Alright, this dates from 2007 when I first started working the morning shift at Subway. Now you all know the Subway in question is inside the basement of a student centre, but what you NOW know is that the Subway is in the basement of the student Centre that happens to be right next door to Engineering. (And is actually connected by a walkway but that's beside the point.)
So a customer walks up to Subway and then walks right into the vein.
Me: ...Are you alright?
The customer doesn't respond, instead walks into the vein...and doesn't get the hint that there's something in the way and continues to try walking into the vein.
You ever play those video games where you see NPCs walking around and they get stuck behind waist-high walls or inch-high walls and continue to walk in midair? Well that's EXACTLY what this person was trying to do. finally, he speaks up...
SC: Maaaaaaaan this wasn't here last time I was in engineering!
I just look right on over to the manager who can tell he's on something and all I have to say is....
Me: ...this is going to be a long shift isn't it?
(it was.)
So a customer walks up to Subway and then walks right into the vein.
Me: ...Are you alright?

The customer doesn't respond, instead walks into the vein...and doesn't get the hint that there's something in the way and continues to try walking into the vein.
You ever play those video games where you see NPCs walking around and they get stuck behind waist-high walls or inch-high walls and continue to walk in midair? Well that's EXACTLY what this person was trying to do. finally, he speaks up...
SC: Maaaaaaaan this wasn't here last time I was in engineering!
I just look right on over to the manager who can tell he's on something and all I have to say is....
Me: ...this is going to be a long shift isn't it?
(it was.)