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Nasty rude customer bitches at me and my manager

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  • Nasty rude customer bitches at me and my manager

    Argh. This guy was a total arse. -.- He came up to my till, and threw a receipt down. He then started ranting on about how he'd gotten petrol the other day, and had forgotten his store card so he couldn't get points. He wanted me to put his "stolen" points back on his card.

    Problem was, the receipt he had was a credit card receipt. I told him that he needed a store card receipt and he had to take it to Customer Services. The following is the conversation as I remember it.

    Me - the victim of the SC.
    SC - the SC/
    April - My manager, not her real name.

    SC: All I want is for you to give me back the points you stole!
    Me: (trying to keep my temper) This is the wrong receipt, and we can't do that over here anyway. You need a store card receipt and...
    SC: (talking over me) The useless girl didn't give me a store card receipt, even tho I'd forgotten my card.
    Me: Did you ask her for a receipt? It doesn't come out automatically, and...
    SC: (talks over me again) She told me that this was the only receipt she could give me.

    Liar liar pants on fire! That is, to put it bluntly, total bollocks. Also, I was having real doubts about his story at this point. The only female staff member who could even loosely be described as a girl is me; we have a 20 something temp worker who fills in occasionally, but as he said he came on a day she wasn't working, it couldn't have been her. In any case, she wouldn't have done what he was claiming she did, and neither would I. I didn't recognise him and he obviously didn't recognise me; in other words, he was doing something that a lot of SCs do; Making Shit Up.

    Me: Look, if you don't have a store card receipt...
    SC: (yep, he's talking over me again) I couldn't get one cuz that girl said I couldn't have one!
    Me: The manager can print you out one. Just wait til she's done with the customer she's helping now, and she can help you.
    SC: Good, at last now you're letting me speak to someone competant.

    At this point, I was fuming. I was glad to pass this dickhead on to April; I figured she'd deal with him better than I could. She doesn't suffer fools gladly, and won't take any crap from SCs. Plus, she won't take an SC's side against a staff member if the SC is at fault, such as in this case. When April finished helping the customer, she then dealt with the SC.

    SC: (goes thru entire spiel again)
    April: Lace was right; you could have been given a store card receipt if you'd requested one.
    SC: (does not like this one bit) I will write to Corporate!
    April: I can print you out a store card receipt from the computer, but you will still have to take it to Customer Services cuz we don't have the facility here to put points on.
    SC: That girl who served me told me you could!
    April: I doubt that, as all the staff here know to refer people to Customer Services.
    SC: (turns to leave) I'm writing to Corporate about you! I'm never coming back to this place again!

    SC then left. April reassured me that I wouldn't get in trouble; she'd observed the whole thing and saw that this guy was basically a dick with an inability to listen to reason. As for his threat of complaining to Corporate, he doesn't have a leg to stand on. The letter would go to the main store manager, and he's very good as far as this kind of thing goes. The letter will simply go into the idiot file, and the SC sent a generic letter. I only wish that SC sticks to his promise and never returns, but experience tells me that would be too much to hope for. XD I expect that he simply forgot to mention that he had a store card, and thought he'd blame the cashier instead of admitting that fact; not that it would have made any difference, as we could have fixed the problem had he not gotten a bug up his butt.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    We need more managers like yours. SC's claims are like sceptic tanks, always full of shit.
    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


    • #3
      True. XD

      The last place I worked, the manager was so spineless he would have taken the customer's side in a heartbeat. -.-
      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • #4
        Seriously, some people think that getting their reward points is literally a matter of life and death. This loser would probably have been asked if he had his card in the first place, so he could have just said that he hadn't and would like a receipt for it.

