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oh my how stupid are they

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  • oh my how stupid are they

    Yeah i got another one.

    I have to work the craft department at wally world too, right.

    Okay you have a vest, badge, and that lovely "can i help you" attitude.

    a woman come up to me and asked me

    wno you work here?

    me: I looked at my vest, "umm yeah i think so"

    wn: "well i need someone who can cut fabric"

    me: standing there with a blank face "i can help you with that"

    wn: are you sure you know how to do this

    me: now i'm thinking do you want help or to make me mad "yes mam i do this all the time"

    wn: okay then if you think you can handle it

    me: so i said" mam let me get someone else who can better assist you" and i walked off.

    Yeah i know not best customer service, but i can only take so much stupidity
    I Have Nothing But The Thoughts Of Uselessness

  • #2
    Gives dawntazz a to hopefully cheer her up.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      thanks needed that
      I Have Nothing But The Thoughts Of Uselessness


      • #4
        anytime you need
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


        • #5
          You have my sympathies. I was a fabric cutter in a WM craft department once. Probably my least favorite job that I've ever had.


          • #6
            Geez, how much of a brain surgeon do you have to be to cut fabric?

            I get similar attitudes pretty often. I've only worked as a computer tech for two months and I've already had several customers tell me that I don't know what I'm doing before I even get two words out of my mouth. Or they ask me if I just "handle the paperwork."

            Yeah, I have tits. So, of course, I don't know crap about computers, despite the fact that I'm helping to train the new guy.

            Just let it roll off your back and show some teeth. You're smiling, right?
            A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran

