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So high, she doesn't notice what a spectacle she's making of herself

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  • So high, she doesn't notice what a spectacle she's making of herself

    So there was this lady at the store tonight who was with three sons (the oldest was probably twelve). She was SO. FREAKING. HIGH. Oh my God. You should have seen this chick. Everyone was staring at her, and all the employees (espescially me) kept walking past her to get another glimpse.

    First she was in the media/photo department where she said to the girl at the counter "If my ex-boyfriend comes over, don't let him take the kids!" The girl spent forever trying to help her find an ink cartridge even though the woman had no idea what kind she needed. And then she tried to pay for all of her stuff at the counter. When the girl told her that only stuff from that section (media) can be rung up there, the lady decided to dump half of her cart onto the floor and walked away.

    Then she was in stationary going "where are the peeenns?" when they were directly in front of her face. Then me and a co-wokrer got out a bike that she wanted to look at. She climbed on and started riding it down the aisle (making quite a fool of herself in the process) and she was like "I haven't done this in'll have to excuse me, my mouth is dry from my, uh, medication." Then my coworker was like, "Well...if you shouldn't be riding a bike..." She got really annoyed then and said "My medication has nothing to do with it!! I like riding a makes me feel free..." Then she asked to speak to the manager. The manager looked at us and gave us a NO WAY IN HELL signal but she reluctantly came over. The lady wanted a discount on a new bike. Why? Because two years ago the bike she bought from our store didn't work right. Two years ago. So now she wants a discount on a new bike. The manager basically told her no freakin' way and she argued a little with her. The lady goes, "You didn't help me THEN either!!" Then the manager pointed out the pile of junk that she had dumped on the floor and asked her if it was her stuff. Then she spent several minutes helping the lady sort through it to find out what she was and wasn't going to keep. Then her guy friend came over and HE looked high too and then they took the kids and went to check out.

    So that made for an interesting show. At one point my co-worker was almost in tears. She said, "I feel so bad for those kids...I can't go back in that aisle again" and left, literally fighting back tears. Yeah, she was bitching at her kids too. They, however, didn't seem too bothered by their mother's behavior. Good to know people like that are out driving around tonight...
    Last edited by Despina83; 09-12-2009, 04:32 AM.

  • #2
    *slips the kid a cell phone*
    "Call 911. Tell them your mom was meeting her friend Mary Jane at 4:20."
    I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


    • #3
      yah, i think cps might have been interested in this pair of breeders. nice example to set for your offspring.
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

