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Why aren't these customers in jail for that?

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  • Why aren't these customers in jail for that?

    Why aren't these no-good customers in jail, the ones who do things like write worthless checks every month or commit fraud to obtain a utility service, like the phone or electric? A while back, while in customer service, I dealt with a woman who called in screaming and yelling that her phone was shut off when she just paid the bill. I politely told her I would look at her records to determine why this happened. When I got the records, I nearly lost my breath. This woman had been shut off for writing a worthless check for $50, but it wasn't the first time. In a twelve month period, this woman had bounced sixteen checks alone with the phone service, yet still had her freedom! Everything was done to stop this, such as putting a "cash only" flag, but she got around this by going to a payment center instead of mailing in her payment. You do the math on that. We charged at that time $20 per returned check, which would be $320 in fees. Then take sixteen checks times the dollar amount her bank charges for that as well.

    How about the ones who put service in someone else's name? Had a guy who called a while back complaining because he had tried to buy a new car, and on his credit report, unpaid phone bill came up. Upon researching, it was discovered his ex-girlfriend, whom he had broken up with four years prior, had obtained service in his name due to his good credit. She had this service for three years, and finally it caught up with her. When I called the residence and asked her about it, she became very nervous and agitated, as if she had been caught and was now worried. Yet, all that happened was the service was shut off, and this guy had to go through a bunch of red tape to have this expunged from his credit report. The ex-girlfriend never went to jail or paid a price.

    But, there is justice after all. After the last incident, Thanksgiving rolled around. The building had sales, service, and collections on different floors. One day, a sales rep won a Thanksgiving turkey for making the most in her sales. Her name was posted on all the floors near the elevator doors, congratulating her on winning this turkey. One of the collections reps saw this, and thought the name sounded familiar, so she did a check on this person. It turned out this woman was wanted by the collections department for fraud. She had managed to get phone service using six different aliases. She would put service in, run up the bill, not pay it, then have it disconnected. Soon after, she would apply again, and somehow would plaster fake ID's showing she was that other person. She had run the company perhaps $5,000 or more doing this, and yet, she was working at the phone company! Once this collections rep caught this, her supervisor immediately called the police, and charges were filed. Never heard the outcome, but I'm sure her life changed in an instant.

    So, I ask you, why aren't other people like this caught? The world would be a better place without people like this.

  • #2
    Are you angry today? This goes along with the other topic you posted today and that one seemed angry too.

    Not that I don't agree with you...people who are committing these frauds belong in jail...but you seem to be on a rant today.

    When I was still strung out (been clean since 1/29/05) - I frauded a lot of accounts. It caught up with me on a few occasions, but in most cases, the places I frauded wrote the situation most of these cases, it's up to the businesses to press the charges and pursue the issue and if they don't, nothing happens and the fraudsters slip on by.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      i have the same feelings on occasion just the whole 'amg how can they keep getting away with this! thiis is basically theft! (or insert a crime of your choice.' bleh stupid customers.
      Last edited by Department stores *sigh*; 12-02-2006, 06:04 PM.
      Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


      • #4
        It's pretty sad when we have to delete more than half of a thread due to inappropriate posts. If you are offended by a post, please use the report button and do not reply to it. If a thread looks like it is getting out of control, please report it instead of pulling your chair closer and grabbing popcorn.



        • #5
          Wow, Green, what's making you so angry today?

          Businesses don't prosecute low-level, small-dollar ripoffs because the costs are too high relative to the benefits gained. Ditto for the prosecutors who are under pressure to go after serious criminals. Judges won't sentence non-violent, small-dollar crooks to jail time because prisons are already overcrowded, because scammers often leave prison having learned how to commit more dangerous crimes, because the cost of locking someone up for 6 months just isn't worth it when the dollar amount was trivial.

          So unless someone is clearly a habitual criminal, no one really wants to bother. That's why poor people bouncing endless checks generally get away with it from the point of being prosecuted. Public utilites and telephone companies, as a matter of public policy, have to serve them. It sucks, but that's the way it is.


          • #6
            Quoth Auto View Post
            Wow, Green, what's making you so angry today?

            Everyone, please understand these posts are not out of anger. These are stories I have collected over the years, have them all written on paper and have found the opportunity to post them on this wonderful site. Because I have the time needed today to "publish" them, if you will, I have decided to post them. It's sort of like writing a novel.

            My apologies to anyone who feels this way. I'm in a calm mood and am having the fun of my life sharing these stories with everyone who likes to read about them. Peace!


            • #7
              The worst I had was someone from calling in claiming to be the customer and setting up the sending of a refurb unit to a customer. When I called the customer back as per policy he was FURIOUS that his new unit was his "brand new unit" was replaced with a refurb. We have a policy stating that the customer must call in if they want this option to prevent this kind of thing but they lied and stated they were the customer.

              I told the real customer he had to take it up with them but that has always made an impression. I have had 4 or 6 other people since that time call in with probs from that online place and no where else.


              • #8
                That's why the price of goods and services are so high...they have to cover losses. My mom and step-dad's little retail venture is small potatoes, so when someone steals from them, it hurts.
                "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

