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Assorted Tales of Suck. I'm warning you, it's long.

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  • Assorted Tales of Suck. I'm warning you, it's long.

    I finally have something to post about! Woohoo!

    The dumbest beeyatch I have ever met

    We dealt with this loser right before the end of my shift tonight.
    Me- hai there.
    SC- everyone's favorite
    PM- poor manager
    First, she called us. I was the unfortunate one who answered to her.
    SC: (Bitch screamed the whole time we dealt with her. Just imagine her dialogue in all caps) I just bought $300 worth of groceries at your store and I didn't get most of them home!
    Me: OK, well, did you drive up for them?
    SC: Yes! I had 2 carts after I checked out and they didn't hardly put anything in my car!

    (In case you aren't familiar with drive up, it's where you drive up to the front of the store and a bagger will load your groceries in your car for you. What we do at the checkout is we write the number that's on the cart on their reciept with a crayon and they show that number to the drive up workers so they can get the right cart/s)

    Me: Alright. Do you have the reciept with the numbers written on it?
    SC: Yes!
    Me: Could you tell me the numbers so I can try to find if that cart is maybe still outside?
    SC: No! (Gee, you're looking for help but you won't let me help you? Dumbass!)
    Me: Well, that's the best way we can help you, but I suppose I can go outside and see if there's still a cart outside at drive up that might be yours.
    SC: Well I am not coming back in to get it! If it's there, you better drive it to my house!
    Me: (yeeeahhhh.. right..) I'm going to go outside now and see if I can find your cart. Hold please.

    I put her on hold before she could continue screaming at me, and went out to drive up and asked the bag boys if there was anything left behind. They said no. So, once I got back inside, I paged PM to take the call, since he would be able to handle it better anyway.

    5 minutes later, the woman stormed in while I was helping another customer and began screaming at me the same thing she just told me over the phone. I told her that she could talk to the manager because he would do a better job with helping her, and I paged him over.

    SC: (at me) I have to be somewhere in 15 minutes! You better hurry up! I need my groceries NNNNOOOOWWWWW! Rabble rabble! I think your drive up guys gave my groceries to another customer and they are lying to me! I only found a couple of bags and some pop in my car! Blah blah blah!
    Finally, PM arrived and she followed him out to drive up. They weren't out there for long when PM came back in, looking obviously upset that he had to deal with such a bitch.
    Me: What happened with that crazy woman?
    PM: We found the rest of her groceries in a different part of her car. She didn't look through her whole car.
    Me: Sooooo.... she screamed at us and wasted our time because she was too stupid to search her entire vehicle....?
    PM: That's pretty much it.
    Me: Did she even apologize?
    PM: No.

    And now, a longer story. Actually, a series of stories. This is the saga of Mole Lady.
    You see, Mole Lady (will call her Mole) is one of our regular customers with a striking resemblance to a mole (the mammal, not the freckle). She also has a attitude problem and doesn't like to listen.

    Not our problem!

    The building next to our store is under construction, so naturally, a good part of their parking lot is taken up by machinery and fenced off. Not good for Mole. See, she doesn't drive, and therefore needs to take the bus or a cab to where she needs to be. Her bus stop is on the other side of the parking lot that's fenced off, so instead of her being able to walk across the parking lot, she has to go around. Big deal, right? Apparently so!

    Mole comes in, huffing and puffing to me that it was sooooo difficult to have to walk around the fenced area next to us, and that it was a big inconvenience for her. Thankfully I was chit-chatting with a member of upper management at the time so I didn't take the worst of her, the manager did.

    Mole: When are you guys going to be done with that darn construction? It's ridiculous that I have to walk around to get here!
    Manager: The building next to us is doing the construction, not us. It's not our property so we have no control over it.
    You'd think that would be the end of the conversation, right? If it was, would I be posting it here?
    Mole: But it's such an inconvenience! You need to hurry up them construction workers so I don't have to keep walking around!
    Manager: Ma'am, it isn't our property! Like I just said there is NOTHING we can do about it. I know it's a big pain for everyone but we will just have to wait for the other company to be done with it.
    Mole: But it's an inconvenience! (this went on for a good 2-3 minutes before my manager just told her to take it up with the company next door and to have a nice day, and walked away shaking her head)

    Again. Not our problem.

    This happens nearly every time she is ready to leave our store. She takes a cab home, and we call one for her, tell her how long it will be for it to arrive, and she will come back every 10 minutes complaining that it's not here. Damn near every time. She also accuses us and the cab company that we are "playing games" with her. No, Mole. You just need to wait the time that we tell you it will be before you cab is here. If they say it'll be 30 minutes, don't come bitching at me after 15 minutes go by. Delicious patience, you should try some.

    Some more reasons we don't like her.
    - She gets angry with the cashier when she doesn't have enough money to pay for her own groceries. As if it's our fault you didn't come prepared.
    - She takes for freakin' ever to check out. One item on the belt, watches as it's scanned, dawdles in her purse, then puts the next item up, lather rinse repeat.
    - Never happened to me, but I have heard she harrassed some employees and other customers for money for her cab fare and to cover for the groceries she coulnd't afford.

    I heard that last night, she was told off by Awesome Manager (AM) after she complained that the yogurt she wanted was up too high on the shelf. (She is super short, like 4 feet maybe, and to most people the top shelf of yogurt isn't that high up) Now, normally if you can't reach something you get an employee to get it down, right? Not for Mole. She complained that it was "against the law" for items to be too high for a customer to reach. AM told her if she needed help getting it down that she should have found an employee to help get it down for her, or even another customer to help grab it.

    She didn't "get it". She bitched and complained that it was against the law, blah blah blah...

    AM knows about all the shit she pulls at our store, and had had enough. He basically told her that if she comes in again and harrasses our employees or customers, or if she starts pointless arguments with us again, she will have to shop elsewhere.

    I just hope she got the point and doesn't come back. For one customer lost I am sure there are many more, non-crazy customers to replace her.

    Sorry if this was way too long. heh...

  • #2
    Sounds about right.

    Only in my store the manager used to get down on his knees and orally services the Mole along with any other annoying customers who came in.


    • #3
      Well that first lady was just lovely. About two years back, a lady came storming into our store and started yelling at a random cashier because, get this, she forgot her own bags in the shopping cart outside and left without them. Basically she put some groceries underneath her cart and forgot to put them in her car. But that was apparently our fault. As I said, she lit into the first cashier she saw, demanding we find those bags immediately or else! It was fourty degrees and raining outside, but this cashier spent a good twenty minutes walking the parking lot trying to find these bags. Not Good Enough!!! She started screaming at customer service. Another cashier went outside and finally found the bags. He comes inside, shivering and soaked, only to have the woman yank the bags from his hands and storm out in a huff. What ever happened to personal responsibility?
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        Quoth bainsidhe View Post
        What ever happened to personal responsibility?
        They replaced that with the customer is always right.

