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I irritated the 14 year old

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  • I irritated the 14 year old

    Three teens enter the library. Two of them approach my desk and one goes to the elevator.

    miss thang: mt
    her friend 1: hf1
    her friend who didn't interact with me: og

    oh, and mt spoke in in a really low voice

    mt: (to friend you go on up (to me)I need (to friend) we'll meet you there (to me) )I need a computer card.
    me: I'm sorry, what are you saying?
    mt: I need a computer card
    (Now let me say, she was looking at me rather blandly; her nose was almost up int the air.)
    me: ok, your name?
    mt: meany bitca (note, I'm making up the name)
    me: excuse me?
    mt: e-m, I mean m-e-a-n-y, i-b, b-i-t-c-a
    me: wait, your last name again.
    mt: b-i-t-c-a (now she is giving me a look like I'm a moron)
    me: don't you know your name?
    mt: yes (looking at me like I'm crazy)
    me: ok, here it is.
    mtcan I borrow a pen
    me: what?
    mt: *points to pen*
    me: * leans over to hand over pen*
    mt uses pen, then pushes it about an inch back in my direction. Giving me a look
    me: Arn't you going to say thank you?
    mt: no, *to hf1* you want a card?
    hr1: ok.
    me: what is your name?
    hr1: Nice Girl
    me: here you go.
    hr1: thank you.

    Not that I care that mt didn't say "thank you", it's just her whole manner like she was too good for the librarians.

    I looked up her name and saw she had 10 computer use cards. She either loses them or doesn't want to bother keeping up with them. So I deleted her number from the system. She never came back.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

  • #2
    Aw man, you should have whispered back to her for all your responses.
    That was pretty rude of her to not even say thank you.
    Check out my art:


    • #3
      I hate young kids like that. My second-to-last day, it did me good to see a boy [-14] in a semi-suit, using 'sir' everytime he talked to me. I reciprocated, of course.


      • #4
        *giggles* Oh god I love how stupid people look when they do that.

        See the logic is your supposed to be quiet in the library right so if your quiet when your speaking directly to the librarian she somehow won't notice that your talking loudly into your cell phone.

        Seriously this guy was offended because the "Bitch" (his words) was making him get off the phone. Even though she said no sir i am simply saying finish your conversation outside.

