The Overflowing Cart On Friday I was working alone for an hour, no biggie, it's usually slow around that time. Three ladies show up with an overflowing cart. As I start to ring it up I hear one of the ladies pipe up "These will be three separate charges.
The groceries aren't sorted in any way and the ladies picked through the cart trying to find what was theirs. A line is forming and the ladies then start arguing. "I'm going to be using more eggs than you I should buy the eggs." "Oh no you can't buy the milk I'm buying the milk." Etc Etc.
I am thankful that the customers in line were all regulars and very patient.
Hands Off The Money Our registers are set up in a way that a customer in the next line is standing right next to the registers in a different line. I am counting out a customers change and I turn to close the til. There is some guy in the next line with his hand on the til.
"Mind if I help myself, he he he." He says as he wiggles his hands over the money. I shot him a dirty look. His wife shot him and equally dirty look. He took his hands away quickly muttering about it being just a joke.
Put Your Cart And Trash Anywhere You Like A woman walks by me pushing an empty cart. She tells me she didn't find what she was looking for. She wheels the cart past the cart corral up to the door. She then proceeds to dump the trash from her coat and purse into the cart before simply walking out.
The groceries aren't sorted in any way and the ladies picked through the cart trying to find what was theirs. A line is forming and the ladies then start arguing. "I'm going to be using more eggs than you I should buy the eggs." "Oh no you can't buy the milk I'm buying the milk." Etc Etc.
I am thankful that the customers in line were all regulars and very patient.
Hands Off The Money Our registers are set up in a way that a customer in the next line is standing right next to the registers in a different line. I am counting out a customers change and I turn to close the til. There is some guy in the next line with his hand on the til.
"Mind if I help myself, he he he." He says as he wiggles his hands over the money. I shot him a dirty look. His wife shot him and equally dirty look. He took his hands away quickly muttering about it being just a joke.
Put Your Cart And Trash Anywhere You Like A woman walks by me pushing an empty cart. She tells me she didn't find what she was looking for. She wheels the cart past the cart corral up to the door. She then proceeds to dump the trash from her coat and purse into the cart before simply walking out.