders for their clients. One guy who likes to mix it up. One day it was "i need twenty five different smoothies." um..okay..what kind? "healthy ones! Next it was "I need twenty five strawberry smoothies..but not the same kind!" (strawberry is 90% of our menu)

          Why is it so hard to make a decision? Even just saying "I want 4 flavors" and "whatever's popular" I can work with!

          Your post though is why I'm thankful we don't have a drive-thru!
          Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat


          • #6
            I swear some of them must think we're psychic and automatically know what they want. I work at a lottery terminal, and some people will just stand there presenting their money to me and staring at me without even saying what it is they want to purchase until I actually have to ask them what is it they would like.

            Sorry, but I can't read minds, and even if I did, I doubt I'd be able to detect much anyway.


            • #7
              Quoth Morningchaser View Post
              When she drove off she apparently was mumbling about the “stupid guy who couldn't understand english”. Had I not walked around the corner I probably would've thrown one of the drinks on her...but that's why I walked around the corner. Maybe I've become a little overly sensitive, but comments like “learn to speak english” and crap like that can set me off immediately.
              Well, it would help if she was speaking English, too!

              And I have to ask, is English not your native tongue? Just curious.
              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


              • #8
                Quoth Morningchaser View Post
                Story the Third

                Me: Opening spiel

                SC: ….....You talkin to me?!
                Driving a cab?

                Had a mohawk?

                Be careful with that one...

                "Kamala the Ugandan Giant" 1950-2020 • "Bullet" Bob Armstrong 1939-2020 • "Road Warrior Animal" 1960-2020 • "Zeus" Tiny Lister Jr. 1958-2020 • "Hacksaw" Butch Reed 1954-2021 • "New Jack" Jerome Young 1963-2021 • "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 1949-2021 • "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton 1958-2021 • Daffney 1975-2021


                • #9
                  Quoth Pagan View Post
                  Well, it would help if she was speaking English, too!

                  And I have to ask, is English not your native tongue? Just curious.

                  Heh, yeah, English is my native language. In fact got a 29 in reading and a 27 in writing on the ACT (although you wouldn't be able to tell by my typing sometimes, I'm a comma and parenthesis maniac! haha), won the young author's award several times in school, and had such a bad habit of correcting my family's grammer that they started to put "The English Professor" on my cards during the holidays. I just look about 4 or 5 different kinds of foreign and when I'm bored either sing opera or showtunes, sometimes in Spanish. None of which I was doing in front of that harpy, heh.
                  "Some wounds grow worse beneath the surgeon's hand; better that they were not touched at all."

