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Drugs are bad, um k. :( (LONG)

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  • Drugs are bad, um k. :( (LONG)

    This incident happened a few weeks back and one of my fellow co-workers reminded me about it when I told them i joined! First post for me other than intro one so go easy on me!

    This guy comes into my line on the only register open at night (15) which is also the cig line where we lock up the cigs. I help the people in front of him and glance his direction and right away I know this one is going to be interesting. The guy has the twitches, shifting constantly like sitting still will end him like a shark. Rubbing his hands over his face and jacket and hands in and out of pockets. He starts worrying me. Thankfully a friend of mine was close by and she stuck around for a moment while this part (yes there are multiple) happened.

    TC- Twitchy Customer
    Me- ... *gives cookie*

    TC- what yer ch-cheapest cig?
    Me- uh that would be the *---*
    TC- how much? How much are they? hello?
    Me- $4.08 a pack.
    TC- okay okay okay. ... okay *pulls out a hundred dollar bill in a wad and shoves it at me*

    I examine the bill closely and the guy glares. Its policy. Its also 3 am, I WILL BE CHECKING YOUR MONEY. Period. I give him his change and he toddles off not outside but into the store. I sigh and tell my friend I really hope I'm not here when he gets back.

    Fast forward about twenty mins when one of my co workers tells me the guy has one of our recycle bag (the reuseable cloth kind to encourage enviromental goodness) and is going through the entire store packing it full. We set one of the managers to watch him and life goes on.

    Fast forward again about an hour. Right before my break is supposed to be, TC comes wandering around the corner. I have a huge line of customers at this point, a bunch of college guys are getting their beer right before the cut off (Oregon cuts off alcohol purchases between 2:30am and 7am). I am ringing out these guys and TC goes to the belt directly across from me. Note: no one is at this register. Its been emptied for the night. He starts going through his bags (he has two cloth bags now) and dumping them out, rearranging and making a LOT of noise. He is also talking to himself the entire time. At one point, I look up and notice him putting a bandana over the lower portion of his face to cover it. I freeze when my entire brain screams ROBBERY. The college boy in front of me notices my terrified expression. He turns around and goes right up to the guy and says,"Hey dude! Whats that?" while pointing to the mask. TC quickly removes it and stuffs it in his pockets.

    MY Hero! My customers go and I call a manager at this point under the call "I need an override" when the manager gets there, it takes me not once but four times to get her to understand I DIDNT call for an override. Stupid -.-;

    She wanders closeby as the guy comes up to my line.

    TC- Man I lost my money, that money you just gave me. You gave me. money.
    Me- That sucks, did you look everywhere you had gone?
    TC- Yeah yeah yeah... *ruffles through jacket for five mins*

    Meanwhile, I ring up his items. And he goes way over the hundred dollars he has and notices this. This is when he starts getting annoying (yes he was sorta normal until this point sadly.) He starts grabbing things out of what I already rang up and what I havent yet and tries to mix them up says "I dont want this and that is a no yes wait. no. yes." and he'll move on to something else. Thankfully I am fast at my job and aware because he shuffled the stuff around like one of those guys with the pea and three shells. Finally he decides on an acceptable combination and while I am cashing him OUT, he adds things. Then after ringing up that, he wanders off and searches he pockets more.

    Granted, the guy probably DID lose his 95 bucks but he was also sky high on something so he got no pity from anyone.

    The sadest part is this is not over. The guy comes back twenty mins later and starts shoveling things he had bought on my counter.

    TC- I need to get my money money back... this and this and this and these.
    Me- ... oh..k.

    I start doing the return, swearing the entire time in my mind. The manager wandered off at one point. The guy had like six wallets and most of them were womens. His jacket had about three hidden pockets. The guy SCARED me. After he returned things TWICE, he finally left. Leaving his VA card sitting on the counter. I ran after him and shoved it in his bag and said "You forgot this" and ran back to bump into my CSM who had been on lunch. "I NEED A BREAK NOW." I bellowed and ran off to huddle in a ball in the breakroom for 15 mins.


  • #2
    Wow. The MANAGER didn't know the codes???
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


    • #3

      Yeah, the managers are way too wrapped up in themselves to realize that they have PEOPLE working for them. I have had multiple instances where my life was in danger and they ignore me.


      • #4
        Quoth lita View Post
        The guy had like six wallets and most of them were womens. ... Leaving his VA card sitting on the counter.
        Was it actually HIS card? Cause the multiple female wallets is screaming pickpocket to me...
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #5
          Oh, yeah, the multiple wallets and hidden pockets absolutely screams pickpocket.

          I think, if I wasn't more worried about just getting rid of him, that I might tell a manager and let them know that I wouldn't be serving him due to the whole accessory after the fact thing. Let them deal with mister twitchy.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6

            Yeah they were girly wallets. I got the pickpocket impression too. Thankfully I havent seen him since. The VA card was actually his. VA cards have a picture and name on them. People often try to use them as an ID. The problem with this is they do not have a birthday on them. So often I turn down people ranting and raving about "I served this country and I cant even buy my booze!" I admire anyone willing to risk their life for a cause, I do not admire guys who have let themselves go 5 years after discharge and now reek of BO and cheap beer.

            We have had a complete restructure of overnight management in the last month. This new structure requires one assistant and one co manager (Co being the higher) assistants actually help out and there used to be TWO on nights. Co s usually sit in the office with the occasional wander through the store to whine about too few people not doing more than normally required. So thus, our managers are stretched thin and thats why they never respond fast.

