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Credit card/ ID fraud

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  • Credit card/ ID fraud

    Currently all the casino's on the strip are having an issue with these people who have made fake Credit cards and DL's.

    They have hit quite a few casinos, including mine. I guess the there's a group of them who have figured out how to make fake credit cards and stupidly made all their CA DL's with the same number. And their Bin numbers don't match on the cards also. And of course there's no hologram on the CA DL's where there should be.

    IMO CA is probably the hardest to fake, we've seen so many. I would've picked faking a passport or something foreign.

    They hit us on graveyard, a cashier caught it and took the ID and CC into the back and the guy walked away slowly and right infront of security including the head honcho and walked right out the doors. But they couldn't have known.

    Why the hell would you hit a casino!? That's probably the stupidest place to hit because we're trained to catch weird stuff AND you're on camera! Everywhere! He came right up to the cage where there are like ten cameras on our ceiling--that are visible. I guess surveillance got a good picture of him.

    I guess the guys are very "friendly" and talk a lot to confuse you. They're smart enough to create cards that will fool the ATMs but not the cashiers. I don't understand how they keep getting away with it... They suck.

    I'm sure they've made off with some money from new cashiers or anybody just not paying attention. I hope they catch them soon.

  • #2
    Quoth Anakah View Post
    Why the hell would you hit a casino!? That's probably the stupidest place to hit because we're trained to catch weird stuff AND you're on camera! Everywhere! He came right up to the cage where there are like ten cameras on our ceiling--that are visible. I guess surveillance got a good picture of him.
    Probably the same reason people rob banks, because they know there's a lot of money inside and they think they've figured out how not to get caught.
    "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

    When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


    • #3
      He was probably planning on playing with the money he stole.

      Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


      • #4
        So the cards work on the ATM but they try to get money from a person instead? Wow that's dumb.


        • #5
          WOW! Not being on the floor and never dealing with CC's or DL's in person I didn't know about this. I can't believe they did it with CA ID. We get so much business from CA on the weekends I think we'd be dead sure what CA ID looks like. But they could be assuming it all becomes a blur of "oh, another CA ID"

          Lot's of times in a casino if you go to get money out of the ATM it will give you a receipt to take to the cage to get cash (though I've also seen the regular cash spitting kind). I guess it depends how you run your card?


          • #6
            Quoth Anakah View Post
            Why the hell would you hit a casino!? That's probably the stupidest place to hit because we're trained to catch weird stuff AND you're on camera! Everywhere!
            My guess is that they believe that casinos are used to dealing with that sort of thing and won't pursue a case if it's below a certain (probably imaginary) amount.
            "Kamala the Ugandan Giant" 1950-2020 • "Bullet" Bob Armstrong 1939-2020 • "Road Warrior Animal" 1960-2020 • "Zeus" Tiny Lister Jr. 1958-2020 • "Hacksaw" Butch Reed 1954-2021 • "New Jack" Jerome Young 1963-2021 • "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 1949-2021 • "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton 1958-2021 • Daffney 1975-2021


            • #7
              Actually, he tried to get out 2000 on the atm, and the atm only despenses 500 a time if you have a pin number. I don't know if you can make a pin number if you make the card yourself, I'd imagen so. But the way our casino works if you try for anything over the limit you will get sent to us. I think the machine itself also has a limit. So if you get five hundred you can't again because then you're over your limit and the machine, so that the owners of it can charge you more, nice right?

              But make sure if you ever go into a casino, use your pin it's cheaper. A regular atm fee with pin (if you have not reached your daily limit) will be 3 (at mine anyway) while a credit card is about 7.99.

              Yeah if you run it without a pin on the ATM it will give you a receipt to see the cage. But I also think he may have hit the day our ATMS were out of money and no matter what kind of transaction he did sent him up. So he may have gotten screwed that way too lol

              I don't know how the other ones work though. I'm sure they got plenty out beforehand and probably should've stuck to those.


              • #8
                Quoth Ringtail Z28 View Post
                Probably the same reason people rob banks, because they know there's a lot of money inside and they think they've figured out how not to get caught.
                Eh, a lot of banks are actually pretty easy to rob. Tellers are trained to just give in to the robber's demands, and are not supposed to activate the alarm until after the robber's left to avoid a hostage situation. The rationale is that the bank get take the monetary hit; it's not so easy to deal with an employee or, god forbid, a customer getting seriously/fatally injured.

                At the institution I used to work for, when my branch got robbed, the only reason they caught the guy is because he went on a drug binge and wound up naked and passed out in a random person's backyard. Most people, frighteningly enough, get away with it.


                • #9
                  Sadly our silent alarms are in plain view. The robber would see us push it and we'd be dead before any help arrived. I'd fork over the dough before risking my life also. It's funny they've lowered our drawers so bad that if we ever did get robbed the robber wouldn't get much cash. Not even enough to disappear with.

