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Striking back at sucky customers AND crime

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  • Striking back at sucky customers AND crime

    At my job as an under staffed clerk I'm stuck with the title of "jack of all trades". so if it doesn't involve food I've probably been trained to do it...including security.
    Now the day started out sucking royaly as per usual, picking up trash, stocking shelves, telling people to look left for the product they are looking for. to get a frame of referance of me I'm the gruff kinda grumpy guy (Not around customers) looking for an excuse to throw out the bad apples, so to speak. security knows this. already in a foul mood from being accused of false advertising from an illterite prick who can't tell up from down with how we post our sales signs, security, lets call him jim, taps me on the shoulder and says to follow him. we follow this short fat guy out the door and try to stop him. the guy TRIES to run. jim's on him in a heart beat as am I. the guy tries to put up a fight swinging at jim who spins him around and pins him to the front of a car. official security must lead the way for apprehension , now i'm free to join in. grabbing his free flailing arm that was hitting jim and forcing it behind his back I twist it as much as I could, as did jim. now, during the take down fatty's way over sized sweat pants have fallen down to his knees while we are trying to get the cuffs on him. so lets recap. perp bent over a car, pants around his knees, two guys cuffing him... awkward. so we finally get the cuffs on and his pants up and we get him to the security office. in his pants and sweater he had stolen a hundred fifty some odd dollar pocket t.v. and two movies. now in my store if you are caught stealing you are charged ten times the value of the item. anything over two hundred dollars is considered felony fraud. twenty minutes later the cops come and hual his ass off. and I'm smiling like a mad fiend all day and I freak out my co-workers who know me as "the grumpy guy". later I learn that guy came here often, got lots of complaints about and had just landed on the BOTL (be on the look-out) list from another store in out chain, for suspected theft. strike on for the clerks.
    Last edited by Boozy; 08-31-2009, 12:00 PM.

  • #2
    Quoth evilone View Post
    ...during the take down the guy's way over sized sweat pants have fallen down to his knees while we are trying to get the cuffs on him.
    We had a similar incident at the grocery store awhile back, except the guy's pants fell down while he was trying to run from the managers who were following him. I guess it's hard to keep your pants up after you stash a fifth of Jack in them.

    Quoth evilone View Post
    now in my store if you are caught stealing you are charged ten times the value of the item
    Ten times? Wow. That doesn't seem like it could be legal.
    Last edited by Boozy; 08-31-2009, 12:00 PM.


    • #3
      Quoth CarcinogenCrunchies View Post
      Ten times? Wow. That doesn't seem like it could be legal.
      Sounds like a chain, which is likely to get orders from corporate, which has lots of lawyers. It doesn't prevent stupid things from being done, but usually excellent at finding ways to punish people while keeping the store at minimum liability. There's sure to be something that makes it strictly legal.
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #4
        there's a two hundred fifty dollar cap. after that we can't charge them any more money. it makes up for the tons of little items they get away with.


        • #5
          When you twisted his arm back around him I hope you made it hurt. I wonder how he'll feel about complaining in the kitchen line at the local prison.
          Part Angel Part Sadist

