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Smoking? In Here? Surely You Jest! & Other Stories

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  • Smoking? In Here? Surely You Jest! & Other Stories

    I guess I should consider myself lucky for not having many sucky customers in the...2 ish weeks (?) I've posted here. But I had 2 or 3.

    On the flip side, I've lost Awesome Manager and another coworker. Awesome Manager is playing manager switcheroo with other Aid of Rite on other side of river (basically, we lose him and we get their cool manager) and Coworker had some legal troubles from his past that caught up to him. We've got 2 new coworkers who are awesome and who have no problems with answering the phones unlike other new coworker who I ranted about in Cursing out Coworkers. (I need to start getting these people aliases).

    Nasty Ass Thieves

    I've found so many different stolen things these past 2 weeks it's not even funny, mostly cough medicine. Though the weirdest were a box of 135 pads that someone stole one out of, and a cat collar and flea medicine. It really makes me wonder.

    We Don't Sell that...

    Someone returned a "Bamdung" mobile phone charger and got credit for it. I don't know why or how since we don't sell "Bambung" phones and it wasn't me who did the return.

    May I Smoke In Here?

    I had one guy buy his cigarettes, rip them open, take one out and ask, with all seriousness, if he could light it up. This is still standing at the counter.

    " No."

    He ranted and raved that we were being unjust and walked off. Sorry, dude, I have asthma. My need to breathe > yours to smoke. The door is less than 10 steps away.

    There was one more person that irritated me, but I seem to have forgotten them. Heh.
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    Quoth ralerin View Post

    There was one more person that irritated me, but I seem to have forgotten them. Heh.

    And boy would that piss them off royally!


    • #3
      Quoth ralerin View Post

      Nasty Ass Thieves

      I've found so many different stolen things these past 2 weeks it's not even funny, mostly cough medicine. Though the weirdest were a box of 135 pads that someone stole one out of, and a cat collar and flea medicine. It really makes me wonder.

      Are you in one of those states that keep the medicine they use to make meth behind the counter? That's the usual reason for stealing cough medicine, albeit these days a lot harder to accomplish.

      Quoth ralerin View Post
      May I Smoke In Here?

      He ranted and raved that we were being unjust and walked off. Sorry, dude, I have asthma. My need to breathe > yours to smoke. The door is less than 10 steps away.

      There was one more person that irritated me, but I seem to have forgotten them. Heh.
      And in most places it would be illegal anyway so to hell with him.
      How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


      • #4
        Quoth Soulstealer View Post
        Are you in one of those states that keep the medicine they use to make meth behind the counter? That's the usual reason for stealing cough medicine, albeit these days a lot harder to accomplish.
        Yes, except in my Aid of Rite they keep it in the pharmacy. We don't do like "BVS" and transfer some up front for us after the pharmacy closes, because the store Awesome Manager went to has a pharmacy that's open 24 hours, within spitting distance of the hospital. They don't want to drive the 3.75 minutes across the bridge or wait until tomorrow, their problem.

        I never knew that about the cough medicine. I just thought people stole it because they didn't want to pay the $20 ish dollars for a box of "Bucinex."
        Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


        • #5
          Quoth ralerin View Post
          Yes, except in my Aid of Rite they keep it in the pharmacy. We don't do like "BVS" and transfer some up front for us after the pharmacy closes, because the store Awesome Manager went to has a pharmacy that's open 24 hours, within spitting distance of the hospital. They don't want to drive the 3.75 minutes across the bridge or wait until tomorrow, their problem.

          I never knew that about the cough medicine. I just thought people stole it because they didn't want to pay the $20 ish dollars for a box of "Bucinex."
          A lot of it these days is made without the ingredient that makes meth so the ones that you can get without asking a pharmacist for it. Some people don't think it works as well so you can still get it but there's restrictions. A lot of the cough medicines thefts in the past had to do with this so I was wondering that maybe you got someone dumb enough not to know about it.
          How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?

