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  • Eh.

    Wow, I haven't posted in a while, so this could be quite long. Just a few things, you've seen them all before I'm sure. =p

    We had a sale in October. Not a huge one, just kinda "it's going on, come along if you want..." kinda sale. Chav grrl in late teens/early twenties comes in with ugly chav b'f and their b*****d child (what? it is! no way they were married), without bothering to look, burst at me

    Me: "...Uh, yeah. What size were you looking for?"
    Her: "SEVEN."
    Me: "*points to the wall DIRECTLY next to us* They'll be on there."


    Me: "Age seven again?"
    HER: "UH, YEAH."
    Me: "Same place."
    Her: *blank stare*
    Me: ...*points again*

    Later later...

    Me: -_- *points to corner, where the overhead signs say 'SALE'"
    Me: ...Sales are more pot luck than anything else. One-offs mostly. There will probably be some in there, yes.
    Her: "AGE SEVEN?"
    Me: >________________<

    Now, I don't have problems with customers asking me where something is if they've tried their hand at looking first. Not so when you rush in and demand to know where everything is without even looking.

    So later, this girl decides that shes done, find a pair of jeans (age 4...URRGH) while I'm serving this other lady, and shoves her own stuff on the desk before this other woman is even done yet. How rude can someone be? Stupid cow. Rushed her stuff through the till, bunged her reciept in the bag and went to go do something else. No thankyous or anything. >_<

    And today, some woman tries her luck with a sympathy speech. She wants us to phone up a store and reserve an item of clothing should that store have it. no problem. Co-worker phones them up and YAY! the store has it!

    Co-worker: So, when will you be along to pick it up? (could be today or tommorow)
    Woman: Thursday.

    Here we see this isn't gonna work. A store can only hold an item of clothing for 24 hours. No more. Don't know why, its always been like that. We ask the person on the other line if they will, and they say they won't. Fair enough, its policy. We tell the woman this.

    Woman: But thursdays the only day I have off! I work all the time otherwise! I cant go anywhere else for it! I always shop at (insert store name here), I dont go anywhere else! This is where I buy all my clothes! Its a christmas present!

    Hey, guess what? You're not working right now. Can't you go pick it up TODAY? All of our stores are open an hour extra during the holiday season and...Whoa! You still have 2 hours to go about 15 miles and get it! And if you have somewhere to be...well, guess what? There are other clothes shops in this shopping centre! Why don't you go and look at them? Because, believe it or not, there are many different braches of clothes line other than ours, mostly at cheaper prices because our store is an expensive bugger and only rich people and people with birthday money shop here!

    /end sarcasm

    That was overly long, I think. Oh yeah. Some old lady comes in, has thin hair on face, so she pencils in her eyebrows. K, whatever. Not so when she must've mistaken a bright blue felt tip for her eyebrow pencil...
    Last edited by biscuitchan; 12-03-2006, 07:06 PM.

  • #2
    hmmm.....why you are entitled to your opnion, i really don't think you should call a child a "bastard child" just because its parents aren't married(yes i know thats the definition, but i really don't think its right to call a child a bad name because the parents did or didn't do something). the child that i am 7 months pregnant with would be considered what you call a "bastard", and while i may not be married, i am engaged to the father of the child. would you like to know why i haven't gotten married yet? because we were waiting until i was 21 and i lost my fathers insurance. we just figured it would be fine for me to keep extremely good insurance as long as i could. then i got pregnant. and guess what....the great insurance from my dad is covering everything. i can really use it. therefore, we are getting married after the baby is born.

    calling a child a bastard child seems a bit extreme. im not sure if you realize it, but alot of parents on this board are single parents, and aren't married to their childs mother or father. i don't think they would like to know somebody is looking at their child and secretly calling them a bastard. people have reasons for not getting married to the parent of their child. you don't know what they are, and before you insult a child who has no say in what goes on, you might want to think about that.

    im sorry if everybody feels im overreacting, blame it on the hormones if you must, but i don't think a child should be called names because the parents decided not to do something before this child was even born.


    • #3
      It seems to me that if a member posted about a kid who ran around the store without supervision, and had posted something like "the little bastard ruined our endcaps," without knowing the marital status of its parents, nobody would have blinked. It seems rather backwards to me that such a usage would be fine, while using the word in an accurate and literal sense has cause problems.

      The bottom line is, literal or not, "bastard" is not something we consider unacceptable.

      Moving on.
      Last edited by gbm85; 12-04-2006, 02:27 AM.

