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You don't pay me enough do deal with this crap (Warning: gross)

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  • You don't pay me enough do deal with this crap (Warning: gross)

    Ye be warned, this post could be a little gross.

    Earlier today, whilst performing the requisite tasks of my job, i felt the urge to perform one of the requisite tasks of being a living thing; take a leak, that is. As i entered the men's room, i noticed something was amiss... It took me a moment to realize what it was, but, slowly it dawned on me. ... ...someone had done a poo... in the sink.

    Take a moment and let that thought settle in. Go ahead, i'll wait.

    Someone crapped... in... the sink. There was a pile of crap... In the fucking sink.

    We're not talking about a little bit of poop. We are talking about a very large mound of it. A proper sink-full, if you will. It took a minute before i could even move from the doorway. Finally, realization set in that i was not imagining the heaping mound of butt-offal that was befouling the sanctity of the hand washing basin, and i set about dealing with the situation. By 'dealing with the situation' i mean putting an out of order sign on the gent's door, and calling the boss.

    Me: That'd be me.
    TB: The Boss

    Me: Hey, [boss], could you come down here? we've got a bit of a situation here.
    TB: Ugh... be right down, RestaurantDude.
    [enter the boss]
    TB: Okay... what's the problem?
    Me: Go into the gent's toilet.
    TB: [enters the restroom] "What in the blue flaming hell!!?"
    TB: [exits] "I'm not cleaning that up."
    Me: "..."
    TB: "..."
    Me: "Is it not said that a good leader should never ask someone to do something that he himself is unwilling to do?"
    TB: "RestaurantDude, grab some gloves and cl...."
    Me"Screw off! I am NOT cleaning that, and you can't force me to. You do not pay me anywhere near enough for that"
    TB: "Do you want to keep this job?"
    Me: "You know the law as well as i do... You cannot make me clean up poop, and you cannot fire me for refusal to do so. Shall i get you a shovel?"

    My shift was over, so i made a hasty retreat to the parking lot as my boss headed in to deal with the sink grogan. Dunno how he dealt with it, but i am sure as hell glad i didn't have to clean that crap up.

    But, really, who poops in a sink?

  • #2
    ... ... seriously?

    I have got to look that law up.
    SC: "Are you new or something?"
    Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."


    • #3
      I would assume if it's not in your job description to have to deal with biological hazards, and you haven't been trained to do it, you can refuse.
      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


      • #4
        Where'd you find such a law?
        Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


        • #5
          If I'm not mistaken, it's OSHA regulations. If proper training and equipment have not been provided to employees for dealing wht biological hazards, they have a right to refuse to clean them up. I've done the same thing myself, when there's been a blood or fecal explosion in the bathrooms at Textbook Hell.


          • #6
            ^^ that ^^

            It's also against health dpt. regulations for anyone who handles food to clean up any sort of biological, iirc. Don't remember the exact wording of the regs.

            The thing that really bothers me is that we didn't have a single child come in during that entire shift. It was all business types and such. Which means that, as far as i can figure, an otherwise perfectly respectable, intelligent, adult ...shat in the sink. It isn't as though the toilet was clogged or anything, and we were not busy enough that there should have been any sort of line. Ugh... my brain hurts.


            • #7
              Perhaps the other stalls were all full, and the customer could not possibly conceive of going into the ladies room to use the perfectly suitable stalls in there.

              A desperate customer took it upon himself to venture the unventurable mile and did indeed go into the ladies room to do his business. I don't blame him one bit, to be honest. I'm a very, very open minded person. You have to do what you have to do, and if a lady actually challenged him, I would be -very- quick with the "Well what would you do, ma'am, if you were in his shoes, and those shoes were about to be recolored a dark brown, eh?"
              SC: "Are you new or something?"
              Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."


              • #8
                There are two toilets and a urinal in the men's room, and two toilets in the ladies. I also seriously doubt that any two toilets were in use at the same time this morning, let alone all four (it really was that slow. I made next to nothing tip wise). Not to crap all over your theory () but, there was no circumstance that excuses crapping in the sink, potentally in full view of anyone who happened to open the door during said performance.


                • #9
                  Quoth RestaurantDude View Post


                  But, really, who poops in a sink?
                  An ex of my sister did that at a local McDonalds.

                  I knew he was a complete loser even before he did that. My Sister decided he was a complete loser after that. He stalked her for about a year, then left (probably to prison).
                  "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.


                  • #10
                    I used to work in Housekeeping at a college recreational facility - which meant that I was paid to clean up messes like that.

                    No sinks, but someone did that in the sauna once. Enclosed hot space + poop = not a fun day...

                    At least the bathrooms and showers had tile halfway up the wall - that way, if someone did cause a mess in one of those, we just had to flush/clean as much as possible, hose it down, spray liberally with disinfectant (we had a hose dispenser for that), and rinse.

                    Regulation-wise, I remember when the AIDS scare came about, and after that only our supervisor was allowed to clean up blood, because he was specially trained in the new procedure. Really, the only change was that he put on this white powder on the blood spots before mopping...


                    • #11
                      wait so i who works at a donut establishment doesnt have to clean up the bathrooms when there is piss and poo and blood in places it doesnt belong because I have not been trained in how to do so...i think i might want to look up and print out this law just so when they try to force me i can tell em to sit and rotate


                      • #12
                        "Someone shat on the coats!"

                        Sorry that popped in my head reading this.

                        Thankfully in all my time of fast food I never had to call upon that law. Just all kinds of ick there.

                        Granted having dealt with the terror of an exploded diaper and such...I'm not sure poop bothers me anymore. Except now that I'm pregnant again and smells slaughter me.
                        "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


                        • #13
                          Who poops in the sink? People who don't give a shit, that's


                          • #14
                            Who poops in a sink? come to my college...I heard someone took a dump in the trash can in the library on Monday. And that's actually one of the tame stories considering what other people have been doing in the bathrooms.

                            and I saw someoen take a shit in the luxor casino. Ever since then my mind has been scathed, even though I can't help but laugh as a form of defense (Some people did that to 2 girls 1 cup) when I read shitty stories like that.
                            Kangaroo Squee!


                            • #15
                              Imagine how awkward it would be to go into the bathroom while sombody is shitting at the sink. You open the door, there is a guy squatting over the sink, your eyes lock, and then you just stare not saying a word for five minutes before slowly backing away.

