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Drunk, blank stare

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  • Drunk, blank stare

    This extremely drunk guy holding a beer comes to my window and throws down his credit card.

    SC: Hi sweetie, how are you?

    Me: Fine, you?

    SC: I want a 1000 dollars. (as he tosses some card at me)

    Me: Have you ran your card through the atm yet?

    SC: No. I don't wanna!!

    I kid you not, he said it like that. He's like sixty and sounded like a two year old!

    Me: Um, unfortunately it has to go through the atm first.

    *blank stare from Sc*

    SC: why?

    Me: We can't process it here, the atm processes it and then we finish the transaction here.

    *blank stare from Sc*

    Me: You need to use the atm.

    I swear I had to repeat this like five times each time getting the blank stare. Finally he went over and did it.

    A few hours later, guess who! And in my window again!

    SC: I want five hundred.

    Me: As I told you last time you have to run it through the atm.

    *blank stare from Sc*

    SC: It won't work.

    me: is there something wrong with the card?

    SC: No, I don't know how to do it!

    Me: Well, sir just run it the same way you ran the other one from earlier.

    *blank stare from Sc*

    Me: Sir, no matter what you *HAVE* to run your card in the atm first.

    SC: No.

    *blank stare from Sc* If I got one MORE blank stare from him I was going to freaking scream!!

    He stared at me no matter how MANY times or ways I explained for him to use the atm!!!

    Finally some light went off in his head and he stumbled over to the atm.

    I had to disappear in the back for a bit to calm down, I told my SV what happened and she stood out there for awhile making sure she didn't have to call security.

    He eventually got money straight from the machine. But good lord, man! No more alcohol for you!

  • #2
    I'd also suggest limiting the alcohol if you're going to go through $1500 in just a couple hours. That's a lotta mula.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      Quoth bainsidhe View Post
      I'd also suggest limiting the alcohol if you're going to go through $1500 in just a couple hours. That's a lotta mula.

      Nah, it's a good learning experience

      If 'SHOCK! AWE!!' he should happen to learn a lesson so much the better! And if he doesn't it's going to a better place!
      I used to be disgusted... Now I'm just amused


      • #4
        More importantly, alcohol is good for business! Drunk people not only can't think straight enough to gamble properly, they also can't count how much they've lost so they keep spending money.
        Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull

