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My husband's stories

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  • My husband's stories

    We had our first taste of winter this year in the form of an ice storm on Friday.

    The trees and power lines were pretty heavy with a coating of ice, and just around dinner time, the power went out for a couple of hours.

    My husband came home just shaking his head.

    Apparently, it was business as usual for them, as they just opened the outside doors to the kitchen for ventilation, since the exhaust fans didn't work.

    They froze their butts off, just to keep the meals going out for the people who were still sitting at the tables.

    Their emergency lights were on, so the people could still see to eat.

    One customer demanded when the lights would be coming back on.
    When she was told that the lighting now on was all they had, she demanded her meal for free because of the inconvenience.

    Another woman called for takeout.
    My husband's restaurant uses a local taxi company to do their deliveries.
    He knew that, because of the roads, and the huge demand for their services already, takeout times would be running about an hour or so behind schedule.
    He explained this to the woman, and she said, "An hour? Just for takeout?"

    He then explained again, "Yes, maam, we use the local cab company, and because of the storm, they are behind schedule."

    She begrudgingly accepted the hour wait, and then, when she gave her address, my husband realized it was an out of town delivery.
    That cab company charges a $35 flat rate to deliver to the next town, or outlying rural areas.
    When my husband told her this fact, she said, "It says right here on your menu that it's only $4 for delivery."

    He said, "Yes, maam, it says $4 for in-town delivery."
    She said, "Don't you have someone who works there that can just run my food to me? That's ridiculous."
    Again, my husband explained that they do not have delivery people working there and they use the taxi service.
    The woman got mad and hung up, then.

    The food order that she was so desperate to get, that she would call to the next town about 15 - 20 minutes away, and then expected others to risk life and limb getting it to her for a fee of $4?
    One combo plate to the value of about $8 with tax!!

    Hubby told the stories to me and then said, "You're going to post those on CustomersSuck! aren't you?"

    He knows me so well.
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

  • #2
    Quoth Ree View Post
    Their emergency lights were on, so the people could still see to eat. One customer demanded when the lights would be coming back on.
    When she was told that the lighting now on was all they had, she demanded her meal for free because of the inconvenience.
    Been there, heard that! The sports bar I worked at before I moved out of Cleveland would OFTEN lose their power - there was something about the part of the block that the building was situated on - the wiring was old and it just couldn't handle the demand from that section of the block. We would be asked all the time to comp meals because the power was out. Also our managers would not continue to serve in this manner because the kitchen vents were out and opening our back door was NOT an option or a reason to continue cooking...
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

