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Lady, do you want your money or not?

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  • Lady, do you want your money or not?

    Hello denizens of CS! Welcome to my first post of suckage (but hopefully not a sucky post). I've actually been holding this one in since Tuesday, which is when it all started. I had a feeling that if I waited I'd have a better ending...

    BACKGROUND OF JOY! I work as a teller at a financial institution. Contrary to seemingly popular belief, we don't have an unlimited supply of monies on hand. For security reasons, we have a total cash limit for the branch, so we have to carefully manage how much we've got stashed away. This means that if someone wants to take out a ridiculous amount, they have to tell us one to two days in advance so we can order the extra, and they have to pick it up when they say they're going to, or it's gettin' shipped back out. Also, our cash limit is different from the cash limits of other branches, and our cash ordering has nothing to do with any other branch's cash ordering.

    SO NOW THAT THAT'S OUT OF THE WAY. Tuesday, I take the following phone call:

    Me: Thank you for calling Generic Financial Insitution. This is potato speaking; how may I help you?
    SC: Hi, yes. I know you need to call ahead for big withdrawals, so I'm calling ahead because I'm gonna need to make a big withdrawal on Thursday.
    Me: Okay, no problem. How much do you need?
    SC: Well, I'll need at least X, but I might need as much as Z.
    Me: ...oh. It's...really kind of important that we have an exact amount, because we need to make sure we order enough, and we also need to make sure we don't order too much.
    SC: It's most likely gonna be X.
    Me: All right, so I'll order X.
    SC: ...but it might be Z.
    Me: *blink* *pause* How about I order Y? That's right in the middle, and if you need Z, we'll definitely have the rest available, anyway.
    SC: Yeah, yeah, sure! That sounds good! It just needs to be at least X, so that's okay. When can I pick it up Thursday?
    Me: Anytime in the afternoon.
    SC: Yeah, yeah, okay, sure. Now I usually go to Branch A, because it's easier for me and I know where it is. I'm not even really sure where the other branches are. And I'm gonna be going to Major City that day, so I think it'll be easier to go there. That's okay, right? To pick it up at Branch A? Because that's definitely the most convenient one.
    Me: *BLINK, BLINK, BLINK* Well, if you'd like to pick it up there, you really should be calling them, because we don't share...
    Me: ...yes.
    SC: Oh, okay! I can pick it up there, that's no problem! Where are you?
    Me: We're on 999 Random Rd.
    SC: Is that near the CVS?
    Me: Uh...well, sort of...
    SC: It's easy to get to, right? From Route 789?
    Me: Yes, yes it is. It's off of Major Rd 1, which...
    SC: So if I'm going toward Major City, and I take Blah Blah Exit, what direction would I turn to get to the branch?
    Me: To be honest, I have no idea off the top of my head. But...
    SC: It's okay, it's okay. Stop n Shop's kinda near there, right?
    Me: Oh, yeah. Our street connects to Major Rd 2, which Stop n Shop is off of. Random Rd actually runs right between Major Rd 1 and Major Rd 2, if that helps.
    SC: But where it is on Major Rd 1?
    Me: Let me thi...
    SC: Oh, it's okay. I have a GPS.
    SC: So I can just come get it Thursday then?
    Me: Yeah, we'll definitely have it.
    SC: Make sure it's at least X. I might need Z, though. I don't think I will. But I might.
    Me: *WANTS TO DIE* Don't worry. I'm gonna order Y, so it'll be fine.
    SC: All right. I really am probably only gonna need X. I just wannna make sure.
    Me: Yup, that's...that's fine. *NO IT'S NOT* Now, what was your name again?
    SC: Oh, did you need my account number?
    Me: Nope; just your name is fine.
    SC: It's Bippity Bop.
    Me: Thank you. And please keep in mind, if you don't come Thursday, we're going to have to send the cash back.
    SC: I'll be there, don't worry! Thank you!
    Me: You're welcome.

    The phone call blessedly ends. Yay! Even though I'm doing cash orders right now, I go over to my head teller to give her the heads up. Her reaction isn't exaclty what I expect:

    Me: ...
    HT: Hey, Manager!
    MGR: Yeah?
    HT: Remember that woman who asked for X a couple weeks ago and never came for it?
    Me: ...THAT WAS HER?!?
    HT: Yeah, yeah it was. MGR, she just called and asked for it again.
    MGR: Oh, god. Seriously?
    Me: *for some reason wanting to give SC the benefit of the doubt* Well, she did say that she prefers to go to Branch A. So maybe she got confused and went there the last time? (And they have a much larger cash limit than us, so it's possible for them to have that amount on hand)
    HT: No! She called a couple days later and told us she didn't come in because she was sick and couldn't leave the house!
    Me: Buh!
    HT: She had BETTER come in this time.
    Me: Hey, wait a sec...if she's the one who made that last order, then she's definitely been to this branch before.
    HT: Oh, yeah, of course.
    Me: *FEELINGS OF DOOM* She just spent five minutes asking me how to get here! AND THEN SHE SAID SHE HAD A GPS!!!

    Well, folks, Thursday comes. And Thursday goes. And guess who doesn't show up to make her withdrawal? Yeeeeeah.

    She didn't come today, either. Does she want her damnable monies or not?! Anyway, the cash is going back out, and if she calls again? We're telling her NO. You're cut off, Bibbity Bop! No more random and unnecessary cash orders for you!
    Last edited by alowlypotato; 08-22-2009, 05:30 PM. Reason: Correctin' a transposition

  • #2
    welcome to CS

    wow... Hopefully you dont have to deal with that lady anymore (but if you do be sure to tell us about it)
    Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.


    • #3
      OH OH! I'll take it if she doesn't want it!

      Oh and hi!
      wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
      Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.


      • #4
        Why the hell not just call Branch A to begin with? Maybe she just enjoys jerking you around...
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
          Why the hell not just call Branch A to begin with? Maybe she just enjoys jerking you around...
          There maybe an unnecessary word in the above post. I'm not sure.
          Long days, short nights, a bottle of NOS makes it all right.

          Canadians Unite !


          • #6
            Quoth 411guy View Post
            There maybe an unnecessary word in the above post. I'm not sure.
            You mean "Maybe"?

            You're probably right.
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              I thought the intentional lack of a space in "there may be..." would give it away that that is exactly what I meant.
              Long days, short nights, a bottle of NOS makes it all right.

              Canadians Unite !


              • #8
                Quoth 411guy View Post
                I thought the intentional lack of a space in "there may be..." would give it away that that is exactly what I meant.
                Oh, I got that...
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  Hello Potato! Welcome!

                  Hmmm....Potatoes....Now I'm hungry!
                  "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                  • #10
                    Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                    Why the hell not just call Branch A to begin with? Maybe she just enjoys jerking you around...
                    Perhaps she's pulled this type of shit with Branch A and has been cut off?

                    Oh, and WELCOME TO CS, Potato!
                    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                    • #11
                      Placing a cash order then not coming in to make the withdrawl is stupid. Guess who's going to be suspected as an accomplice if the bank gets robbed that day - with the cash order resulting in them having more cash on hand (and hence a bigger loss) than would normally be the case?
                      Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the welcome, peeps!

                        And, yeah, I'm not sure if she's willfully jerking us around or she's just crazy. Either way, it's five kinds of annoying -- and inconvenient for us!

                        Quoth wolfie View Post
                        Placing a cash order then not coming in to make the withdrawl is stupid. Guess who's going to be suspected as an accomplice if the bank gets robbed that day - with the cash order resulting in them having more cash on hand (and hence a bigger loss) than would normally be the case?
                        THIS POINT IS EXTREMELY VALID. And most robbers don't go for the vault -- they take what they can from a drawer and book it. So if they did just happen to take the unusual action of going for the vault on the same day we'd gotten in an order like this? Ooooh shiz.


                        • #13
                          Quoth alowlypotato View Post

                          She didn't come today, either. Does she want her damnable monies or not?! Anyway, the cash is going back out, and if she calls again? We're telling her NO. You're cut off, Bibbity Bop! No more random and unnecessary cash orders for you!
                          Can you really do that? I understand the woman is likely a little demented (possibly older a little senile maybe?), but can you realy withhold cash tender from her and force her to take a bank check or cashiers check? What if she then tries to cash it, you still wouldn't be able to honor it.


                          • #14
                            They could most likely tell her that because of her past actions, she will have to make large withdrawals from the main bank, which always has the money on hand.
                            "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                            • #15
                              Quoth tamezin View Post
                              Can you really do that? I understand the woman is likely a little demented (possibly older a little senile maybe?), but can you realy withhold cash tender from her and force her to take a bank check or cashiers check? What if she then tries to cash it, you still wouldn't be able to honor it.
                              I see your point, but Ironclad is right; we would tell her to go to either our main office or another branch known to have a higher total cash limit. We'd also still be able to give her what cash we're able without, well, breaking the vault.

                              And the thing is that, yes, we can and do "withhold" cash from people every day and have them either take a check for what we can't give them or go to another branch. We have to make sure we have enough left over to get us through the rest of the day (shipments only come in once a day). And every day that we're over our total cash limit, whether due to a patron's order or due to an over-order on our part, we risk both branch security and compliance. It's pretty strict, because the more money we have on hand, the worse a large-scale robbery could potentially be -- and that's bad for us, the institution, and the customers who happen to be there if/when it happens. So if someone's continually ordering large amounts of cash and then not picking it up, we have to put our foot down.

