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EW in College (even more arrogant) (freakishly long)

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  • EW in College (even more arrogant) (freakishly long)

    it's been a while since I last posted. . . reminder: I work in the ID office for the school I go to

    I only worked 4, I repeat 4, hours today and you wouldn't believe the hassle we received in the ID office.

    Background Info = Classes start on Tuesday and this is move-in-weekend so we were expecting a heavy load to come through. We helped a Minimum of 265 (i memorized cause I had to do the tally) people today in a tiny little office with two computers to print cards. That doesn't include the phone calls, emails, and others who came in and we didn't have to print a card for them.

    EW just accepted into college
    She was accepted into the Parallel Program at my University which means she actually attends a community college to build up her grades before she is admitted as a matriculated student at the University. Yet she still gets a student card for this school.
    We had a busload of international students dropped off to get their ID's so there was a line of about 40-60 people (mind you this is a small building, the size of a normal house). She walks right up to the employee entrance and shoves the door open.

    EW: do I have to wait in this line to get my ID card? (In a snooty tone)
    Me: *not at all dear! come right on in!!* . . . yes.
    EW: But they are all foreign!
    Me: You can come back latter or stand in line now. I cannot guarantee the line will be shorter when you come back. (Then I shut the door in her face, some might have perceived it to have been slammed in her face but oh well.)

    EW Professor
    At this point we had no line because after printing 150 cards rapid fire the computers decided it was nap time. We could not do a damn thing until the system decided to work again.
    In walks a Professor with an old card that had his social security number. Over a year ago my boss emailed anyone with an ID card that had a ssn on it to come in and get a free replacement. The university decided to do away with ssn's and assign everyone new irrelevant numbers (a whole other headache).

    Me: Sorry Sir, but the system is down so I wont be able to print you a new card at the moment. You could try again later or come back--
    EWP: Unbelievable!! A year ago I was told to get a new card and then when I come in the system is down! Of course it happens to me! This is just ridiculous. I walk through the door and the computer seems to break. I find that to be a bit sketchy!
    Me: The computers have been down for the last half hour, we have someone working on the problem now but we don't know when they will be back up.
    EWP: *repeats the same thing with a few more profanities*
    Me: You had a year to come in. You received several emails and at least one phone call warning you that your card would no longer be working after <insert some date>. This is the one time the computer has crashed in months.

    Finally my supervisors step in ready to take his head off because we dealt with enough stress that day. He went away in a huff. Why did he wait until three days before classes start just to bitch and moan how inconvenient we were!?!

    Pointless Mom
    My biggest pet peeve are parents calling for their child who should be able to take care of themselves at this point in life. This mother calls and the conversation is mostly incoherent. I figured out that 1)she is exhausted 2) their house and neighborhood flooded 3) she wants to make sure that when her daughter arrives that there wont be a hassle for us to print the card. (we must have a bad reputation or something). This conversation lasts forever and I thought she wanted us to waive the fee or something. When I mention that she freaks out on me.

    Mom: I didn't call to have the fee waived or anything I just wanted to make sure everything would work out. Just charge it!

    Then what was the point to call me? Your daughter could have handled it all and I would not have left my coworker to handle the counter alone for close to 30 minutes.

    We ended up waiving the fee because the mom faxed us the insurance claim. And we printed the card before hand which was good because the daughter didn't show up until the computers had crashed.

    Free Gym Privileges
    sidenote: we print Spouse cards for Faculty, Employees, and Students. We have no idea if the marriage ends unless someone notifies us and we can eliminate the spouse's privileges. This one guy escaped notice for over 14 years so he continued to use the gym and library among other things. Once it was caught his card was suspended and he flipped a shit. That was maybe 10 months ago.

    He calls today, and my supervisor answered. He stood next to me so I heard pretty much everything. I kid you not, my supervisor was on the phone for 45 minutes talking in circles. Also, the man has a thick Russian accent so half the time my supervisor kept asking to repeat. He wanted his free gym privilege again. Since it is too late to register for the fall he wanted to register for spring but get his card now. We would not print your card now and even if we did it would not work! So then he gives the sob story of his divorce and how he is near death. . . . .

    I hate guilt trips. My father was the king of them so I have become immune to them. I lose all respect for a person when they pull that card. The simple fact is we will not print you a student card unless you are taking classes in the current semester. We will not print you a faculty/employee card unless you are *shocker* employed here! AND We will not print you a spouse card unless you are legally married to either of the previously two mentioned cases.

    I feel for you and am sorry for your misfortunes. We all have our own to bear but don't go rubbing yours in my face and I wont rub mine in yours. (except on this forum cause this is were a person can vent freely with no repercussions! Much Love to this site!)

    Apparently this guy has a PhD in Nuclear Physics, or so he claimed.


    So that's my beef today. I treated myself to a milkshake after work. Eases some of the frustration.
    There were some more bozos but I feel I have said enough.

    Thanks for your time if you made it this far! lol
    When Angels go bad, they go worse than anyone. Remember, Lucifer was an angel.

  • #2
    EW: But they're all foreign!

    Me: Which is why they're politely standing patiently in line instead of acting like the Queen of Magical Land of Entitlement.
    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


    • #3
      I'd believe it. I work in a textbook store.

      <Offers booze and pastries> Here my friend. To my fellow grunt stuck in the trenches.


      • #4
        There seems to have been a lot of PhDs given out recently from the University of B.S.
        How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


        • #5
          Quoth G-Radical View Post
          Free Gym Privileges

          So then he gives the sob story of his divorce and how he is near death. . .
          Do you seriously need an access to a gym when you're dying?

          Quoth G-Radical View Post
          Apparently this guy has a PhD in Nuclear Physics, or so he claimed.
          And I'm a world famous cloth designer. Please, pull the other one, it plays AC/DC.
          "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


          • #6
            A PhD, huh? Then he should be smart enough to know that what he has been doing for the past decade+ is call FRAUD. I wonder if you can place a little anonymous call about him...?
            "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
            "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
            "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
            "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
            "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
            "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
            Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
            "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


            • #7
              Quoth EricKei View Post
              A PhD, huh? Then he should be smart enough to know that what he has been doing for the past decade+ is call FRAUD. :
              I dunno about fraud. Theft of Services is more likely.
              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



              • #8
                Oh lord my Mom was one of those moms....
                Without my knowledge she would call the university and demand to know my grades/schedule/when my classes were/my professors names/had I signed up for the gym/How much was left on my food money program/why had I gone to the campus clinic/blah blah blah.

                It took me leaving collage and being on my own for a while before she finally started to leave well enough alone. Now we're doing better but for a while there...ugh.
                My heart goes out to you for having to deal with those people all the time!


                • #9
                  Quoth G-Radical View Post
                  you wouldn't believe the hassle we received in the ID office.
                  Oh, I bet we would......

                  Quoth G-Radical View Post
                  Why did he wait until three days before classes start just to bitch and moan how inconvenient we were!?!
                  A recent epiphany of mine, (yes, I'm slow).

                  People will trade all sorts of things in their life (money, sympathy, respect, TIME, etc.) for D-R-A-M-A .

                  Whether it is narcissism, a need for attention, or whatever, a certain segment of people crave conflict. It is the only form of social interaction they feel they really control, and the only one they can bring about at will. Pity and scorn should be our bolsters.


                  • #10
                    A PhD, huh? Then he should be smart enough to know that what he has been doing for the past decade+ is call FRAUD.
                    You'd think so, but one of the PhD students I work with seemed a little confused over why my English was so good (I'm Australian).
                    God made me a cannibal to fix problems like you. - Angelspit, '100%'

                    I'm sorry, I'm not authorised to give a f**k.


                    • #11
                      My parents didn't deal with my school at all except for the tuition payments and my student ID and phone account that they paid for. We could use our ID as a charge card on campus, and you could set it up for the bills to go to your parents or only to yourself. My parents paid my ID bill as long as it was reasonable. Only once did I go overboard, and they paid it but said if it happened again I would have to justify every purchase and pay them back for the extras. I never did it again. (I didn't have a credit card until my junior year, but having the ID charge account and my parents keeping tabs on it taught me to be responsible when I did get a real credit card.) We also got two PINs for the phone. One bill went to the parents and one to the student, so if I was calling home they'd pay for it. If I wanted to make other calls, without my parents being able to see who all I was calling, I could use that PIN and pay for it myself. Though my parents got free long distance because my dad worked for AT&T so I would call, ring once, and they'd call me back. They rarely had a phone bill on that account.

                      When I lost my wallet during my sophomore year, I, oddly enough, went to the security office, said "I lost my wallet and I need a new ID," paid the 10 bucks and got a new card. All by myself!!!!!
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

