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The Kappuccino Kid!

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  • #46
    Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
    Link please. Also, my reference was to E numbers and artificial colours and flavourings, like in Green Cola. I actually miss that stuff a little. XD

    Tho now, they'd probably dress it up as AHDD and pump him full of drugs. O_o
    Here is a link to a Businessweek article that quotes one of the studies.

    They've done a lot of them, over and over again, since the '70's and every single one comes up with the same information: kids don't get hyper because they eat sugary anything. It's a pure urban myth.

    Kids get hyper because their parents expect them to be hyper, so they often oblige. Plus, the parents in the study most likely to complain of hyperactivity are also hypercritical, and they report that they see it even if it doesn't actually exist.

    If you want more, just do a search using the words "sugar doesn't make kids hyper" and you'll get more results than you could ever possibly need. Most of the results also include other myths about kids and/or diet.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #47
      Quoth Zombi View Post
      I gave up stimulants (coffee, tea, sugar, chocolate and salt) once, and it was hellish. I had muscles spasms, headaches, shaking hands, darting eyes, poor concentration, the lot. I lasted two weeks, then hooked myself up to the caffeine drip again.
      Well, if you eliminate too much salt (although it's not a stimulant) and sugar out of your diet, those are some of the physiological effects that you'll get.
      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

