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I'm Having a Hard Time Buying Into Your Sense of Urgency

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  • I'm Having a Hard Time Buying Into Your Sense of Urgency

    A woman from a university library called and got rolled into voice mail becuase I was helping another customer (and I'm the only one doing customer service today, JOY!).

    She left a pretty snippy message telling us that she NEEDED a call back RIGHT AWAY becuase she had to get ready for a class she was teaching.

    I don't take that personally. Even decent people get frustrated and panicky sometimes. I can usually talk them down from it.

    So I called back the number she left about 10 minutes later. It was the general number for the library. I got a recorded greeting that told me that I had to choose from 8 options or (if I'm calling from a rotary phone) I can wait and talk to a human.

    I listened to the 8 options. Not one of them was a directory for getting through to a specific person. They were all for various automated services. The last option let you repeat the 8 options.

    I was worried that I missed something so I chose the last one. Listened again. Determined that I hadn't missed anything. So I stayed on the line so I could talk to a human.

    What happened next? The greeting with the 8 options started over again.

    I waited for it to finish to see if it would happen a third time. It didn't. Instead I got a message telling me I'd got through to a voice mail box and a prompt to leave a message. So I left a message.

    I love that she got herself into a snit about having to a leave a message with us and left a number that dead-ended in a voice mail box.

    It's been about two hours since then. She hasn't called back.

    Some hurry, huh?
    Last edited by Dips; 11-10-2009, 04:45 PM.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.

  • #2
    Dont you just love the "its urgent, you have to call me immediately, blah,blah,blah...." message and then all you get is their voicemail in return

    Today alone I have had 3 seperate customer leave voicemails for me and not 10 mins later call again and bitch at me because I hadn't returned their call yet. Like I dont have 15 other customers to call before you mate!
    "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
    "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
    "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

    -Jasper Fforde


    • #3
      A lot of times, I'll check my voicemail afer lunch because I'm in the eastern time zone and I call (and get calls from) all parts of the USA. So waiting until after lunch ensures that I can call them right back. Sometimes I'm able to check it again later in the day, sometimes not.

      Nothing puts someone lower on the "call back" list is for me to have two voicemails from a person in a 24 hour period or less wanting a call back when it took them a week or MORE to return my first call to them.
      Even more so when it's obvious they got the "FINAL NOTICE" letter in the mail and are now freaking out. Umm, you've gotten at least two other letters and 4 sets of calls to all available numbers over the past 75 days and didn't respond to any of them. I think I should be permitted more than 2 hours to call you back!

      I hate people.

