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Racism, New Age Hijinks, and the art of book throwing

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  • Racism, New Age Hijinks, and the art of book throwing

    You do know the Allies won WWII, right?

    One of my co-workers couldn't help this "old lady" figure out a song she heard on the radio (Note: we don't carry music. Period.). Frustrated that he couldn't help her, she left, but not before uttering Jap Bastard mumbling to herself as she left.

    Yes, my co-worker is Part Japanese. He shrugged off the insult, saying "If she used flattop, i'd kiss her."

    Do you even practice what you preach?

    I'm gonna be quite upfront here: I hate it when I have to deal with a customer that deals with New Age subject matter. Usually it's some "specialized" train of thought or process or whatever that is either Out-of-Print or exclusive thru some website or program, and people try to find alternatives in not paying the prices these folks are charging. Oh, and woe is me when I am unable to fulfill said "requester" in their search for true enlightenment. So you can see my abhorrent disgust in the New Age arts.

    I had to deal with this really smug arsehole whom seemed to not practice what he preaches. He comes in with this holier-than-thou attitude looking for this book by some Swami or Guru (I can't remember the name) and of course, I get the title that I don't have listed either in the system or in the online databases.

    Now this guy is becoming extremely prissy and is adamant that he searched our store database online and that we have the title. Well, I get the author, but not the title. The guy is not helping because he's just repeating what he saw online, implying quite obviously via his tone of voice and demeanor that he's right, and I'm wrong. He's not willing to help me what he saw exactly online, and wants his stuff now expecting it to be on the shelf wrapped up in diamond foil with platinum ribbons. I can't find a listing,

    After a few minutes of pulling up nothing, the guy smugly leaves...only to come back a minute later and ask for the store number, which I give to him. One of my co-workers, who has watched this guy be a complete jerk to me, comments on the guy, wondering how such people that are so involved in being "at peace" can be such dicks.

    I coldly reply back "Those that are stupid enough to sign petitions to ban Dihydrogen Monoxide."

    Learn to throw!!

    This didn't happen to me, but i've noticed a growing trend where people will buy books, and then return them, citing the need for money. Uh, why are you buying stuff in the first place when you need cash?

    Anyway, the return policy is pretty clear: returns are done in the form of payment tendered during the original sale. Cash for cash, CC for CC, etc. The exceptions are that a customer can opt to do either an exchange or ask for store credit instead in lieu of the original tender.

    One guy buys a book with a gift card. For reasons i'm not 100% sure, he comes back and asks for cash back. The MOD at the time tells the guy that she is unable to give him cash, because the receipt shows he paid by gift card. He's adamant about getting cash, and after being refused, storms off, turns around at the door, and throws the book at another co-worker at the register at the time. Luckily, his throw only hits a rack, and Mall Security is informed of the guy. Luck also that the book throw was a Mass-market book.

    Yes, love my job.
    Last edited by Hon'ya-chan; 08-24-2009, 10:43 AM.

  • #2
    Quoth Hon'ya-chan View Post
    This didn't happen to me, but i've noticed a growing trend where people will buy books, and then return them, citing the need for money. Uh, why are you buying stuff in the first place when you need cash?
    Hand them the address to the nearest library. : p


    • #3
      Quoth Hon'ya-chan View Post
      One guy buys a book with a gift card. For reasons i'm not 100% sure, he comes back and asks for cash back.
      Some people get gift cards for things they don't ever use (like illiterate jerks getting gift cards for bookstores!). You usually get these mismatches when your boss tries to be generous, or your great aunt Whoosie (that you haven't seen since you were two) sends you a birthday card.

      Even though these things aren't exchangeable for cash, lots of people think they can get around it by buying something and then returning it immediately. In some stores, it works (they don't have the like-for-like rule), in others, like your own, it doesn't. EWs don't like being told "no", though, so be prepared for the rant about the world being unfair if you have to talk to one of these people.

      And learn to duck!
      Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


      • #4
        On behalf of new age-y types, I apologize for about seventy-five percent of us. We're not all hypocritical assholes.

        And someone seriously said "Jap bastard"? Wow... That phrase went out of style sixty years ago. We should put this woman in a museum.

        Check out my comic. I write, my friend Red draws. Comments welcome. Leave them on their, or on my profile here.


        • #5
          Quoth Hon'ya-chan View Post
          I coldly reply back "Those that are stupid enough to sign petitions to ban Dihydrogen Monoxide."
          That just made my day!
          Last edited by tjay; 08-24-2009, 09:02 PM. Reason: Fix quote tags


          • #6
            Jap bastard? Really? Does she spend her free time watching WWII era propaganda films? What an arse bandit.
            Ah, tally-ho, yippety-dip, and zing zang spillip! Looking forward to bullying off for the final chukka?


            • #7
              Quoth Hon'ya-chan View Post
              I coldly reply back "Those that are stupid enough to sign petitions to ban Dihydrogen Monoxide."
              Penn and Tellers 'Bullshit' for the win!
              Gotta love a show that unapologetically points out the stupidity of the people around them


              • #8
                Quoth Pairou View Post
                Hand them the address to the nearest library. : p
                Yeah, just not the one >I< work at, ok? We get enough of those people already, and they all had a library card before that they lost, so they'll have to pay the replacement fee, plus they all owe us hundreds of dollars for the books they previously borrowed 20 years ago and never returned:

                I don't remember borrowing those!

                Lady, I don't remember what I said 2 minutes ago, so I don't expect you to remember what you borrowed and didn't return 20 years ago. I do, however, expect you to pay us what you owe us before I'll issue you a new card, which will cost you another $XX ... have a nice day!
                I love mankind ... it's people I can't stand. -- Linus Van Pelt


                • #9
                  Quoth Pairou View Post
                  Hand them the address to the nearest library. : p
                  Oddly enough, it's about a block away, but seeing we're in the mall, we're more "convenient."

                  Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post
                  Even though these things aren't exchangeable for cash, lots of people think they can get around it by buying something and then returning it immediately. In some stores, it works (they don't have the like-for-like rule), in others, like your own, it doesn't. EWs don't like being told "no", though, so be prepared for the rant about the world being unfair if you have to talk to one of these people.
                  No, i've encountered similar incidents like the guy who wants cash back for a purchase citing some sob story about how they can't purchase groceries or can't pay the electric bill and need to return the book back. Gee, I can manage my expenses quite fine with the meager retail slave salary I get. And I'm surrounded by tempting printed vices.

                  Quoth Hyena Dandy View Post
                  And someone seriously said "Jap bastard"? Wow... That phrase went out of style sixty years ago. We should put this woman in a museum.
                  Quoth Bradester View Post
                  Jap bastard? Really? Does she spend her free time watching WWII era propaganda films? What an arse bandit.
                  I'm still waiting for a Nazi to come in and complain about how we don't stock Mein Kampf 24/7.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Hyena Dandy View Post
                    On behalf of new age-y types, I apologize for about seventy-five percent of us. We're not all hypocritical assholes.

                    And someone seriously said "Jap bastard"? Wow... That phrase went out of style sixty years ago. We should put this woman in a museum.
                    I still actually hear people calling the workers at Panda Express "Japs" for being slow.

                    Kangaroo Squee!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Digitalpotato View Post
                      I still actually hear people calling the workers at Panda Express "Japs" for being slow.
                      There was a Korean comedienne (Esther Ku) who did a skit once about people using the wrong slang term for her ethnicity.

                      "Check your Redneck-to-English dictionary! I'm a Gook, not a Chink!"

                      Me, I'm an American mutt: I don't dare be racist or I'll wind up biting my own butt.
                      Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


                      • #12
                        Two questions:
                        If you were German, would she say Hun bastard?

                        Did the guy have the wrong store?


                        • #13
                          Quoth Hyena Dandy View Post
                          And someone seriously said "Jap bastard"? Wow... That phrase went out of style sixty years ago. We should put this woman in a museum.
                          In that case, somebody should call the Smithsonian and let them know one of their interactive displays is on the loose.
                          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                          • #14
                            Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
                            Two questions:
                            If you were German, would she say Hun bastard?

                            Did the guy have the wrong store?
                            I'd imagine "Germans" in a snotty french type-tone.

                            Which guy?


                            • #15
                              Quoth Hon'ya-chan View Post
                              I'd imagine "Germans" in a snotty french type-tone.

                              Which guy?
                              The guy that came in looking ofr the book that he swore up and down you had and then he asked what store number. So did he go into your store and really wanted to go to the one down the street or the next town over or something? Anyways, it seems like the biggest asses are the ones that would say, "Think globally, act locally...".

