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How To: Register As A Sex Offender

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  • #46
    Nate: As far as I know he was there for 30 seconds-enough to whip it out, fondle it, then shove his Natty Ice into his bag and get out.

    I never saw anything because I was out doing the returns. =/ I always seem to miss the fun. I only saw everyone rushing out and calling the cops, just not the actual flashing or body slamming.
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


    • #47
      Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
      well, he already had the stiff part

      As a slight off topic, has anyone else noticed that it is never the people you'd have wanted to see naked even in the proper environment that tend to do that most? It's always the dirty old man, or some variation on that theme... it's never the 21 year old porn star (though, for the record, I would NOT complain, too loudly, if Dempsey Stearns whipped it out in the hotel lobby)
      So true. Or when years ago in NY (I think) about law against women being topless in public, a bunch of women protested by by being topless? Not a looker among them?

      Though if you are going to whip it out, this might be the way to do it:
      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

      I wish porn had subtitles.


      • #48
        Quoth Iris Kojiro View Post
        What a pervert! I hope that guy gets a stiff prison sentence and does some real hard time.
        I'm guessing he will experience many stiff and hard things while in prison, especially in the showers.

        I've been told by someone who has a relative in the prison system that sex offenders have it really bad there, both from the other prisoners and the guards.
        "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


        • #49
          Awww..look...another belly button!!,

