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More Medic Mayhem

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  • More Medic Mayhem

    Okay, this is not the first time Alex, our resident Medic, has had someone tell him he was causeing them problems with their health.

    I'm sure many people remember this one

    Here's two more.

    Heart attack

    An elderly gent has come in with a laptop. It's clearly been dropped on its corner. The back right of the screen is broken and in two pieces, the screen it's self is smashed, the casing is bashed in on that corner and there are a few keys off. The customer is trying to tell us this is a manufacturing defect

    SC: It's the heat!
    Alex: The heat?
    SC: The heat that comes out of the vent. I left the computer turned on, on the table. I saw it start to expand then WHAP! the screen went along with the casing
    Alex: And the corner that's been flattened?
    SC: You've never seen heat deform plastic before as it melts?
    Alex: Yes, I have. The plastic runs
    SC: well that was done when I picked the computer off the wooden table and put it on the kitchen counter. I pushed it against the wall
    Alex: if the computer was doing that, why did you move it?
    SC: I didn't want it setting fire t the table! My kitchen counter is made of granite and is fire retardant! Are you stupid or somthing?
    Alex: No. I'm just work in customer services. I'm not exchanging that laptop.
    SC: But...!!! But it's faulty!!
    Alex: No, it's not. Thats been dropped. if you like you can...Are you okay?

    At this point, the customer has dropped to his knees and is clutching his chest

    SC: My heart!! it's my heart! You did this to me!!
    Alex: Okay, what's wrong?
    SC: It's a heart attack!

    At this point Alex looks at me. He knows I have a heart problem so I'm just as aware as he is that the customer isn't having a heart attack

    SC: Flea! Fetch me the AED (automated external defibrillator)
    Me: Gotcha! *grabs it from the cupboard behind me and hands it to him*
    Alex: *Rips open the SCs shirt*
    SC: What do you think you're doing?!
    Alex: Sir, I'm a medic. You're having a heart attack, you need me.
    SC: BU....
    Alex: *goes to open the pads* Sir, please calm down, I'm about t shock you with 100 000 volts (I'm not sure if that's the actual figure he gave)
    SC: No! *holds hand out* it's okay, my hearts returning to normal. *as he calms down a bit* just help me with my laptop and I'll be fine
    Alex: Get out of my store
    SC: Pardon?!
    Alex: I told you, I'm a medic. If you're going to fake a heart attack to try and get your way with me, you can get out!
    My customer: Listen, fuck wad! My dad died of a heart attack! I don't appreciate you pulling that shit! Get up, take your fucking laptop and fuck off out of here!


    This woman is a little bit "Special" she keeps coming in with her cheap-ass laptop that she continually fucks up. We wipe and restore it, test all the hardware, it works fine. She comes back less than a week later, demanding that there must be some kind of hardware fault with the machine when really, all she has done is fuck the machine over. She is friendly when she gets her own way which, occasionally, she is entitled to. This time, she wasn't.

    Basically, I'd restored the computer for the 20th time and she was back in because "It woe write my pirated DVDs" yes, she was complaining that she couldn't use the computer to commit a crime. Okay, I've got a few dodgy DVDs but I don't go around bitching to LG if the DVD writer in my computer doesn't copy them. I enjoy life without a criminal record.

    SC: But it woe copy em.
    Alex: That is not a fault in the computer!
    SCD: (Sc's Dad) Well whats the point of having a DVD writer if it won't write DVDs?
    Alex: it won't copy discs that are copy-protected like the ones you're trying to illegally pirate. It is there for you to create DVDs of your own, to make backups of your files and to make your recovery dvds
    SC: so it ay for fer perpus then, am it?
    Alex: Yes! yes it is!!
    Me: As I have explained to you the last 19 times I've dealt with you, your computer is fine. It's doing what it's designed to do
    SCD: well we want out money back and compensation
    Alex & Me: For what?!
    SCD: it's cost me hundreds of pounds in petrol driving back and forth
    SC: Yeah!
    Me: Your address is in Solihull ("Solly-hull") not London! At best it's used one tank, total!
    SCD: I drive a car thats heavy on petrol
    SC: Yeah, so there! nuuuwaah!"
    Me: To SC: *Gives her a WTF look*
    SC: Arugh! My epilepsy! I'm gonna have a fi-- *Drops to the floor and starts spasming*
    Alex: *Runs around to her aid*
    Me: *Jumps over the counter for the same and addresses the other customers who are starting to move closer* Keep back, please! We need space

    We both knew that this fit wasn't real but wanted to be sure

    Alex: Okay [name] stay calm! Flea! Hold her head
    Me: *does so*
    Alex: (Testing her at this point) Her tongue's gonna flop out soon

    Right on queue, out comes the tongue

    Me: My brother has Epilepsy. I'm surprised she's not started making any noise, yet. this one looks bad

    Again, right on queue, she starts SCREAMING. Now, my brother doesn't have epilespy,but some of the sales girls do and I have been there when they have been fitting. it's not unusual for them to make the odd grunt, but they don't scream the building down

    Alex: (Now knowing that this was a fake seizure) *Goes back behind the counter* Next please!
    Next customer: is she gonna be okay?
    Alex: Yeah, she's faking it.
    Next customer: Oh *steps over her*

    No points for commitment though. She was only down for a few minutes until they realised we were ignoring them. They left yelling that we don't care if customers die in our shop and vowing never to shop with our company again, saying they'll shop at Electrical superstore across the road, Not realising that Both Electrical superstores and The Computer Superstores are owned By Electronics Group UK

    Me: (Later, To Alex) so do you just attract nut cases with fake illnesses or what?
    Alex: I must have a beacon on my head or something.
    -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

    Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

    A guide for customers about retail

  • #2
    SC: so it ay for fer perpus then, am it?
    I'm usually good at sussing out typed accents, but all I'm getting is "it ain't for fair purpose," and that makes about no sense at all either.

    Moving on from my confusion, glad the scammers got nuthin'.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      Gee, and the worst I ever had was a person throwing their camera on the ground after being told they couldn't return it due to physical abuse.

      You have a new degree of special there flea.
      I AM the evil bastard!
      A+ Certified IT Technician


      • #4
        They are a funny lot in Solihull I spent 15 years working there!!!
        Peterborough Cambridgeshire


        • #5
          I would've made up some really FUNNY symptoms for that stupid girl.


          • #6
            Quoth Anakah View Post
            I would've made up some really FUNNY symptoms for that stupid girl.
            Maybe like "And now she's going to mess herself", "She's going to bark like a dog", "She's going to act like a stripper on the lightpole now", "She's going to do her best R. Lee Emery impression"....


            • #7
              Quoth Sandman View Post
              Maybe like "And now she's going to mess herself", "She's going to bark like a dog", "She's going to act like a stripper on the lightpole now", "She's going to do her best R. Lee Emery impression"....
              You crack me up!


              • #8
                Quoth Sandman View Post
                Maybe like "And now she's going to mess herself", "She's going to bark like a dog", "She's going to act like a stripper on the lightpole now", "She's going to do her best R. Lee Emery impression"....
                "And now she is going to admit we are wrong that she screwed up and develop an aversion to coming into my store"


                • #9
                  Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                  "it ain't for fair purpose,"
                  It's the local accent ^^; I typed it wrong though. I should have typed "Fer" nor "Fair"

                  Quoth lordlundar View Post

                  You have a new degree of special there flea.
                  lol! Indeed I do! I think I'm just a trouble magnet!

                  Quoth Anakah View Post
                  I would've made up some really FUNNY symptoms for that stupid girl.
                  Well, I wanted to say "she'll wet herself" ...but then I realised I would have to clean that up lol

                  Quoth jackfaire View Post
                  "And now she is going to admit we are wrong that she screwed up and develop an aversion to coming into my store"
         I wish I could have said that xD
                  -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

                  Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

                  A guide for customers about retail


                  • #10
                    Solihull? That's it, one of these days we're organizing a Birmingham meet.
                    How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


                    • #11
                      Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                      Solihull? That's it, one of these days we're organizing a Birmingham meet.
                      Not been there for a few years, nearest I got was a couple of weeks ago changing trains at Birmingham NS.

                      Used to work in Solihull for what's now DSG worked for them for almost 20 years mainly on computers and photographic.

                      Now run my own business.
                      Peterborough Cambridgeshire


                      • #12
                        Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                        Solihull? That's it, one of these days we're organizing a Birmingham meet.
                        Well, I'm not from Solihull or Brum myself but I am from the surrounding area. A midlands-Customers Suck meet would be very easy for me to get to lol
                        -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

                        Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

                        A guide for customers about retail


                        • #13
                          Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
                          Well, I'm not from Solihull or Brum myself but I am from the surrounding area. A midlands-Customers Suck meet would be very easy for me to get to lol
                          Another reason for Birmingham, new street station and the surrounding get a lot of stops.
                          How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


                          • #14
                            I can't imagine the people who run newstreet station or Pallasades being too happy about a group of people meeting up and bitching about customers heheheee. Allthough...I LIKE that idea >D
                            -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

                            Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

                            A guide for customers about retail


                            • #15
                              I had to laugh about the fake heart attack- I just got my CPR Level C with AED certificate the other day. What a moron.
                              The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

