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We already gave you a discount, don't be greedy.

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  • We already gave you a discount, don't be greedy.

    So we had a guy wander in yesterday and ask about rooms. Normally a single bed room costs 99$ on a Friday but due to it being so slow we offered to knock it down to 69$.

    What was this asshat's response "Can't you go any cheaper?" What this gentlemen doesn't realize is that we need to make money and we can't just go giving away rooms at cheaper rates just to suit him. We also are a small beach town and that is the best rate you're gonna get on a weekend. If you can't or won't pay that much may I suggest going into the nearest city where I assure you the rates will be cheaper.
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    Quoth TruthHurts View Post
    "Can't you go any cheaper?"
    "Well........we could always go back to $99. Would you prefer that? Or would you like to take the $69 rate?"
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.


    • #3
      Quoth TruthHurts View Post

      What was this asshat's response "Can't you go any cheaper?" What this gentlemen doesn't realize is that we need to make money and we can't just go giving away rooms at cheaper rates just to suit him. .
      I've got sick of people asking for discount at my work, asking why we won't throw stuff in. Despite me pointing out that product X is half price when bought with product Y, that's somehow not good enough for them. If someone keeps pushing, asking why we won't throw stuff in free, my response is usually 'Because we don't have to.' Which is true. Someone will buy the item sooner or later - we've never yet had overstock so yes, I'm content to let a sale walk rather than halve the profit we make on an item.
      Reviews of games, movies and more at The Review Bucket


      • #4
        I despise the ones who try to get AAA discounts (and I HATE AAA -- I hope someone batters AAA grievously about the head and neck, frankly, but that's another matter) on top of their coupons, and then get pissy when they can't. The coupon already knocks the rate down anywhere between $10 and $20. It's not going any lower.

        This brings up the old adage which I hold dear: If you can't afford to pay for hotel rooms, you shouldn't travel.

        You not travelling at all is infinitely preferable to hotel staff than to have you up at the front trying to weasel every last penny out of us that you can. It's not as though we're here because we couldn't find anything good on TV today. We're here to make money.
        Drive it like it's a county car.


        • #5
          If I may....

          Quoth Jester View Post
          JESTER: "Hi there! What can I get ya?"
          ASSHAT: "I'd like a Corona. How much is that?"
          JESTER: "Four dollars."
          ASSHAT: "How about I give you two dollars and we call it even?"
          JESTER: "Five dollars, no problem. I can do that."
          ASSHAT: "No, I said TWO dollars."
          JESTER: "Six dollars? Sure, why not."
          ASSHAT: [starting to see where this is going] "Um, how about three dollars?"
          JESTER: "Honestly, I think eight dollars is a bit much, but if you insist...."
          ASSHAT: "Okay! Okay! Four dollars!"
          JESTER: "No problem. Here's your beer....pleasure doing business with ya!"
          "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
          -- The Meteor Principle

          Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


          • #6
            One time my husband and I went to the state fair, and decided to get a hotel room afterwards instead of going home. I waited in the car while he went to see if they had any rooms. The counter person asked him if he any discounts or whatever (like AAA). He said no, and they gave him a discount anyway. I'm sure my husband did not ask them to do that. We thought that was WAY cool!! We knew they didn't have to do that, and we had a very pleasant night at that hotel.

            I guess some people will complain about anything!!!


            • #7
              Had a trucker drive in to get his truck weighed.

              He came in, got a cup of coffee, and came to the counter to get his scale ticket.

              Me: "That'll be $9.45."

              Him: "Huh? I thought scale tickets were supposed to be $8.50."

              Me: "They are, you also got a cup of coffee, that's 95 cents."

              Him: "Coffee's not free? I thought coffee was free for truckers when they bought something!"

              Me: "It is, with fifty gallons of fuel, not a scale ticket."

              Him: "Oh....well...then I don't want it then..."

              Now, Gentle Reader, I want you to picture this:

              A man in his mid-fifties, hale and hearty in appearance, neat and professional in his appearance, looking at me with his eyes welling with tears, his bottom lip puffed out in a pout, then turning away and shuffling...yes! shuffling out the door.

              I weep for the future of my country.
              I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

              -- Steven Wright


              • #8
                Pbmods, thank you for posting Jester's Patented Anti-Haggling Technique. Saved me the trouble.

                Quoth hauntedheadnc View Post
                I despise the ones who try to get AAA discounts (and I HATE AAA -- I hope someone batters AAA grievously about the head and neck, frankly, but that's another matter) on top of their coupons, and then get pissy when they can't. The coupon already knocks the rate down anywhere between $10 and $20. It's not going any lower.
                I must comment on this. I am not a member currently, but have in the past been a card-carrying member of AAA. My parents have been for more years than I can count. With that in mind, I love AAA discounts, but I am not an asshat about them. I ask if there is a AAA discount, and if that is lower than the advertised discount, I take it, if not, I take the advertised discount. I am not so dumb nor so greedy as to think I am going to get BOTH discounts, as virtually every business around allows only one discount on any particular item/sale/room/whatever. My parents, who are senior citizens, often ask about AARP rates, senior rates, or AAA rates, but they do so to save money. They DON'T try to combine the discounts to get an even cheaper room, as they too know how the world works.

                While I DO see a problem with the greedy assclowns y'all are describing that try to double up their discounts, I see no problem with people trying to save money. The more we save on motel rooms, the more we have to spend elsewhere. Say in retail. Or in restaurants. Or on tips for kickass bartencers.

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #9
                  I have a couple of friends who work for AAA but not in the front, so please be kind
                  I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                  "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


                  • #10
                    Unfortunately, far more often than not, people who are asking me about AAA are being obnoxious about it. I can't count the number of people who've gotten honestly deeply offended because I can't give them double discounts, as though their AAA membership somehow makes them beloved of God or something. Eventually, you just get really sick and tired of people asking.

                    I certainly have no beef with anyone who tries to use AAA benefits legitimately, nor with anyone who works for them.
                    Drive it like it's a county car.

