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Sucky female customer & the garage is reserved

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  • Sucky female customer & the garage is reserved

    Long post

    The garage is reserved for an event sponsored by the College of Business, but there are no reserved spots for the meeting the sucky female customer is attending.

    Sucky female customer drives up to the booth window.

    me:" Hi, how may I help you?"
    sucky female customer: "I have a meeting with Mr. ... & he said he will give me a token to exit"
    me: "What dept. does he work in?"
    sucky female customer: *looks at some electronic device* "I believe he works in the College of Business, & he said I will get a token to exit"

    So I call the parking office to verify if there is a Mr. ... who works in the College of Business & if he is involved with today's reserved event. I am told, yes, he does work in the College of Business, but no, he is not involved with today's reserved event. So I tell the sucky female customer the bad news.

    me: "I'm so sorry, but I was informed by the parking office that the garage is reserved, that Mr. ... did not reserve parking spots for anyone attending a meeting, & that I am not allowed to let you park."
    sucky female customer: "Well.. I work for a major oil company. We have a total of 3 employees arriving, & Mr. ... said we could park. So where do I park at?"
    I give her several options.
    sucky female customer: "No, that will not work. I have a broken toe. Who does he need to call?"
    me: "I was informed by the parking office that he has to call them because only they can decide whether or not give you clearance. I am not allowed to give you clearance."
    sucky female customer: "You know what, let me give you his number so you can call him"
    *she turns her head & reaches over to get something*

    At that point I close the window, & I call the parking office. "Nancy" answers the phone, & I tell her the customer will not leave. She tells me she will talk to her, but I at that point I saw her talking on her cell phone. I assumed she was talking to Mr. ... So I tell "Nancy" that. She tells me Mr. ... can call the parking office.

    The sucky female customer tells me Mr. ... will come down to the booth soon.

    Mr. ... arrives. I have him speak to the parking office. "Nancy" speaks to him, & he tells her the following.

    I have 3 major oil company employees arriving for a meeting
    I work in the College of Business, & I know the person who reserved the garage for today's event
    Call the Dean at the College of Business at x7919

    Then I hear him say "how long is my meeting? Until 2 p.m. 1 p.m. tops" While he is waiting for a response I hear him say "it is very difficult to get clearance when the garage is reserved & you did not reserve parking spots for your guests."


    I could tell by the look on his face & his tone of voice that "Nancy" did not give him clearance. He tells the sucky female customer "I'm sorry, but I did not get clearance for you and the other major oil company employees to park in the garage. I was told you and the other major oil company employees have to park at the parking garage on 2nd street." He thanks me for allowing him to speak to the parking office.

    The sucky female customer says "ok", & she finally leaves.

    She did not tell him she has a broken toe.

  • #2
    Maybe its just me, but it sounds like this lady was using guilt as an excuse for what she knew would be what would happen, and was just trying to be that irritating customer to get what she wanted rather than what she got. File this under SEP - somebody elses problem

    I always like to see the iron fist come down on people who want to haggle with what they want, even if its not their discretion.


    • #3
      I appreciate the fact that Mr. .... didn't give anyone any grief or whine about there not being parking because he didn't reserve any spaces. He even thanked you for working with him after he got shot down, too.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

