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Crushed, I can understand, but...

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  • Crushed, I can understand, but...

    If you have a package of doughnut-type treats from the bakery that are EXACTLY THE SAME upside-down as they are right side-up, why would you care if they tip upside down in your bag, which they wouldn't have either way?

    I mean, if you had been concerned about them getting crushed, I would have understood. They weren't going to be crushed, there wasn't anything special on the top that would have been smooshed all over the place if it somehow DID manage to flip, and yes, I was talking to my mother (whom I never get to see because of conflicting schedules) while I was bagging your groceries.

    If I hadn't been talking, I would have still bagged it the exact same way I had been bagging before you snapped at me that you didn't want them tipping over. They wouldn't have tipped over. However, you had a bug up your butt and demanded (in a rather rude tone, I may add) for a separate bag for your ass-wideningly large fried dough sandwich with fake fruit filling and whipped cream.

    I wasn't ignoring you. I asked you if you wanted everything in the bag you brought with you and asked how you were before I starting chatting with my mum. You said you were fine and that, yes, you did want everything in the bag. No mention of the pastry at all.

    I'm still not sure what your problem was, but I'm hoping it was just a bad day and not that you view the entire world as sourly as you seemed to yesterday, or I would feel very sorry for you.
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