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Please tell me this isn't happening...(GROSS)

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  • #16
    That is why, at my store, there is an employee's only bathroom. And when I get my own store, which is not going to be furniture just yet, but electronics , I am only going to have restrooms for employee's only.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #17
      Quoth CherryB View Post
      You know, it's gotten to the point that I won't try on clothes in the stores anymore. I take em home and if they don't fit I return it.

      Who knows what kind of fecal germs you stand in barefooted as you try on clothes? I realize I sound like a germ a phobe, but the idea of someone before me taking a dump in the fitting room just squicks me out.

      The older I get the more people disgust me.

      That's why I buy the size I think might fit me and then try it on at home, and if it's too large or too small I take it back for the correct size.


      • #18
        Quoth CherryB View Post
        This is when you wish someone would have walked up behind them as they were "dumping" and just booted them in the ass.

        You just want to shake these people and say "what the hell is wrong with you?"
        Yeah, either that, or grab the idiot by the head and rub their nose in it while exclaiming BAD DOG!! NO!!



        • #19
          This is why I think every public bathroom should be hose-cleanable, and whoever had to clean it gets one of those Andromeda Strain suits.
          Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


          • #20
            I used to hear about that happening back when O'Neil's had their big sales. Women would storm the store and practically camp out in fitting rooms trying on tons of stuff, apparently they were afraid they wouldn't get a fitting room again so they'd pee in there. So disgusting.


            • #21
              It happens, believe me. It happens.

              A couple of years ago, where I used to work at a retailer's corporate hq (where we had both operations and computer help desks) I took a call from one of our stores: "What should we do? A customer just took a crap in one of our fitting rooms!" My answer: "Um, I can't help you -- this is the COMPUTER help desk. Call operations -- would you like me to transfer you?" (Ops HD kept regular business hours, this happened after hours, so they got voice mail.)

              How does feces in a fitting room become a computer related issue?
              I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


              • #22
                i have come across lots of things like this,and it never ceases to amaze me. one time somebody made shitballs and stuck them in various places around the bathroom. on another occaision somebody wrote on the wall with their crap. somebody took a dump in the back by the pharmacy bins. a few weeks ago,when i wasnt working,some ladie's clothes apparently got pissed on while she was changing,and she was walking around softlines naked. and apparently she was not a pretty lady,either. i am glad that i missed that. i usually do floors,so i dont have to deal with the bathrooms,and the awful things that are done to them.


                • #23
                  That is disgusting. What is wrong with people? If that happened on my plane I'd simply block off the toilet and radio ahead for cleaners with a bio hazard/disenfectant kit. Urgh. Same goes for any bodily fluid.
                  No longer a flight atttendant!


                  • #24
                    Quoth janitordba View Post
                    a few weeks ago,when i wasnt working,some ladie's clothes apparently got pissed on while she was changing,and she was walking around softlines naked.
                    !!!!!! That is all.
                    "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


                    • #25
                      Meh....we get people who take craps outside our toilets (men and womens) all the time...its like they cant find the freakin' toilet...Come on you tards' its right there how can you NOT miss it...oh nvm...) and whats even call em on it and they get PISSED off to the extreme and want your name, your manager's name AND your district office number all so they can turn in a complaint against you....and if nothing is done....then "they won't shop their anymore"
                      NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer


                      • #26
                        Quoth Captain Trips View Post
                        It happens, believe me. It happens.

                        A couple of years ago, where I used to work at a retailer's corporate hq (where we had both operations and computer help desks) I took a call from one of our stores: "What should we do? A customer just took a crap in one of our fitting rooms!" My answer: "Um, I can't help you -- this is the COMPUTER help desk. Call operations -- would you like me to transfer you?" (Ops HD kept regular business hours, this happened after hours, so they got voice mail.)

                        How does feces in a fitting room become a computer related issue?
                        ow Ow OW!!!

                        Teh stoopid! It burns!
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #27
                          Wow...if a customer got caught urinating or pooping all over the bathroom walls or around merchandise or anywhere else completely (not to mention socially and morally) unacceptable, and then used the old threat "I want your manager and your district manager's name! I want to file a complain and I'll never shop here again!"...

                          well, I'd reply:

                          "Certainly, I will have my manager come right over, and he/she will be happy to contact the district manager, to let him/her know that a "customer" pissed and shat all over the store and the bathroom, and that they're angry that they were caught, and therefore, will never shop here again. They will be quite relieved!"
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #28
                            Quoth Mark Healey View Post
                            This is why I think every public bathroom should be hose-cleanable, and whoever had to clean it gets one of those Andromeda Strain suits.
                            Actually, self-cleaning bathrooms already exist, apparently at the Metro rail stations in Rome.


                            How 'bout that???


                            • #29
                              I've been wanting to tell this story for a while. WARNING! WARNING!

                              I used to work at a movie theater that had 30 screens. Employees did various duties, one of which was ushering. Ushering consisted of walking around, sweeping up spilled popcorn, cleaning theaters at the end of each showing, and checking tickets at the door for the newly released movies.

                              It also required bathroom duties.

                              I walked into one of the men's rooms, checked the stalls, and what do I find but a pair of shitty underwear. Shitty kids underwear stained the most unholy color you could imagine. I started gagging just looking at it. I tried using the handle on the broom I was using to sweep up, but I started gagging. I ultimately ended up having to squint my eyes until I could see nothing more than a grossly-colored blur, picked it up with the broom handle, tossed them in the toilet, and flushed them.

                              I had to throw the broom away after that.


                              • #30
                                Okay, I have to comment here, and it is partially on the side of the customers.

                                What? Jester, you can't be serious! Of all topics that we have discussed here, how can you possibly defend THIS?

                                As I said, I am only partially defending these folks. I can honestly see how someone could get such an, um, to be diplomatic, "upset stomach" that they didn't quite make it to the bowl, missed the bowl, etc. I can honestly see how somene, if they didn't make it to the bowl, might have gotten some of the matter on their underwear/clothes and decided to leave said soiled garments behind. I can also honestly see how said person(s) would be very embarrassed about such an occurrence, so embarrassed that they would not say anything to anyone and just sneak away. I feel bad for these people. I feel sympathy, and I feel pity, as this cannot exactly be a high point in their lives. Such a thing would be very embarrassing, after all, and this could happen to a decent person, and such a person would in fact be very ashamed. These are people that we, as decent folks ourselves, should all feel sympathy for.

                                That being said....

                                (deep breath while I crack my knuckles...)

                                I cannot and will not in any way understand, explain, justify, or defend the asshats and fuckwads that use fitting rooms as bathrooms intentionally (as opposed to the aforementioned unintentional incidents), that intentionally piss or shit all over a stall, urinal, or bathroom, that decide to hide their bodily waste in creative locations, or that actually go out of their way to draw or write on various surfaces with their refuse. These people are slime, and deserve to be beaten about their heads and shoulders, have their faces shoved in their own fecal matter, and forever banned from whatever establishment they thought would be a good place to pull this tomfoolery in. This is completely unacceptable behavior in anyone over the age of three, and frankly, I have met many three year olds that would find this behavior unacceptable themselves. The people in my first paragraph are ashamed for something beyond their control, and should have our sympathy. THESE people, the asshats, should feel an undying shame for what they have pulled, and should have their behavior publicized in neon signs for all the world to know that they are, in every sense of the words, complete and total shitheads.

                                Ladies and Gentleman of the CS Jury, I rest my case!
                                Last edited by Jester; 12-04-2006, 04:54 PM.

                                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                                Still A Customer."

