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First Day Back

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  • First Day Back

    So lemme recap. The first chance I could, I came into work and announced my return. I filled out a new availability sheet and got caught up on the newest gossip. Well, I didn't get scheduled last week, and finally got onto the schedule for this week. Considering I haven't been paid by the AF yet, I've been dying for work.

    Thusly, I get called in today. 5 people called in sick, and so I was a last-ditch hope for J, my ASM. I come in and the store is PACKED. There are only three registers opened, including mine, throughout the ENTIRE DAY. So needless to say, I heard my good share of complaints. There's only a couple of real story, but that's okay, right?

    My First Recessionist

    So, I hear a lotta SC's on these boards use the old 'recession' line, but had never heard it personally until today. The cause? An SC wanted to do an exchange, but didn't want to wait in the 30-45 min. line. J tells her there's nothing for it, she needs to get in line, and SC throws out, "Well, aren't we still in a recession...?" or something similar. My response, "So why'd we want to do a return?" O_o

    Attitude Much?

    Since I wasn't on the CS register by the door, I think I dodged most of the crap, as this one was also not personally directed to me.

    An SC walks up to my CW on the next register, and ensues this 'lecture.'

    SC: Okay, I want to exchange this. All right? Buuut, I don't want to wait in that reaaally long line, okay? So, what I want you to do is give me a ticket so I can leave it here. Can you do that?

    If you couldn't tell, it was in the most condescending tone I've heard in a while. All I can say is, it's a good thing she didn't take that tone with me.

    Making a Statement...NOT

    Around 3-4, we got three women with about five carts FULL of items. They were two transactions, so they completely halted our advances at CS, taking up both lanes. Both transactions were well over $1000 by the way. Anyway, a gaggle of women, trying to make a statement, I assume, stomp out indignantly. The ringleader utters this, "I guess we'll go somewhere else, this just ISN"T WORTH IT." I turned, once more to J, and said, "We're making $1000 easily[we were halfway done] on these ladies. Does she[SC] think we care about her $10 purchase?"

    Aaaand, that's all. Oh, the lighting is messed up and the lights went out @ 8, so we got to kick ppl out and close early

  • #2
    I just don't get it.

    If money is tight, I spend less. I don't buy everything, then decide at home what I want and return the rest. Partly cause I don't wanna make another trip, and wait in line again, and partly because I'm not a total moron. It's a decision to be made in the store.

    I've done maybe 10 returns in my life, and every single one of them was because of either a manufacturing defect, parts missing, or the box was mislabeled. (eg. Bought a video card that said pci on the box, but was an agp card inside.)

    And every return I've ever done I've been more than happy to do an exchange if available, or store credit if not. Then again, I'm not an SC.
    Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

    "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


    • #3
      So, not only was that your first "recession" comment, but it was also completely and utterly pointless in that situation. Idiot.

      I don't understand people who do a lot of returns for buyer's remorse. It just doesn't make sense, unless you have a lot of time on your hands and need the validation or something.

      I've only ever done two returns that I can recall, and they were both for non-functional computer equipment.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
        So, not only was that your first "recession" comment, but it was also completely and utterly pointless in that situation. Idiot.
        Is there any other kind of "recession" comment?
        "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


        • #5
          FIVE People called in? Oh my goodness. o_o If five people called in at Dunkin we'd probably shut down the store.


          • #6
            Quoth Chazzie View Post
            FIVE People called in? Oh my goodness. o_o If five people called in at Dunkin we'd probably shut down the store.
            I talked to the manager, and requested that each and every one, if they didn't have a doctor's note, should be written up. And if had the authority, I'd do my own write up.

