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What is THAT!?

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  • What is THAT!?

    I had a lady come into my line today (note I am a casino worker) and she did a credit card transaction and I asked for her card and DL.

    Her credit card was odd. The back wasn't signed, wasn't blank and didn't have See ID. NO. It said: Sole N. What is that!? Definately not her name, not even close. I was so confused...

    Me: Just curious, ma'am what is this? *I point to the word*

    SC *gets real snotty* It's MY account! It's so it won't get stolen!

    Me: Yeah... I get that but what does this word mean? (and I proceeded to tell her what usually goes there)

    She could NOT get what the hell I meant. I finally went into the back and showed the supervisor. SV said just do it. The SC spoke perfect english--so I don't think it was another language for see ID. But it was the weirdest thing I have EVER seen.

    She became a real bitch after I asked her that.

    SC: Why did it charge me so much!?

    Me: *keeping calm* Have you gone over your daily limit?

    SC: NO!

    Me: Then I'm not quite sure, its an outside company and unfortunately I don't know all their reasons behind why they charge what they do.

    SC: I didn't agree to this!

    Me: Unfortunately ma'am you hit the accept button, which means yes you did agree to it.

    I give her the money and she was growling the whole time.

    Right after her I got a really sweet guy who made me feel better.

    SG (sweet guy) Was she giving you a hard time?

    Me: Kind of. But I'm used to it. Why did I not keep a good straight face? (I said this with humor)

    SG: Nah, you did great. I know how you feel I work part time as a bartender and I see a mess of them too.


    I almost told him about this site but I didn't think my company would appreciate it. lol

    SG: Have a good night, I'm sure you will encounter more, as will I.

    He was awesome. Made me stop shaking in anger after SC left.

  • #2
    Let's see...he was sweet, understanding, and familiar with SCs. Was he cute and/or single?
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      Maybe she's dyslexic? She might have written "Sole N." on her card, so that any thief who stole it might think that's what her signature is...except that she cant spell and instead of "Stole N." she wrote "Sole N".

      But, then, people do stupid crap with their credit cards and debit cards. Was in the grocery store today, and someone ahead of me, after they scanned their card, said their PIN number out loud (very loudly) at the register while they were typing it into the keypad.

      PIN's are a great security feature, if you keep it to yourself and dont scream it loud enough for everyone within 40 feet to hear. I wouldnt have been surprised to see the guy get mugged in the parking lot.


      • #4
        Quoth Erin View Post
        said their PIN number out loud (very loudly) at the register while they were typing it into the keypad.
        Pffft, amatur. I know of people who write their PIN on the back of the card!
        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


        • #5
          My father, not known for his street smarts, keeps his PIN with his ATM card.

          As you can imagine, that worked out wonderfully well for him when he had his car and his identity stolen, thanks to him leaving his car unlocked, his keys on the front seat, and a briefcase stuffed full of his personal financial information, including a box of blank checks.

          It took him the better part of a decade to clean up his credit after that mess, mostly because my dad, who thinks the universe revolves around him, did not feel that it should be his due diligence to clean up that mess when he was the victim here. Never mind that he was made a victim thanks to his own negligence.

          Needless to say, we don't see eye-to-eye on a whole hell of a lot.


          • #6
            On a side note, 'See Id' wrecks my head. No! Just sign your currently invalid card you twat. Ah the glory of chip and pin..


            • #7
              Quoth crazylegs View Post
              Pffft, amatur. I know of people who write their PIN on the back of the card!
              "But it's MY PIN number! Nobody else can use it!"

              Always a show-stopper!
              I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

              -- Steven Wright

