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Only one real SC today and a confession about buttons

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  • Only one real SC today and a confession about buttons

    So I walk into work and see a new girl about ready to break down on the registers. She has a huge line. It's ten minutes before my shift, but I clock in, pull my work shoes on and jump on the other register. I let people know we're pulling from one line, people don't listen, please go back to the other line, wash, rinse, repeat. Then this woman jumps the line and starts screaming at me, something giving the girl 2 coupons and only one came off. I let her know that our system only allows us to use one coupon, as is stated right on the coupon. She says her husband is there and they could have split it up. I finally agree and tell her to get her husband and get in line and I'll help her. Finally it's rightfully her turn. I look at the receipt, 2 coupons have already been used, I point them out to her.

    Me: Actually, 2 coupons did come off. A 40% one and a $10 off coupon.
    SC: I don't get it, I want to use 2
    Me:...You did, a 40% coupon and a $10 coupon.
    SC: That's not 2. (I repeat, this time holding up 2 fingers) But I used 2 $10 coupons
    Me: Well unfortunately you can only use one, let me give you back the one that didn't go through.
    SC: Let me split up the transaction then.
    Me: Ok, well the 40% off coupon actually took $20 off, so you'd be spending $10 more if you want to switch coupons.
    SC: I don't get why I can't use another coupon.
    Me: Sigh, because it's one coupon per customer, no matter what the kind. You've used 2. If you would like to go and purchase 30 more dollars worth of stuff to use that second $10 coupon, you may. But I cannot apply it to this transaction.
    SC: What if I return it and purchase it again.
    Me: We cannot apply coupons to items like that. (People will return stuff and purchase it again to get the sale price. We can't do that and coupons are a part of that policy.)
    SC: Fine.
    Me: Ok, have a nice day.
    SC: What about my 10% coupon.
    SC: I have a VIP card, but it didn't take the 10% off.
    Me: Ok, well as I stated, we cannot combine coupons. You can use either the $10, or the 10%. I suggest the $10 because with the 10% you'd only be saving $2.
    SC: I want all of them.
    Me: Ok, would you please read the 2nd line on the front of your card.
    SC: Cannot be combined with any other
    Me: All right, and would you please read the 2nd line of the $10 coupon.
    SC: Cannot be combined with any other discounts. I want to use all 3 though.
    Me: I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do for you.

    These next 2 were just annoying, not really sucky.

    lady comes in with a box of labels. There're supposed to be 50, but there're only 40 in the pack. I apologize and tell her she can exchange. But wait, she doesn't want to. She wants her money back but she wants to keep the 40 labels as well. I inform her that her only options are to return and give me back the product, or to exchange. Or if she needs those labels I can give her half off on a new box. She still didn't understand why she couldn't get her money back without returning the product. Why? Because I offered to let you exchange, but since you didn't take the offer I'm beginning to think you're a scammer. How am I to know you didn't just take one of the packs out, and then claim that it was missing?

    We give teacher discounts for items the teachers are going to use for school. This woman cleaned us out of our debbie mum clearance quilting novelties. Like, mugs that say I <3 quilting and little statutes that I guess can be used as paperweights and little wreaths with spools of thread instead of flowers and leaves. I ask her what they're for cause she ended up buying %200 worth of the stuff. She says it's for her quilting club and then whips out a teacher discount card. I scan it through and say Me: It's so nice that your school offers a quilting club.
    Lady: School? No, this is just me and my friends.
    Me: Oh, it has nothing to do with school?
    Lady: No
    Me: Oh, I'll let you use it, but for future reference the cards are supposed to be for school related projects only.
    Lady: Ok, and this (hands me a tax exempt card)
    Me: ...Is the quilting club through your church?
    Lady: No
    Me: Well, I can't use the church's tax exemption card if the items aren't for the church (this one I did not let slide. When an organization gives you a tax exempt card, it's for items being bought for the organization. Not just for you and your friends.)

    Other news: Our store is so unorganized right now because our GM was fired. Sucks. I'm not going to say why because I've heard a couple different stories and I don't wanna post a rumor.

    I put up a halloween display of fabric and costume patters. Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday. Not at work, obviously. Please, don't wait till the week before to buy costume makings and then complain about the lines. I usually ask to work one less day per week during october because I don't want work crap to ruin my Halloween spirit.

    And finally the button thing. I love buttons. I'm absolutely obsessed. You know how sometimes when you buy clothes they have extra buttons attached to them? Apparently as a toddler I used to steal those little bags whenever I went clothes shopping with my mom. I don't remember this, but my mom used to tell me that she had to check my pockets before we left a store for buttons. I was an evil little baby. Don't worry, that passed. Now I buy my buttons. I love flea markets, people put the oddest things out. So today I was marking clearance buttons. We're combining 2 displays and putting out a new one. I was in heaven. One button for the clearance basket, one for me. I ended up getting $70 worth of buttons for $5. I don't do anything with them...just put them in jars. I can't help it. I have a problem.

  • #2
    Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
    SC: Cannot be combined with any other discounts. I want to use all 3 though.
    Mam, please look at this X-ray of a head. See the little label on the brain that says "To be used for rational thought." Please do so.
    I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
    Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
    Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


    • #3
      Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
      She still didn't understand why she couldn't get her money back without returning the product.
      If only I, too, could buy things and then get my money back for them later while keeping the actual products You get some real SC gems in your store, I must say!
      "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


      • #4
        Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
        And finally the button thing. I love buttons. I'm absolutely obsessed. You know how sometimes when you buy clothes they have extra buttons attached to them? Apparently as a toddler I used to steal those little bags whenever I went clothes shopping with my mom. I don't remember this, but my mom used to tell me that she had to check my pockets before we left a store for buttons. I was an evil little baby. Don't worry, that passed. Now I buy my buttons. I love flea markets, people put the oddest things out. So today I was marking clearance buttons. We're combining 2 displays and putting out a new one. I was in heaven. One button for the clearance basket, one for me. I ended up getting $70 worth of buttons for $5. I don't do anything with them...just put them in jars. I can't help it. I have a problem.
        Sounds like a harmless hobby. Especially now you've grown out of nicking them from clothes stores. <big winkie humour thing>

        BTW: you may want to investigate the museums in your region - some museums will be interested in those button collections. Especially if you start labelling the jars with age/provenance information.

        You can add a 'codicil' to your will stating that the buttons should be offered to museums X, Y and Z. By the time you die, you should have some that are fifty, sixty, maybe ninety years old. Historic.

        (yeah, I'm a geek.)
        Seshat's self-help guide:
        1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
        2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
        3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
        4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

        "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


        • #5
          ah. the classic coupon combination SC. When they come on a bad day it just makes you want to burst into tears. People would rather make a person cry than pay an extra $2. What a sad sad world we live in.


          • #6
            Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
            I love buttons. I'm absolutely obsessed. YOne button for the clearance basket, one for me. I ended up getting $70 worth of buttons for $5. I don't do anything with them...just put them in jars. I can't help it. I have a problem.
            ^_^ I love buttons too! I have a whole jar started nice big pickle jar... don't know if I'll ever do anything with them...but they are fun
            "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


            • #7
              "I don't do anything with them...just put them in jars. I can't help it. I have a problem."
              For all you button people out there, if you ever consider making anything with them, may I suggest I've seen people turn them into neclaces (I really, really want a button bracelet) earrings, button "flower" arrangements, etc.

              I'd love to see someone who just sews buttons onto things like I pin pins onto my bookbag

              but then again, it's also fun just to stick your hand into a jar of buttons ^_^
              Last edited by Broomjockey; 08-29-2009, 08:25 PM. Reason: adding quote tags. Because they're pretty.
              I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose. ~George Carlin.


              • #8
                Quoth Raventhistle View Post
                "I don't do anything with them...just put them in jars. I can't help it. I have a problem."

                For all you button people out there, if you ever consider making anything with them, may I suggest I've seen people turn them into neclaces (I really, really want a button bracelet) earrings, button "flower" arrangements, etc.

                I'd love to see someone who just sews buttons onto things like I pin pins onto my bookbag

                but then again, it's also fun just to stick your hand into a jar of buttons ^_^
                I'm in the process of making a dress out of t-shirts. When I went to get the color thread I wanted for it, I found a box of buttons and one set had robots. I'm going to put superfluous robot buttons on my t-shirt dress
                I have CDO. It's kinda like OCD, but the letters are where they should be!

                After Tuesday, even the calendar goes W T F...


                • #9
                  I collect patterns like you collect buttons. I have bins upon bins upon boxes of new patterns, old patterns, self drafted patterns, vintage patterns, just patterns. I rarely use them too.


                  • #10
                    I seem to remember somewhere a dress made all out of buttons...must look for that picture.


                    • #11
                      ohhhhhh buttons i use to sew buttons just for fun...........ive heard of people making little displays like for those stupid collector spoons for buttons.

                      i want to have a room for sewing that is painted white with little blue black and red strips like notebook paper with random buttons paint on the wall. and patches i love patches too.


                      • #12
                        Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
                        I was an evil little baby.
                        This line, literally made me laugh out loud.
                        Also, I thought it was adorable. I don't know why.
                        you are = you're. not "your".


                        • #13
                          Quoth Aethian View Post
                          I seem to remember somewhere a dress made all out of buttons...must look for that picture.
                          I tried googling out of curiosity. Didn't find a button dress, but I did find this one...

                          I'm reminded of when I was a kid. In the room that my brother and I slept in at my grandparents' house there was a little bookshelf filled with old candy tins which were filled with different kinds of beads and marbles. My grandmother did a lot of needlework but I don't think she did anything with those beads. I used to love to go through them, though.
                          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                          • #14
                            If you like buttons, you'd like the sweaters I saw on display the other day at one of my favorite yarn stores - knit out of some fabulous luxury yarn that I'll never be able to afford, and covered in lovely mother-of-pearl buttons in various geometric shapes. They were pretty '80s.

                            I kind of understand the obsession. I knit. I collect yarn. I have enough yarn to last me from here to the Apocalypse. I keep telling myself I won't buy any more yarn, because I. Have. Enough. Yet I always end up buying more...

                            Yes. I do need help; why do you ask?

