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if the world is really this braindead

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  • if the world is really this braindead

    i have worked for convergys for 2 years i have seen my shair of ignorant customers but this one takes the cake.

    me:thank you for calling blah blah

    sc:my computer isnt working and its your people's fault

    me: i apologize about that, what seems to be the problem

    sc: i was on my computer surfing the internet and i got something here that says warning your computer is infected please download this software to protect yourself from the malicous software.

    me: unfortuantely sir that means your computer has either a virus or spyware on your computer, who is your antivirus with

    sc: its from your shi**y company

    me: so you have mcaffee antivirus

    sc: yes and i already talked to them people and they want to charge me 100 bux and i refuse to pay since you guys are my provider and the antivrus was from you guys as well

    me: okay sir the best advice i can give you is that you should get your computer repaired with a local computer profeesional for a cheaper price

    sc: you need to fix it and i want it fixed now YOU DO IT NOW!!!

    me: im sorry sir i dont have the programs necessary to achive that for you-

    sc: this is the worst internet provider in the history of providers (this cust is a female btw with a voice that sounds like she smoked one too many cigarettes or was a male at one time)

    me: im sorry to hear that we are trying our best to resolve your problems but all antivirus are never 100% guaranteed to protect your computer from all viruses it says that on the terms of agreement.

    sc:you dont know what your talking about i had norton never had a problem, i just want you to fix my computer now or else i will rip all your services from my house and shove them up your a**

    me: we cannot fix your computer miss and i wish we could (wanting to hang up on this call so bad but do not have the authority 2) but are resources are limited as we are a basic internet techs

    sc: no no thats not true your just lazy and you dont want to help some one else helped me before

    me: im sorry miss that is not what are job is and we would get into trouble if we did that so im sorry i cannot help you with this issue.

    sc: screw it im through with you guys your cust service sucks your internet and cable suck and your phone and you suck too you baster*

    me: thank you for *click*

    if you waited one hour to get me on the phone for something as ignorant as this you might as well forget about having service with anyone. people that are this brain dead need to just shoot them selves.

  • #2
    You have my sympathies. I work in tech support too and I get my lions share of brain dead idiots like that. Here's one for ya. I'm still at how that SC thought that McAfee was an ISP. Then again, SC's and EW's believe that any computer software company and/or ISP they do business with (or lack there of) should fix every kind of issue under the sun with their computers for free.
    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


    • #3
      Ah, ISP support, aint it a grand thing, once had a customer move their laptop, and because she just got internet it was our fault that her other pc stopped working when she moved the laptop. yes thats right MOVED the laptop and the desktop stopped working. had a good laugh at that at least, but i got so yelled at by that customer.

      (FYI she was using a laptop docking station, the 'dekstop' was her laptop on the dock with keyboard mouse and large monitor pluged into it)
      Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
      pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


      • #4
        People this stupid should have their computers revoked.


        • #5
          Yeah but it's also really irritating that most anti-virus sofware canNOT keep out most kinds of malware, even though some you have to pay up to a hundred bucks a YEAR to have. That's why I've been malware-removal courses online to take care of this stuff myself without having to pay. Besides, I've found FREE anti-malware programs that work even better than the ones that charge you for it.


          • #6
            Ah the good ol' "my computer got malware while I was using security software YOU provided therefore YOU have to fix it" call.

            "I'm sorry ma'am but we can't help with malware removal. We simply do not have the training or the resources for that."

            It's not the ISP's fault they clicked on something they shouldn't have. Definitions-based antivirus is an obsolete model anyway. Executable whitelisting is where it's at man!
            Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


            • #7
              I've found that the easiest way to deal with malware is to:

              1) Backup all your files.

              2) Download and burn this CD.

              3) Boot the above mentioned CD and choose the install option.

              4) Follow the prompts.

              I can't remember the last time I had to think about any kind of malware.


              • #8
                Quoth convergyssucks View Post
                sc: i was on my computer surfing the internet and i got something here that says warning your computer is infected please download this software to protect yourself from the malicous software.

                me: unfortuantely sir that means your computer has either a virus or spyware on your computer, who is your antivirus with
                She would have been infected ONLY if she was stupid enough to believe that site and download the malware acting like it was an anti-virus program.


                • #9
                  Quoth Juggler View Post
                  I've found that the easiest way to deal with malware is to:

                  1) Backup all your files.

                  2) Download and burn this CD.

                  3) Boot the above mentioned CD and choose the install option.

                  4) Follow the prompts.

                  I can't remember the last time I had to think about any kind of malware.
                  I dunno. I prefer this CD tbh. Ubuntu tends to screw itself after a few months and quit working in mysterious ways. The other way is at This site if you aren't much for building your own kernel and such.
                  Coworker: Distro of choice?
                  Me: Gentoo.
                  Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


                  • #10
                    i got something here that says warning your computer is infected please download this software to protect yourself from the malicous software.
                    that warning might ahve also have been a malware scam


                    • #11

                      but she kept on getting multiple popups so she probly tried to download it


                      • #12
                        Quoth ditchdj View Post
                        Yeah but it's also really irritating that most anti-virus sofware canNOT keep out most kinds of malware, even though some you have to pay up to a hundred bucks a YEAR to have. That's why I've been malware-removal courses online to take care of this stuff myself without having to pay. Besides, I've found FREE anti-malware programs that work even better than the ones that charge you for it.
                        To be fair, a lot of malware uses the Trojan Horse method.

                        It makes itself look shiny, user wants shiny object and then relaxes security, hauls shiny object inside where the destructive payload activates.



                        • #13
                          Quoth PepperElf View Post
                          that warning might ahve also have been a malware scam
                          Yeah, that's most likely a version of WinAntiVirus2009 or whatever it's calling itself now. Nasty bugger to get. I've had it try and attack my PC before, and I wasn't even clicking on things I shouldn't. It was hidden in the background of some webpage that got hacked. Luckily, I run TeaTimer from Spybot, so anything that tries to change my registry pops up a box that says "Hey, <program X> is trying to change your registry to <add/delete> this. Do you want to let it?"
                          Dealer hits... 21. Table loses.

                          This happens more often than most people want to believe.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Midorikawa View Post
                            I dunno. I prefer this CD tbh. Ubuntu tends to screw itself after a few months and quit working in mysterious ways. The other way is at This site if you aren't much for building your own kernel and such.
                            My desktop is currently running on this. I'm fairly happy with it.
                            "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                            • #15
                              Quoth Juggler View Post
                              I've found that the easiest way to deal with malware is to:

                              1) Backup all your files.

                              2) Download and burn this CD.

                              3) Boot the above mentioned CD and choose the install option.

                              4) Follow the prompts.

                              I can't remember the last time I had to think about any kind of malware.

                              I've taken 98SE era machines online for hours at a time. Only time I ever got bit by malware was when I accidentally left one machine plugged into the 'Net and booted to windows.

