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New Beginnings...

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  • New Beginnings...

    So let me begin with a slow roller story.

    Enter myself (Me), the 10 year old(SC) and the 10 year old's awesome Grandma(AG). This takes place at a well known game store.

    The kid wanders into the store looking around at all the games. He passes by the counter, I am in the middle of selling a game to a nice older gentlemen who happens to like his FPS's.

    SC- "Excuse me sir, how much is this?" He asks with all the enthusiasm you would expect out of a 10 year old on a sugar high, holding a new copy of GTA 3 Vice City.

    Me- "That copy is $19.99." I respond a kindly and with a straight face.

    SC- pulls out his wallet with the 20, "Here you go!"

    Me- "Sorry with tax, that is 22.79, and you are not allowed to buy it." Again kindly reply, because he is still young and he happens to frequent the store.

    SC- "Well, why can't I buy it? I have the money," pulls out a 5 with the 20 and hands it onto the counter.

    Me- "Because you are not old enough, you need to be 17 to buy it. Or you can get an adult to buy it for you.

    SC- "Aww man, you suck. Fine. I will be right back."

    A few moments pass, as he leaves the store in search of an adult, namely the person who is responsible for him here.

    SC- "Here Granma, this is the one. He was mean to me and wouldn't let me buy the game." The kid lied and in all probability had been telling her all kinds of things with the way she started to yell at me in front of the whole store.

    AG- "Why would you say those horrible things to my grandson? He is only 10 years old, and wanted to buy a game with the money that he got for his birthday yesterday. He is a sweet little boy and *blah blah blah 5 minutes later of ranting that I tuned out* So I will buy the game for him."

    Me- "Ok Miss, the total comes out to 22.79 after the tax. Just to let you know what is in the game, because we are required to by law. This is an M rated game, it contains; Violence, nudity, bad language, blood, gore. It is rated for the ages 17+"

    AG looks flabbergasted at Me, then down to SC, back to Me and back to SC.

    AG- "I am sorry, did I hear that right? That it is for 17+"

    Me- "Yes. That is why I would not sell it to him." Indicating the SC

    AG- "Thank you for bringing that to my attention. On second thought, I will not buy the game. And I am sorry about yelling, it seems I was misinformed."

    The AG drags him out of the store. I hear the kid crying all the way out of the mall.

    All in all, I think that the Grandma deserves 8/10. She looses the 2 for yelling at me in the first place when I was nothing but nice.
    Last edited by Boozy; 11-10-2009, 11:18 PM.

  • #2
    Children are so hilariously naive. I'm pretty sure he thought that you wouldn't share the rating information with his grandma.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


    • #3
      Ooooh, I always love it when the kids get caught.

      Unfortunately, it seems where I work whenever we catch kids doing something, even after the parents have been informed, they still don't believe us! Yes, I totally made-up a story about your kid because I just don't like you.
      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


      • #4
        Well, the kid ended up coming back, and that is another story that will be on in the next couple of days if I find the time.

        But yes, of course the employees that watch the store make up things about the kid, just to aggravate the parents/grandparents/parental units. (sarcasm)

