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you're stupid!

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  • you're stupid!

    so i was working drive thru today (which i loathe) and i messed up a drink order. grabbed the wrong one and gave it to a customer. oh well, i'm new at it and accidents happen. when i was sorting things out with my manager, we were talking loudly to hear each other over the noise of the store. must've been the rain or something today cuz it was uber busy.

    all of the sudden, i hear this guy start to throw a fit. we were out of croissants still. my manager started to explain that we ordered them, but hq was also out so they didn't send any.

    the guy started freaking out

    he starts yelling at her that it's her job to keep things stocked and it's her fault that we're always out of them (mind you, this was around 9 am, after we'd been open for three and a half hours. we only stock 4 croissants at a time). like she's supposed to march to corporate ever time they're short on pastries or something.

    then he starts yelling at her for yelling at me saying "this is how you treat your employees no wonder they can't do things right, blah blah blah." (she totally wasn't yelling at me)

    my manager kept trying to explain things and calm him down, but he kept interrupting her all rude-like.
    so she asked him to leave and never come back. let's hope he actually does.
    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"

  • #2
    Keep hoping.

    He'll probably be back tomorrow, either throwing sullen looks at the employees for how "poorly" he was treated, or pretending like nothing ever happened.

    But if it's any consolation, for your sake I'm hoping the jerk never comes back, too.
    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


    • #3
      yeah. 'cept we've had problems with him before. he often complains that we're out of something. the guy's an ass. i have a feeling he likes to start stuff just to start stuff. likes the attention or something. grr. i'm just glad i have no problem talking to people like that. ooo...if i ever get him when there's no other customers...
      If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

      i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


      • #4
        Is it just me or does this guy sound like a real-life version of an Internet troll?
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...


        • #5
          Since the manager told him to leave and never come back, if he comes back you can deny him service and tell him to leave.
          Think about it, you never have to actually put up with him again, and if he throws a fit you can call police for trespassing, or at least act like you are.

