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Security Factor 5

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  • #31
    Quoth Megg View Post
    "What are you, from Nunavut or something?!?"
    That would....certainly baffle those within earshot. -.-

    Quoth NightWatch
    You're just lucky they didn't close down the whole damn station, thus making you late to work.
    They can't. Best they can do is shut down one track and than hose it down afterhours. I know this from years of experience as someone has a bad habit of jumping in front off or falling into a Skytrain at least once every 4-6 months. ><

    Worse part is my clients include practically every step of this process from collecting the pieces to hosing the track off. I get a phone call every time someone dies in the lower mainland. So I know approximately how many people are perishing nightly in the city. ><

    There's a pleasant thought for you. One of the more unsettling aspects of my job.


    • #32

      What kind of F'ed up one-size-fits-any-conceivable-organization call center do you work in? Catalog orders AND police dispatch?


      • #33
        Quoth Stryker One View Post
        What kind of F'ed up one-size-fits-any-conceivable-organization call center do you work in? Catalog orders AND police dispatch?
        GK works for a company that outsources call centre staff to those organisations that don't have the need to maintain a full time staff.

        I don't think they do police dispatch, but contact them when security chump doesn't phone in.
        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


        • #34
          Quoth crazylegs View Post
          I don't think they do police dispatch, but contact them when security chump doesn't phone in.
          We do work with the police a fair amount ( amongst other agencies and services ) through certain other channels. But not as dispatch. More's say auxiliary services. >.>

          And I suppose my call mix is kind of crazy if you look at it as a whole. I have a few clients that would likely make you the entire lot of you go "WTF?!".


          • #35
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            I have a few clients that would likely make you the entire lot of you go "WTF?!".
            Now you KNOW you can't make that statement and not provide some examples, evidence, or explanations, as much as you can do so without violating the client's confidentiality.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #36
              Quoth Jester View Post
              Now you KNOW you can't make that statement and not provide some examples, evidence, or explanations, as much as you can do so without violating the client's confidentiality.
              Not sure I could even hint without getting the fark Googled out of me. =p


              • #37
                Quoth rerant View Post
                Oh heavens, the Fashion Twins sound like people who go to a club here called CiRCA. CiRCA has a "style code" not a dress code, which basically means the bouncers get to decide if you look cool enough to get in or not.
                They'd get in, I, in my tshirt and jeans, would not.

                Where is your god now?
                So totally been to Circa, and so totally got in because women dont have to look ridiculous to get in. Lil black dress was fineeeee
                But i saw what your referring to. All those bright colors can take a person down...
                Sorry, my love cannot be bought. And if it could, you obviously don't have enough in your account to do so.

                ~Do not pass go, Do not collect $200. You lose, my friend, you lose~

