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Rainy Day Suck

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  • Rainy Day Suck

    Background: ID office for University. You receive a free replacement if you turn in an old/damaged card, otherwise it is a $25 replacement fee.

    Every person that comes to this office has a different situation and I am always afraid the person next in line will assume that the person I just helped had the same problem as them. Then bitch and moan about why the other person didn't have to pay or got their picture taken, etc.

    It is a slow day and dreary outside.

    Me: has a headache to begin with
    C: regular joe
    SC: cankersore behind him

    C: so I get one free replacement right?
    M: You will always get a free replacement if you turn in a damaged card.
    C: ok, so just something tangible with my name and picture pretty much
    M: ideally, yes.

    he goes his merry way

    SC: My card got stuck in an atm machine so it should be on its way.
    M: If I print you a new card it will cost $25 and we don't do refunds.
    SC: that's ridiculous. (pause) I am a student. It should be in the mail anyway.
    so am i! I charge everyone else including staff and faculty the same price. I will not jeopardize my job for you! Besides you could be lying
    M: I have to have a damaged card in possession from you in order to waive the fee.
    she rolls her eyes and storms out mumbling how stupid I am and I this ordel was Fudged up!!

    So I shred her paperwork and go about my business. 2 minutes later she comes back in asking for my boss. Crap. I retrieve my boss and fill him in on the details. I leave the two of them in the hallway as I have another customer. Normally he is the type to cave in and I'm worried because she might bitch that she has to fill out the paperwork again. A few seconds later I here shrieks of bloody murder. She is in the middle of the lobby reciting every foul word that comes to mind.

    Boss: (calmly) That's very inappropriate.

    The entire building goes dead just watching this woman make a fool of herself! It did nothing for my headache


    That is all. Thanks for reading my rant! carry on with your day!
    When Angels go bad, they go worse than anyone. Remember, Lucifer was an angel.

  • #2
    Hooray for your boss not caving in!

    I hate people who expect special treatment. They're no more special than any of the other spwecial snowflakes you work with all day long and they need to get over it.

