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Drunken Hot Wheels Guy (Longish)

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  • Drunken Hot Wheels Guy (Longish)

    Ok, so if yo happened to read my welcome post, you'll know I used to work at KB Toys, and now work at FYE, and had a customer "follow me" so to speak from one job to the next. This is his tale.

    We started noticing this guy coming in every week and buying LOTS of Hot Wheels cars, like I'd say anywhere from 10-30 at a time. He make a mess of the section, but to be fair, he'd always clean up when he was done. To this, we were always like , because we all know how customers hate to clean up after themselves. So, not so sucky yet-but as has been said many times here, if that was the story, I wouldn't be posting.

    The sucky part was that at least once-that I remember, this was a few years ago-he showed up reeking of alcohol. With his kids. We were never able to determine if he was actually drunk, because even though he slurred his speech a little, he still did it when he didn't smell of booze. But still, nice example for your children, and oh yes, he did drive, too.

    In my new job, he's more sucky actually to us. I've only been at FYE for a couple of months, but I knew everyone who worked there, including a former CW at KB, and they told me he started coming in there after KB closed. Except now he's moved on to bigger toys, like a PS3, and when he comes in, he comes in about five minutes till we close. Every. Single. Time. And then he asks us about everything new that came out-DVDs, Blu-Rays, games, etc. It's like, how about you do some research before you come in. We want to go home. He apparently just bought an XBox 360, too, so God help us now.