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Assorted electronics store gripes..

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  • Assorted electronics store gripes..

    It's been a while since I've been on CS - I haven't been on since it got hacked the second time, and while I wasn't in retail at the time I've unfortunately ended up back in it. So I thought I'd post a few of the gripes I've accumulated since then. This may be long, so bear with me.

    I will not discipline your sodding kids.

    I sometimes get parents trying to control their kids by pointing at me and saying 'If you don't stop, that man will shout at you.' My usual response is 'No, I won't.' I'd like to add 'And how about you either leave your kids at home, learn to control them, or get the hell out of my store' but alas I suspect that wouldn't go down to well with management.

    No, you can't have something for free.

    What people fail to understand when buying a PC or whatever is that we don't make a huge profit - the profit is made more on accessories and stuff. So I regularly get people moaning that I won't given them something for free. I point out that certain items are half price when bought with a PC, but not, they don't want to buy any of those. I've even had people demand to speak to the manager over that. I've asked the manager a million times and he says the same. But still some customers get in a huff.

    Oh god, my nose!

    I don't know why, but I seem to get at least two people in a day who really stink. And I'm not talking about B.O. , but the unmistakeable whiff of urine. And these people - it's different ones each time - usually end up buying a computer or something. I usually hope that their PC never breaks down, because otherwise some poor technician is going to have to go to their stinky house.

    You are not important than everyone else.

    In my job I often end up having to spend a while with customers - which is to be expected. What isn't expected, and is bloody annoying, is when other customers come up and start butting in. Often when there are other customer service folks about. At which point I, as politely as I can, advise them I am with this customer. Why the hell they think they're more important than my existing customer I have no idea.

    Yes, stock is limited.

    By definition, stock is limited. We often have some very cheap electrical deals and by and large we do actually get good stock of these in, when they're advertised at the weekend. Yet still people come in clutching Saturday's paper half-way through the week, only to find they've sold out. Most recently a customer said 'Well, it didn't say anything in the paper about the item having to be in stock!' Well, given that we can't magically produce one...

    I am not your personal shopper.

    We sometimes get people who come in asking where a certain item is, having been unable to find it. That's not a problem. But other times we get people who consider us their personal shoppers. They wander straight from the entrance to us, say what they need and expect us to get every single item on the list for them while they sit around. My personal favourite was a woman who parked her car up outside, and asked someone going past, who was getting a trolley for another customer, to get a big item for her, and take it to her car while she sat in it. Hmm.. we don't offer a drive through service, last time I checked.

    Well, that's probably it for now. I've got a fairly specific incident I'll post about a bit later, but I can tell you I'm sure as hell not looking forward to working the Christmas period.
    Reviews of games, movies and more at The Review Bucket

  • #2
    The second time? Which second time

    Other than that, great first post



    • #3
      Don't yell at me when we're sold out of something: Stores only SELL goods. If you have a problem with the quantity available, take it up with the MANUFACTURER. You know, the people who actually make the stuff.

      It will do you no good to get pissed off at me if I ID you for an M-rated game: I don't care if you've never been ID'd before or that your friend says you're old enough. And no, it won't help if you have your mom call the store to vouch for you (yes someone actually did this once).

      Five minute limit means Five minute limit: High school kid thought he'd get cute and play our PS2 for five minutes, leave for 30 or so seconds, then come back thinking he now had another five minutes. I unplugged the unit from behind the counter to make him go away.

      I am NOT a walking database of games: Yes I know A LOT of games, but if all you have is some vague idea what the game is about, don't get angry with me if I can't figure out what you are looking for. Do more research next time!

      Do not let your kid run around my store and knock cases off my shelves repeatedly: If I had it my way, I'd make the shitty parent pick up every single case their brat knocked down.

      I am not your best friend and I will not "hook you up" with anything illegal: I won't tell you how to download games/software for free, I will not tell you how to mod systems, I will not tell you how to hack online games, I will not tell you where you can get a high end graphics card "at a significant discount" (this was the guy's exact wording) and I will not use my staff discount to buy you games.

      Do not place a special order at close one day and expect it to be in store the NEXT MORNING: If you place an order, understand it takes several days minimum for an item to arrive. I can't magically make it show up faster so don't harrass me about it.

      I have more but that's a healthy dose for now.


      • #4
        Quoth Channard View Post
        Most recently a customer said 'Well, it didn't say anything in the paper about the item having to be in stock!'
        Okay, my last remaining miniscule shred of hope for humanity just died a horrific screaming death. Requiesat in Pace.
        Last edited by XCashier; 12-03-2006, 03:21 AM.
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
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        A page we can all agree with!

