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Crazy Woman w/mentally-challenged Man (caution: long)

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  • Crazy Woman w/mentally-challenged Man (caution: long)

    A little background, I work as a PetNurse for Banfield Pet Hospital. Every Banfield, with the exception to our original clinic, is connected to a PetsMart, part of some corporate contract thingy. Anyway, we close about one or two hours before they do, every day of the week. I deal with some pretty back clients sometimes, but most of the time, the store gets the better stories.

    This one happened lastnight, not to me, but to an employee at the store my clinic is attatched to. I was helping the receptionist close down the clinic lastnight, and while we were counting the till and clocking our co-workers out, we over here the following:

    SC = Female
    MC= Male companion to SC
    Cashier= self-explainitory

    SC (to Male companion): Where's the round thing that you put dog food in?
    MC: I handed it to you
    SC: No you didn't. If you had, I would have it, so where is it!?
    MC: I don't have it. I handed it to you already!
    SC: You're stressing me out. My back hurts! You're trying to hurt me, aren't you?! You're doing this on purpose!
    MC: No, I don't, I already handed the bowl to you (at least he knows what the round thing you put dog food in is)
    SC: Stop stressing me out! You're doing this on purpose...
    (this goes on for about 6 minutes, no exageration, before he finds it under the two dogs that were in his shopping cart)

    SC: See, you did have it! What's wrong with you?! Now, where's my other glove?
    MC: It fell out of your cart, so I picked it up for you, and put back in there. See, there it is.
    SC: No, this is the glove I had, where's the other one.
    MC: It's right there.
    SC: No, that's the one I found, where's my other glove.
    (they both start looking in both carts, while both dogs start barking loudly)
    SC: Don't pick my coat up, you'll dump everything on the floor
    (guess where the other glove was)
    MC: I found your glove.
    SC: God! You're such an idiot sometimes!
    MC: Don't call me that.

    At this point, I step away from helping the receptionist, and went into the back of clinic to put some papers away, so I missed the part where another client, at the register next to this couple, turned to the woman and something along the lines of "Maybe you should shop someplace else, because you're a bitch, and you're rude." When I came back out though, the craziness was still going on, despite the brave customer's attempt at shutting the woman up.

    SC (to Cashier): Oh no, that's too much, I didn't want that.
    Cashier: Oh, I'm sorry, here, I'll take it off
    SC: It's not your fault, you're fast and efficient, I'm just slow and feable.
    Cashier: says something inaudable to me, because she's very shy and soft-spoken
    SC: No honey, you're doing fine, I'm just slow and feable.

    By this point, my receptionist and I were laughing so hard we didn't hear the rest of it. However, when I took our deposit over to their safe (we don't have one, so we store it all over there), I asked the cashier at the register next to this woman if she could please call a manager. The SC rounds on the other cashier and starts going off on her because she called a manager. She starts claiming that she's not crazy, that she's a regular, and she's normally nice, that the cashier will see when the manager got there. I stepped up and said, "No, she called the manager for me, so I can make a deposit," holding up my two bags. When the manager got there, sure enough, the manager did recognize her, and I could see the color drain from the manager's face. The only way I could get the manager away from the crazy woman was by saying, "Hey, Manager, I need to make this drop because I just got a call that my grandmother in (45miles away) has just been admitted to the hospital" Which worked, and wasn't entirely a lie. Apparently this woman comes in all the time, but this was my first encounter with her. It was the first cashier's encounter with her too.
    "God appreciates your editing" -Kes