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  • Yes-No-Eanie-Meanie-Minie-Moe

    This could almost have been a roadkill because it happened in the parking lot.

    We have a no overnight parking policy, with signs at every entrance, and every office employee knows to tell people wanting to set-up their campers/rvs NO!

    So I'm starting my rounds and I was told by my coworker that he tried knocking on this rv at about midnight with no answer. So 1/2 hour later I try. Lo and behold I get pants-falling-off old guy. I tell him very politely (there are sorrys and excuse mes and sirs and ma'ams all through my speaking) that we don't allow overnight parking. He barks "so you're going to make me move!?" I said unfortunately, yes. He then goes into a tirade of how he called this mall and they said he couldn't stay then he called a store in our mall (rhymes with All Fart) and they said he could stay and then he called our mall office and they said he couldn't stay! So I repeated that to him, emphasizing he'd just said our mall office told him he couldn't stay. So he changed the story, saying both the mall and the store said it was ok. I told him that because we own the property and parking lots the stores cannot give permission. He then insisted that he called 2-weeks ago and talked to "some woman' in the office who had given him permission. But he couldn't remember her name, or the office number, or where the office is.

    Since I didn't have any paperwork telling me this guy had been given permission, I again told him that he could not stay here, because there was no proof he had permission and it was a safety issue. He blew-up and demanded my name and badge, blah blah blah, he's going to complain about me, he's going to come back first thing in the morning and have my job and he's never going to come to this state again! (fine, it's better without you!) He slams the door in my face and a woman comes-out and asks me again for my information, which I had been writing down for the guy when he closed the door. I asked HER if she knew who he had spoken to (trying to be nice and give them some plausable excuse to stay). She snaps at me "Do you think we would have bought a $10,000 RV if we didn't know where we COULD and COULDN'T stay!??"

    At that point the guy had fired-up the engine and took-off...with the lady still standing in the doorway. I made sure they left and wrote-up a report.

    Guess who was parked back bright and early at 5:30AM?

    When I delivered my paperwork to the Office, I asked them if they had spoken to anyone about getting permission for an rv to stay overnight. Guess what I was told? Yeah, this guy had called several times over the past few days and had been told NO NO NO by every single person who had answered the phone!

    The point is, I really hate it when people use screaming and intimidation when they're lying to try and fool you, and the fact that I gave my info to the lying sack of crap. I wanted to go back and call him on his lie. I really could have called the police when he came back after arguing so much, but being almost 6:00am I considered it technically morning.

    I can't wait for him to get his come-uppance from the Office; the person on today has quite the mouth! I gotta call and see how it went.
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

  • #2
    Quoth LillFilly View Post
    She snaps at me "Do you think we would have bought a $10,000 RV if we didn't know where we COULD and COULDN'T stay!??"
    I really hope a zero was left off that price Unless it's one of those little pop-up campers, or a rusted-out school bus...covered in duct tape...there's no way an RV would cost that little. Either way, you gotta love how they think the price tag makes them important

    The point is, I really hate it when people use screaming and intimidation when they're lying to try and fool you, and the fact that I gave my info to the lying sack of crap. I wanted to go back and call him on his lie. I really could have called the police when he came back after arguing so much, but being almost 6:00am I considered it technically morning.
    You're nicer than I would have been--I'd have called the cops, and had them busted for trespassing
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


    • #3
      In an interesting twist, Wal-Mart does indeed have a national policy to allow Campers/RVs to park in their lots, but I would assume this would only apply to lots Wal-Mart actually owns and/or controls.



      • #4
        My home has a row of driving bays infront. I was coming home after a trip out, and I find some cheapskate who doesn't want to pay the camping fees parked there in a camper van.

        Unfortunately as the bays aren't designated in any way, there's no way I can get them to move on.

        What I can do is park my car right up againts them, and get one of my neighbours to do the same. Then as a thank you, buy him a couple of beers. Of course being responsible drivers, there's no way we would even think of driving after imbibing alcohol

        We were both happy to move our cars the next day, but not of course until we felt safe to drive.


        • #5
          I know the big RVs with extendable sides can be very expensive; almost like buying a house. This one was a 30footer and was also towing a vehicle. It was the same kind as this one, which is selling for over $100,000;

          so unless that couple got a deal, I think the woman did miss a zero! Maybe it was a foreclosure special!
          "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


          • #6
            To be fair to the woman, as difficult as she makes it, that value could've just been something tossed off in the heat of the moment, so to speak, possibly without her even knowing how much it actually did cost.

            She's still inexcusably a dumbass, though.
            No matter how low my opinion of humanity as a whole gets, there are always over-achievers who seek to surpass my expectations.


            • #7
              Quoth sirwired View Post
              In an interesting twist, Wal-Mart does indeed have a national policy to allow Campers/RVs to park in their lots, but I would assume this would only apply to lots Wal-Mart actually owns and/or controls.

              This is correct, I think. But if this is a mall we're talking about, then Wally World (or All Fart, which it was called in the OP and is pretty much spot on for that company ) probably does not own the entire lot.

              For example, at my place of work, the swamp owns a certain percentage of the parking lot, the mall owns another portion, and Aldi's at the other end of the mall has their own portion of the lot. This comes into play when the lot has to be plowed. The swamp used to contract one company to do the plowing for the entire lot and each entity would pay its share of the final bill. Then each entity decided to hire its own snowplowing contractor to plow only its portion of the lot. This makes for arguments and LULZ when one company tries to plow in another company's space, or tries to dump snow in another company's space.

              There's even colored metal pegs in the lot to show where our lot ends and the mall's lot begins. I haven't gone looking for it. It's too far out in the lot, beyond where people park on a normal day.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                That's right, our company owns the mall and all the property and parking. All Fart is attached to the mall and rents from us, so the mall controls the parking. Nobody at All Fart can give ANYONE permission to do or not to do something, and they know this. I love when people say 'well the GREETER told me I could park there!' Hee, the Greeters here actually know their jobs and never tell anyone this! Occasionally, we get someone that actually DID get permission from All Fart...the one in the next town, which they mixed-up with us. I know a lot of All Farts are overnight friendly and people do get confused, which is why I am polite, try and cut people a break when I can, and try to get ahold of the vehicle before 1:00AM.

                That's why we have the signs at every entrance, and why people are told so when they ask. But you get the people who try and trick you by saying 'Well Officer so-and-so said I could!' Or 'Manager so-and-so said I could' and hope that we never communicate with each-other!
                "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                • #9
                  we've had that happen at my old workplace; some nitwit decided to park his decrepit winnebago in the strip mall lot (not allowed by the owner or the city). our manager steps out to pass on the message that he has to move, but gets no answer from the 'owner.'

                  co worker steps out, gets a response, and tells the guy, "man, our manager just called a tow truck about 15 minutes ago, you'd better move or you'll get towed."

                  guy panics and jumps into the driver's seat, pulls out and waves to the coworker with a "thanks, man," as our squatter drives away.

                  in truth, no one called for a tow truck, but we forgot to mention that.
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    You might be a ...

                    Camping out in a Wally World parking lot, classy.


                    • #11
                      Wow, I've seen plenty of stories of people who will "never shop in this store again" but you've driven (heh) them out of the whole state! I'm impressed!!
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        May I inquire as to why they'd want to camp in a Wall-Fart parking lot, versus oh I don't know, a campground?

                        If they got the RV for only $10,000....surely they can afford one night at a campground!
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          easy, they're cheap old bastards; it isn't the cost, but the 'savings' that makes them do this.
                          look! it's ghengis khan!
                          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

