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but that should be covered under warranty

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  • but that should be covered under warranty

    Sometimes I'm glad our call center is going to be closed down.
    The other day this woman calls in saying that she lost her battery in a car accident and needs a new one. I find one and tell her the price. She says "But it has a warranty and I need a battery. I lost mine, why don't you understand that". I explain to her that the battery warranty does not cover loosing it and she will have to pay. She starts whining about warranties and tells me not to order it.
    I like to scare small childeren, it's fun and as long as you can out run the parents you can get away with it.

  • #2
    Dont you just love that! Just because a product is within the warranty period, they assume anything is covered. At least 10 times a day I have to explain to customers that warranty only covers manufacturing defects. Physical damage, loss and incorrect usage or installation are not covered.

    I feel your pain
    "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
    "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
    "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

    -Jasper Fforde


    • #3
      Yeah, some people are idiots about the warranty. A guy I got once demanded his phone be replaced by his after he threw his phone into a swimming pool. It was hard not to laugh.
      I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


      • #4
        or I dropped it into a glass of vodka. I tell you what, I just wonder what my next job will be like. Sometimes the only laugh I get is from some of these people.
        I like to scare small childeren, it's fun and as long as you can out run the parents you can get away with it.


        • #5
          At least with the phones...there's the possibility of it covered on its insurance.

          I actually had a phone destroyed when someone spilled coffee on it. How? Well, I was driving my grandmother home from Thanksgiving awhile back. We'd stopped somewhere, and she had a small cup of coffee in one of the cupholders. Inside the other one, was my phone.

          So far, nothing too unusual. But, as I'm doing 70mph down the highway...a deer jumped in front of me causing me to swerve into the left lane, around the critter, and then back into the right lane. How I didn't um, lose control of certain bodily functions...I have no idea! Phone wasn't as lucky though--when I swerved to the left, Grandma's coffee tipped over, and destroyed the phone

          But, when I went to the store, I didn't act like an asshole. I simply explained what happened, and the salesperson said that because it was insured (but out of warranty), they'd replace it. That phone lasted a bit longer, before it eventually destroyed itself, and I had to replace it. Cheap piece of shit
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #6
            I actually had a cell phone sitting on the dash of my Jeep, and when I went around a corner, it slid off the dash into the middle of the intersection. I was able to retreive it, but only after it had been run over a couple of times. I went back to the store to see if I could get a deal on the replacement. (I'd only had the thing about 6 months.) The manager looked skeptically at me when I showed him the phone and asked what happened and I told him the truth. He actually replaced the phone FOC becasue I DIDN'T LIE to him about what happened. All the sales people in the store were laughing their butts off, so I got a free phone and the chance to entertain a store full of phone reps.
            If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.
            --Woodrow Willson


            • #7
              I once had a car battery fall out. The car was old, and when I went over some rather bad railroad tracks the car suddenly stuttered and died. Black smoke started pouring out from under the hood. I pushed it to the side of the road and opened the hood. The battery was lying in the engine. I know NOTHING about cars but even I could tell that was wrong. The hot engine had melted the plastic and the battery acid had shorted out the wiring.

              I'd bought the batter in another city, but I had the car towed to the local store of the same chain. To my total astonishment, they fixed the car and replaced the battery under warranty! The mechanic said that the clamps that hold the battery had rusted out, but that they should have noticed that when the installed it. They tied the new one in with bailing wire and I was good to go.
              Women can do anything men can.
              But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.


              • #8
                I bounced across State Street at North Temple once in my '61 Fairlane (circa '82)... heard a dragging sound, pulled over and checked under the car:

                The gas tank had fallen off If I'd had a match I would have shouted "Long live Marinus Van der Lubbe" and lit it

                The frame where the retaining straps hooked in had rusted out.
                I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                • #9
                  But...But... A warranty is like magic! You tell them you need a new something and you get it for free from the warranty fairy! Don't crush people's fantasies you reality nazis!!!
                  "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                  • #10

                    Speaking of warranties, some of you might remember that one of the MG's horns went out around Halloween. Seems I'd awakened one of the local ghosties...who promptly shut the thing off Seriously though, the brand-new horn simply failed, but it chose to do so inside the haunted tunnel. Went off inside there, then came back on outside, before going off yet again. Called up the company I bought it from, and because it was still under the 6-month time limit, they sent me a new one.

                    I've had other things fail, or fall off, but having a horn do that was a new one
                    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                    • #11
                      Quoth dalesys View Post
                      The gas tank had fallen off If I'd had a match I would have shouted "Long live Marinus Van der Lubbe" and lit it
                      Wow, that could be a bit disconcerting.

                      The closest I've had was my muffler falling loose, once. I ended up just pulling it off the car and chucking it. Obviously, there were enough holes in the exhaust line already that it wasn't really doing it's job to begin with.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                        The closest I've had was my muffler falling loose, once. I ended up just pulling it off the car and chucking it. Obviously, there were enough holes in the exhaust line already that it wasn't really doing it's job to begin with.
                        Fun! Even better, is when the thing is hanging on, yet still won't come off! Had that happen with the Tempo...before its untimely demise. I tried to get the damn muffler off, but it just wouldn't budge. Yet, when I went to back the car out, it somehow vibrated loose, jammed against the floor, and then removed itself when I backed up

                        Grandma's car was another story. She said that it "sounded different," so I took it for a spin. Nothing really unusual..until I got about 2 miles from home. The exhaust suddenly got louder. Seems I'd kicked up a rock or two, which then punched a hole in the exhaust, causing the muffler to drag. Rather than rip it off, I grabbed a rock, bashed it loose, and then threw it in the trunk. Fixing it was easy--had the local garage weld a new section over the damaged parts, re-hung the muffler, and all was good

                        Of course, the best muffler story ever...involves the MG. Back when it was still rotting in the garage, I was doing some work under the car--possibly trying to undo the bumpers, IIRC. Somehow, the wrench slipped, bounced off the floor, hit the rear muffler (the B GT has two--one under the floorboards, the other to the left of the gas tank)...causing it to explode in a shower of rust and leaving a nasty hole Oops.
                        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                        • #13
                          My one and only car, was a '67 VW Beetle, which I bought in late summer of '84.

                          It was pretty much stock when I got it, and for the next 11 years that it served me, before the transaxle gave out which I coudn't afford to repair, I was slowly, and somewhat surely trying to trick it out.

                          Probably, within the first two years or so, one of the things I had done to it, was install a header (exhaust) system. The thing looked cool, and sounded cool, but it sat very close to the ground. I had to be careful coming out of driveways, not to scrape it. In fact, more than once, at least one of the silencers (mufflers) which were also essentially the exhaust tips, became disconnected from it's header pipe. I even entirely lost it one time, and had to retrace my steps to find it, all the time hoping a cop didn't see/hear me, and bust me for unmuffled exhaust.

                          The header systems final act of self mutilation though, was one time heading home, with about three miles to go. I was cresting a hill at an intersection, and turning right. There was some roadwork going on, and because of that, a steel plate in the intersection.

                          As I made the turn, I swear I felt the ass end of the car lift up off the ground, and all of a sudden, as I continued into the turn, heard a scraping and the engine sounded louder. The header had caught on the steel plate! Fortunately, there was a little strip mall right there, and I was able to pull into the parking lot.

                          Got out, went around to the back of the car, and the header was a farkin' pretzel. Had plenty of tools, to be able to unbolt the two header sections, (IIRC, at least one, if not two of the three bolts sheared off) but not only were the pipes hot, of course, that one bolt head (or it's nut) were obstructed by part of the header pipe that had twisted.

                          Some guy driving by, or perhaps going into/coming out of one of the businesses was nice enough to offer help. Anyway, don't remember exactly how, but managed to get the two parts of the header seperated, and drove the rest the way home, trying to not make much noise.

                          Fortunately, I had hung on to the stock muffler, so slapped that back onto the car, until I could order, and receive a new header system. Got a new one, and although it didn't sound, or look as coll as the first one, it tucked up real nice under the engine, and scrapes were pretty much non-existent.



                          • #14
                            Back in the late 70s I had a Rover TC2000 sedan. I was living in Florida and was required to a yearly safety inspection. The car had passed the inspection, and as I was driving away from the inspection station, the muffler fell down and was dragging. I tied it back up and went on my way.
                            "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

