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I put in my 2 weeks

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  • I put in my 2 weeks

    So these are some of my last ever SCs at this job.


    CW notices a little boy in front of our candy rack with chocolate all over his face. Walks over to him.

    CW: Young man, empty your pockets
    LB: (guiltily pulls a wad of candy wrappers from his pockets. Mother storms over.)
    SC: What are you doing!
    CW: Ma'am, you'll have to pay for that candy
    SC: No I don't!
    CW: Your child ate them, you have to pay.
    SC: Did you see him do it!? (Just then the boy opens a mounds bar) Don't eat that! You won't like it! Here! (tries to hand it to CW)
    CW: We can't take that back, it's been opened.
    SC: Fine, I'll pay for this one (Jeez lady, watch your kid cause he just grabbed another mounds bar. They come to my register to check out. Little boy takes a bite of his candy bar)
    LB: Ew, I don't like this! (spits a chewed up mound of sticky coconut chocolate into his hand. Mother takes out a tissue and picks it up.)
    Me: It'll be $xx.xx (i hold out my hand)
    SC: Here, throw this out for me (doesn't even wrap up the chocolate, just drops the chewed up candy bar into my hand from the tissue and then uses the tissue to clean her son's hand. So I'm standing there with some stranger's gross who knows where they've been germs all over my hand.)
    Me: One moment (and I just walk away from the register, go to the bathroom, and thoroughly wash my hands a bagillion times. When I came back she was gone and her stuff wasn't in recovery, so I assume someone else took over. I mentioned the incident to my manager and she said with everything going around I did the right thing cause that lady was a bitch. Plus she didn't want chocolate goo all over the money she had to count at the end of the night.)

    I'll just pull that out of my ass

    Guy special orders $600 worth of fabric and then demands we get it in the next day. First off we only get trucks on Monday. Secondly the warehouse is 5 hours away. The paperwork has to be processed through our system, the request sent to the warehouse, someone there has to fill that order, put it on a truck, and send it here. It doesn't sound like a lot, but when you have multiple orders coming in from all over the country to this one warehouse, it's going to take some time. I explained all this to you, but apparently you are the most special person on earth and limitations do not apply to you.

    And lastly, shop for me!

    SC: I just got this home and I was ironing it and there's a spot on it (I looked, it was a burn spot oddly an iron.) and I need the whole thing to make napkins and with this spot I won't have enough and I need to return this and get more of the same color but I can't find it cause it's not up here and dear I really need the same color because I went through all the trouble of matching it up to the old napkins I have and I'm not sure that I'm finding the right color because this doesn't look the same and I'm not sure where the one I had would be because I really don't see it back there. (I have a really good aural memory, and yes this was written down exactly as she said it. She would not shut up!)
    Me: Ok, well that isn't the same color.
    SC: Could you check, I really need the same color (yeah, because the food will taste so much different if you have just the right colored napkins)
    Me: Ok, let me just get the sku number (I take her receipt. The receipts only have barcode numbers, and the bolts only have skus, so I have to put the barcode into stock search to find the sku. I walk behind the register. She follows)
    SC: Are you going to look, because I really need the same color and (ma'am) I don't see it back there so if you'll (ma'am) just go and look maybe you'll be able to find it because I (excuse me) don't see it and I really need the (ma'am!) same colors and maybe someone put it back in the wrong spot because (MA'AM) I don't see it back there and I'm not sure where else to look (could you please) so if you'd come back I'm sure you could find it because I don't have enough to make the napkins. (At this point I haven't been able to open stock search yet because I can't have her behind the counter and I've been spending all this time trying to get her to STFU! When she stops to take a breath I cut in)
    Me: Ma'am I'm just looking up the number for the fabric so if you could just wait on the other side of the counter I'd be happy to help (said at a million miles an hour in case she started talking again.)
    SC: Oh, ok (really, that's all you have to say. I get the number and walk back there, all the while she's saying the same this about her napkins and the color and the odd iron shaped mark that happened to appear after she ironed. The fabric indeed is not back there. She goes on a speech about how maybe it's somewhere else. I try to explain to her that if a customer indeed did move it I don't have the time to look around because I have to man the register. Eventually I just wander away. I talk to CW about the fabric. It's been sold. I tell SC this.)
    SC: I can't believe that I just bought it an hour ago (five according to the receipt) and I can't believe that someone would buy it all because there was a whole bunch left and I can't believe it I need that color and what am I supposed to do if it's not here. (I suggest getting a nice complimenting color and she could alternate but she's having none of it ) How could they have sold it!
    Me: Ma'am, this is a store, and it is our job to SELL THINGS. I CANNOT SEE INTO THE FUTURE TO KNOW THAT THE PERSON WHO JUST BOUGHT THIS FABRIC IS GOING TO BURN IT AND COME BACK FOR MORE! (Harsh words, but by this point I was fed up and had already put in my 2 weeks. YAY! More drama took place at the register. We returned the fabric and the sold it back to her, but gave 75% off on the damaged portion. She thought she'd get it off on the whole piece. Nope. Then the numbers didn't add up with what she had in her head, I even added it up for her on the calculator, but she decided it was lying to her and she could to math better than the calculator. Finally she left after saving 30 cents. She paid $3.80 instead of $4.10. Good for you SC)

  • #2
    Congrats on putting in your notice! I'm sure you'll live a much saner life, although I'll miss banana bread lady.
    A crisis is a problem you can't control. Drama is a problem you can, but won't. - Otter


    • #3
      Congrats on putting in your notice!

      I don't think you were being harsh at all with the last lady. She would be dancing on my last nerve too.


      • #4
        Congrats on putting in the 2 weeks notice! As for the first SC, it was so obvious that her little pwecious stole candy. The second one would've made me want to and her.
        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


        • #5
          Yay! We're unemployed together



          • #6
            Oooh, I can't wait to hear the stories now that you don't give a darn. And congrats. Really. I hope this saves you some much-needed sanity.
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              If it were me, I probably would have lost my mind on that last lady and would have ended up smothering her with her iron marked wad of fabric. (I have no last nerves left for anyone to pick on)


              • #8
                She sounds like the woman who use to come into my line at Rite Aid. A short old woman who had to have her things in a bag no matter how small they were because she was, "Walking to my house on the lake and it's over a moyle (spelled phonetically because her voice is burned into my skull forever)."

                Every single time, like she didn't recognize me at all.


                • #9
                  thanks for all of the congrats. Of course my scheduling manager is a little annoyed and decided to give me crazy shifts. I'm working tomorrow from 8 till 6, so I'll probably have plenty more stories for you all.


                  • #10
                    Quoth NateTheChops View Post
                    over a moyle
                    Anyone know what a moil is? I've heard of it in reference to some old poem where the dwarves moil for gold... Anyone?
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      Quoth Juwl View Post
                      Anyone know what a moil is?
                      You wanted to know the answer... Yes, it is pronounced "moyle" or "moil".

                      Flutes, I wish you the best of luck in future endeavors, particularly in music. Hang in there the next two crazy weeks!
                      Last edited by XCashier; 11-08-2009, 03:29 AM.
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #12
                        Quoth XCashier View Post
                        You wanted to know the answer... Yes, it is pronounced "moyle" or "moil".

                        Flutes, I wish you the best of luck in future endeavors, particularly in music. Hang in there the next two crazy weeks!
                        her house is over a moile away, over a MILE away pronounced with a funky accent like 5 points irish.
                        EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                        • #13
                          I usually just read and don't reply here, but I had to sympathize with you on this post. A few months ago I quit working where you work (yay for quitting!)

                          I worked in Home Dec and people would always think that just because there were 10 yards of fabric on a roll it would be there a few days later. I would get bitched at ALL THE TIME because "there was a full bolt when I was here the other day!" When I told them it was sold, they would be like "ALL OF IT? WHY WOULD SOMEONE NEED ALL OF IT???" WTF. They want to buy all of it, so why is it incomprehensible that someone else would want all of it as well.

                          Sorry, your post just made some frustrating moments all come screaming back to me. Congrats on putting in your two weeks!


                          • #14
                            Quoth AccountingDrone View Post
                            her house is over a moile away, over a MILE away pronounced with a funky accent like 5 points irish.
                            I know, but her pronunciation just begs for a joke...
                            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                            My LiveJournal
                            A page we can all agree with!


                            • #15
                              Quoth AccountingDrone View Post
                              her house is over a moile away, over a MILE away pronounced with a funky accent like 5 points irish.
                              Sounds Liverpudlian or Brummie.

                              Good luck F&F.
                              "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.

