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the"im going shopping before i have to catch a plane" lady

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  • the"im going shopping before i have to catch a plane" lady

    sit down fellow minions of the man, and let me tell you a story of the shopping right before i have to catch a plane lady.(this happened to 2 co-workers but i got in it 3/4 through it)

    i dont know the actually beginning, but heres mine. i walk around the corner to the fitting room, and here i see a woman standing the the doorway blocking it and pretty much yelling at my 2 co-workers to hurry up., i walk in to see they are looking up a university of texas jackets sku(department people know this) in the ITEM MASTER book. personaly i fear this book. this book is a binder that contains every sku/upc/everything in the apparel dept at my store. this is all contained in like a 7 inch ring binder. so it freaking huge. we both of the co-workers are veterans so they know what to do. so while they are looking for it, the lady is still badering them to hurry up and saying why cant we use a texas a&m one. we explain the rules for invertory, but she says she understands but still wants to hurry(?????), so then she starts talking to me about getting a manager saying this is taking to long, so i call the mod. but im about done paging him, they get the new tag done and one the co-workers tags it and helps her to the front, the manager walks up, i explain what i know, then he walks up front. now it get crazy.

    1. lady complains that it takes to long
    2. complains more about there being a jeresy(yes a jersey that does no damage the jacket) inside the jacket and wants a discount b/c of it.
    2. contiunes bitchin about random crap.manger give 5% discount to get here out of here

    reason for all of this- she need to leave to catch a plane.

  • #2
    No one in food service in a tourist town would be at all surprised by that story. It happens all the time. SC walks in, sits down, and orders. Then they either (A) tell you they need the order quickly, as they have a plane to catch, or (B) five minutes after they order, ask if they order can be to go, as it is taking too long, and they have a plane to catch.

    People, people, people. When you are on a tight schedule to catch a plane, and are hungry, might I suggest you go to a fast food establishment or dine at the airport? I only say this because, when you walk into a regular restaurant, they are not going to have your freakin' order ready instantly! That is why they are not themselves referred to as fast food establishments. They offer quality meals for a price, and the crazy thing is that it takes time to actually COOK the food that you ordered!

    It amazes me that these people are apparently gainfully employed somewhere.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      I get people all the time who go "HURRY UP!!! I gotta catch a bus!!" or "I'm running late for an engagement! Hurry!!" It honestly encourages me to slow down a bit. I say if you are in a big rush to get somewhere, you don't need to be making any unnecessary stops. It just bugs the crap out of me. I had to deal with it alot when I was working at Burger King.


      • #4
        Travel can be SO stressful. Look at all there is to do!

        1 - pack bags
        2 - confirm tickets
        3 - arrange for neighbour to water plants
        4 - drive to store, select an item completely non-essential for travel, delay the staff with bitching and moaning, ask for manager, wait for manager, complain to manager, finally make purchase
        5 - catch plane

        You see? No wonder she was in such a bad mood!

        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


        • #5
          Quoth Boozy View Post
          Travel can be SO stressful. Look at all there is to do!
          4 - drive to store, select an item completely non-essential for travel, delay the staff with bitching and moaning, ask for manager, wait for manager, complain to manager, finally make purchase
          5 - catch plane Miss cut off for time for bags- blame everyone but yourself for missing the plane.
          I fixed it for You!


          • #6
            This is common with arenas, except it's events we're dealing with. I've had people come in when the basketball game is at half-time already and they complain about not finding a spot. The thing is there is a little message on all tickets in large enough print saying "please arrive at least 45 minutes early prior to the event." Is that not easy folks?

            It amazes me that these people are apparently gainfully employed somewhere
            Gah, and half of these people who are employed and do these things are the ones who have VIP parking and suites. These are the ones who are the biggest idiots when it comes to common sense.
            The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


            • #7
              I deal with this all the time. People coming to cancel there cable/internet/phone/all of the above services. After the home services counter is closed, or when it takes to long to return there equipment, they say they need to catch a plane and are moving or leaving the country. So you wait until your on your way to the airport to leave the country to close your account and drop off equipment...interesting?


              • #8
                That was one thing I HATED about working the breakfast shift at a hotel restaurant. Without fail and in spite of us opening at 6:00 a.m., every Sunday and Monday mornings we would have people come into the restaurant at 7:30 a.m. with their luggage in tow expecting to be seated, order, be served, eat, pay and be out the door before their shuttle to the airport arrived at 8:00 a.m. Even when we busted tail to try to help them meet their insane schedule demands, half of them still would complain about not having "enough time to enjoy breakfast" and then wouldn't tip as they knew they never would see us again.
                "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
                .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


                • #9
                  I posted this as a rule in my guide for mall shoppers:

                  The more of a rush you are in, is proportional to how slowly I will ring your transaction.

                  Don't be a jackass. If you go shopping, don't have 50 other things planned for the day! Our store actually had some lady complain that "everything took too long", "I explained to the girl that I had X, Y, Z thing to do, but she just didn't get it." Mind you, this assclown wanted all this extra special treatment that required us to spend the extra time working with her..had she not requested half the crap she requested, she would have been out the door in half the time... Sheesh! make up your mind! So, I don't even try anymore... you can "hurry" me all you want, I'll proceed to take my sweet ass time. Notice how the nice, easy-going customers tend to leave faster?...get the hint.
                  I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                  • #10
                    I get that occasionally with people who call in for a refill. Bonus points if it's too early to fill and I need to call insurance for an override. Extra special bonus points if it's out of refills and I need to call the doctor for more.
                    I remember one lady was going to Vegas and she did that very thing with her birth control. All I could do at that point was send a note to her doctor for more, but seeing as it was 8 or 9 at night, there wasn't going to be anyone there to get the note.
                    "OMG! Can't you just give me a pack? I need it!"
                    I did tell her that if her doctor called in, she could go to a walgreens there and transfer and fill it, but otherwise, condoms are on aisle 3.....


                    • #11
                      Quoth ihatethenba68 View Post
                      This is common with arenas, except it's events we're dealing with. I've had people come in when the basketball game is at half-time already and they complain about not finding a spot.

                      Another good one is people showing up 10 min before the event is to start and can't understand that when an event starts at 7:00, it means it starts at 7:00. Very common problem at the arena I work at (except don't have many events).
                      Last edited by LionMan; 11-29-2006, 08:36 PM. Reason: bad quoting

