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Wherein an employee of my company becomes an SC and other tales...

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  • Wherein an employee of my company becomes an SC and other tales...

    I find your lack of comprehension disturbing...

    I work at a coffee chain (not Starbucks), at a particular store in my hometown. Tonight, a teenage girl who works at another store of this same company one town over, comes in with a few of her friends. She's been in before, and she's always just been obnoxious.

    The only time she annoyed me before tonight was on one particular night when I said we were closing up, so she and her friends had to leave, she said outloud, for the whole store to hear: "At MY store we give away the leftover coffee for free at close!" Ok, first this is total BS, as I know the manager of that store. Also, if she has done this, it's going to stop now, because he knows about it.

    Tonight though, she REALLY pissed me off.

    Here's what happened:

    First, she's hanging around the bakery case with her friend, taking her sweet time to order. Then she continues to stand in front of me, wondering outloud: "What. do. I. want???" I HATE THIS SO MUCH. I don't care to hear your inner monologue spoken at me!!!

    Finally, FINALLY, she proceeds to order.

    SC: Yeah, I'll have a Large Campfire Mocha, zebra, dark/white, a Chicken wrap and an apple fritter.
    Me: Ok... *typing it all in*
    She tosses her employee discount card at me. I scan it.
    Me: All right, your total is $x.xx
    She tosses me her debit card this time, then turns to her friend.
    SC: Ohhh I hope I have enough money on there! Cross your fingers!
    Me: *biting my tongue as I scan the card. Sure enough, it's DENIED* Um, I'm sorry but your card has been denied.
    SC: WHAT?!? That's impossible!!! I have money on there! I have like $12 on there!! (her total was around $10)
    Me: Well, either way, the system has denied your card, so I can't take it.
    SC: Well swipe it again!
    Me: *thinking she should KNOW better, as we are taught not to reswipe denied cards* I cannot do that. Your card has been denied, the transaction has been denied, I cannot accept this card.
    SC: *fishes out a dollar's worth of quarters* Well put this on the card!

    Ok, now I'm wondering if this girl even understands how debit cards work! At this point, I'm nearly at a loss for words...
    Me: Um, I can't do doesn't work that way. Your card has been denied. I can't take it.
    SC: But I have money on it! God! My mom must have taken money out of my account!
    (Yes, because your mom was hard up for 12 bucks...)
    SC: Can't you just take it? I have money! Can't you see that!?
    (Ok, she CLEARLY has no idea what the fuck a debit card is, how it works, or how the entire banking system works!)
    Me: No. I cannot take the card. However much is in your account, that's between you and your bank.
    SC: Well I don't have any money then. Cancel the transaction.
    Me: Ok.

    Seriously, you work for this company, you swipe hundreds of cards a day, how in the hell do you not understand how this whole credit/debit system works????

    Read. The. Menu.

    Ok, I understand, not everyone knows the difference between a latte, a cappuccino, a mocha, etc. Heck I used to not know the difference. But this is why our menus explain what everything is, very, very clearly. If you can't read the menu, or don't want to take the time to read it, or even ask a question, then it's your own damn fault if you don't get whatever drink you thought you were getting.

    Example: Tonight, in drive thru, a teenage guy ordered a cappuccino, which is 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk and 1/3 froth.

    He comes back 15 minutes later.

    SC: This doesn't taste right!
    CW: Well, that is a cappuccino, which is what you ordered.
    *CW proceeds to explain what a capp. is, figures out the SC really wanted a mocha, which is NOTHING like a capp.*
    My CW remade the drink for him, since he had barely drank any of it. The kid was nice about it, but I hate it when WE get blamed for THEIR ignorance and stupidity.

    Watch your damn kids!

    Some people are just morons when it comes to their kids. Case in point, this mother came in tonight with her four kids. She bought them all Odwalla juices and a couple muffins. While she was digging in her purse, her youngest kid, 2-3 yrs. old, grabs a caramel sucker off the front counter and shoves it in her mouth. The mother didn't even notice. Now, I know parents don't always notice these things, especially if it's an isolated incident. But this was the FIFTH item this kid pulled off the front counter. You would think the mother would either ask one of the older kids to watch the little one or just watch her herself. She didn't even notice the kid had this sucker in her mouth until I said something.

    But wait, this story gets EVEN BETTER.

    The four kids are herded by their mom to our large dining room table, where they proceed to spill their juices and spread crumbs all over the place. Meanwhile, the mother is sitting ten feet away, blathering on with two friends, not paying attention to the kids AT ALL. Even when they did spill, she didn't even help clean it up, or ensure it was cleaned up properly. The kicker to all this though, was the littlest kid kept going in and out of the front door, TOWARDS THE PARKING LOT. Not once did I see the mother get off her fat ass and stop the kid. She left that to the siblings, the oldest of which was no more than eight.

    I had to throw them out at closing time. She looked the dirty table/floor up and down and proceeded to walk out, not giving a damn. How I'd love to do that to her living room. Bitch.

    Freak outs

    So we switched to a new chocolate a few weeks ago. It's REAL chocolate now, and it's fantastic. The majority of customers have been receptive to the change and are not used to asking for Dark, Milk or White chocolate. Here are the hiccups we've had:

    Couple women in Drive Thru, ordering four drinks, all of which have chocolate.
    Me: What kind of chocolate would you like in your Medium Mocha?
    SC1: The regular kind!
    Me: Oh, well, we switched chocolates a couple days ago, so now you can get Dark, Milk or White chocolate in any of our chocolate drinks.
    *rinse, repeat for the other three drinks*
    Me: *for the 4th drink* And what kind of chocolate would you like for the Cocoa?
    SC1: *to her friend in the passenger seat* OH I can't take this! *to me* MILK!!!
    SC2 is laughing, almost mockingly

    Yesterday a man came up to me inside the store:

    SC: I'll have a Medium Chocolate cooler.
    Me: Ok, and what kind of chocolate would you like? Dark, milk of white?
    SC: WHAT?? No one's EVER asked me that before!!!
    (Wow...Calm down dude...)
    I explained the chocolate switch and he retracted from heart attack land.

    Two women in drive thru last week got two white cocoas. They came back a half hour later, minutes after we closed, and proceeded to bang on the DT window. That REALLY pisses me off...My CW opened the window. This is how the conversation went, according to his recounting:

    SC: These are WRONG!! These are NOT white cocoas!!!
    CW: I can assure you ma'am they are white cocoas, as I made them myself.
    SC: They're nooooot. They taste like sweetened milk! (WTF do you think cocoa is? Milk sweetened with chocolate!) We come through here every Wednesday night and get the exact same thing and have never had this problem!!!
    (we switched to the new chocolate the prior Thursday, so there was the problem)
    My CW explained to her the new chocolate, the switch, etc.
    SC: Well do YOU like the new white chocolate???
    CW: Well, white chocolate isn't my favorite anyway, but--
    SC: Well it WAS ours until you CHANGED it!!!!
    They drove off after that, which was good, because I was not going to allow drink remakes for that. There was nothing wrong with the drinks, it was their problem, not ours.

    And! I have had TONS of compliments about our new chocolate, many from customers who prefer white chocolate.

    Those are all the bits I can think of now. The top one was my gem for the evening.

    I'll have more stories as the holiday season heats up, I'm sure!
    Here's your sign...

  • #2
    Wow...the stupid...IT BURNS! How can somebody who works in retail NOT know who freakin' debit cards work or at least not have a basic concept of them?!! Besides that, RTFM before you order!!! As for Mrs. mother of the year....way to show your kids how to behave in public! Damn, now you make me wanna get a nice hot chocolatey either white or (my absolute favorite) dark chocolate! My name is tropicsgoddess and I'm a chocoholic!
    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


    • #3
      Okay the girl from the other store is an idiot. And the chocolate freak outs are ridiculous. This I must agree on. However, I'm going to say my usual little rant about debit cards.

      I have two bank accounts on one card. Sometimes I forget which account has the money on it. So I choose savings when I mean checking, and visa versa. There are many times where I'm told the card has been denied, end of story. Some people won't let me explain they I want to try my other bank account.

      I know this wasn't the girls problem, I just wanted to get that out there. And she's a bitch for the Free Coffee statement before.
      Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

      Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
      Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


      • #4
        Chocolate freak out lady..... get over it. I know its frustrating to have a change in a food/drink you like...but it not the end of the world... i am seriously getting frustrated with people. I need to find me a deserted island where I DON'T have to deal with anyone!!


        • #5
          How does someone walk out their house without knowing how much money is in their checking account before they even use their debit card? Someone please explain that one to me cause I just don't get it! I used to see that nonsense a lot when I was a cashier at Wal-Mart. Then they have the audacity to get upset with the cashier when their card is declined.

          Whenever I go shopping for any reason I ALWAYS know exactly how much money I have in my accounts in either my credit or debit cards. Not to know that is being ignorant & inconsiderate of the cashiers who really don't have time to put up with that kind of shit.


          • #6
            Quoth EmilyRose1982 View Post
            we are taught not to reswipe denied cards
            Damn shame. Because invariably these twitwits will ask you to swipe it again. Me, I always swipe a denied card a second time. 1 in 100 the second time, it will go through. The other 99, I get to say, "Sorry....I tried it twice!" To which most people have no response. And for those who DO have a response, I answer, "No. I am NOT swiping it a third time." Twice is enough.

            Quoth EmilyRose1982 View Post
            SC: *fishes out a dollar's worth of quarters* Well put this on the card!
            Well, technically, you could have put the dollar in cash towards her purchase, and put the rest on the card....but of course, with the card being denied, this is an academic point. Still shows she hasn't the vaguest idea how debit cards work, though.

            Quoth EmilyRose1982 View Post
            (Yes, because your mom was hard up for 12 bucks...)
            Considering this girl's attitude and lack of preparation for basic LIFE, would it really surprise you that her mother was any less a failure?

            Quoth EmilyRose1982 View Post
            Seriously, you work for this company, you swipe hundreds of cards a day, how in the hell do you not understand how this whole credit/debit system works????
            Simple answer, backed up by much evidence that you provided: she's an idiotic incompetent fuckwit?

            Quoth EmilyRose1982 View Post
            Some people are just morons when it comes to their kids.
            Duct tape: the best invention for babysitters since locking closet doors!

            Quoth Bright_Star View Post
            How does someone walk out their house without knowing how much money is in their checking account before they even use their debit card?
            Simple: they "just put one foot in front of the other....." (Couldn't resist. Sorry.) Seriously, I do this every day. Not everyone knows the exact balance in their account every day. I certainly don't. I usually have an idea of what I have, but an exact amount? Nope. Then again, if my card is denied for some reason, I don't get all fucktard on the cashier.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              I figured out what coffee place you were talking about I think when you mentioned the yummy chocolate drinks. Definitely will be stopping by and getting one today while running errands even if I dont go near one.

              As to the girl that comes from another store. Some times I think other employees are the worst customers. When I worked at a hotel the employee rated rooms were always the least desirable smoking 2 double beds. It would amaze me the employees that would come in on sold out nights knowing full well that company wide that was the room offered and then have a complete melt down.


              • #8
                Quoth hotelslave View Post
                Some times I think other employees are the worst customers.
                i think has something to do with the whole "i work for the company i deserve special treatment i'm the center of the world" mentality. and i hates it.

                there was a guy that transfered into and worked at my store for all of 2 weeks. he came in one day and ordered a drink. then texts me later saying i didn't make his drink right. why he didn't say it then is beyond me...actually, why he didn't order it properly is beyond me but whatever.

                as for the mom...i hate hate hate it when people do this. i used to work in a dollar store and people used to just let their kids play in the toy aisle. grr...stupid "customer's always right" policy!
                If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

                i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


                • #9
                  I get a lot of customers who do the whole "But I have $xx.xx dollars on my card, it's your machine!" in rare cases it is the machine so when a card doesn't get approved I swipe it a second time (though it only seems to happen to customers who have one bank card in particular).

                  That second one though, that was just too much. I'm sick of parents bringing their kids in public places and making everyone else have to put up with them.
                  Check out my art:


                  • #10
                    ....I must know this mystical place of which you speak, where I can get coco made with DARK chocolate. I have yet to find hot chocolate that is too dark for me.
                    The High Priest is an Illusion!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Jester View Post
                      Damn shame. Because invariably these twitwits will ask you to swipe it again. Me, I always swipe a denied card a second time.
                      I had a problem with a card once, and learned from my bank that if a card is swiped 3x and denied, they will flag the account and "lock" it down until you contact the bank yourself. I don't know if this is the case all the time, but that's what I tell people whenever there's an issue. It seems like a weird policy to not be allowed to run the card more than once, just in case it is the electronics having an issue, but whatever. She was dumb, and I definitely hope you've spoken to her manager as well as yours, not just about the free coffee thing. CYA, baby...

                      As far as the mother goes, what can you do? You can't do jack, but that's what the manager is for! If the brat is playing with the door, your manager should advise the woman to stop her child from obstructing the doorway, since you know if the kid gets hurt her first call is to her lawyer so she can try to sue. If the kid is taking stuff, your manager should ask the woman to pay for the items her lovely rugrat has damaged, but offer to speak with her away from her friends...

                      Yeah, I know. Shoulda,coulda,woulda... Seriously though. I find the best way to deal with SCs is to be ultra-uber-polite and give them just enough rope to hang themselves... especially if you have cameras...

                      Of course, you can always call child services too.
                      Last edited by Broomjockey; 12-03-2009, 06:56 PM. Reason: term for children


                      • #12
                        The next time I go into a coffee shop and order a new product, I am probably going to fake an orgasm in front of the desk. Though knowing my love of white chocolate, I dunno how much will be fake. Hopefully my only TMI moment here. But still, damn, imagine getting such an awesome reaction from a food product you made for someone.
                        SC: "Are you new or something?"
                        Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."


                        • #13
                          Quoth hinakiba777 View Post
                          I have two bank accounts on one card. Sometimes I forget which account has the money on it. So I choose savings when I mean checking, and visa versa. There are many times where I'm told the card has been denied, end of story. Some people won't let me explain they I want to try my other bank account.

                          I used to work as a bank teller. Lots of people hook their savings accounts to their debit cards, but it's ONLY to draw money from the ATM from that account. I've never heard of a debit card successfully drawing money from a savings account for a purchase. Does your card ever go through when you pick savings? Maybe it's a bank-to-bank thing....
                          And yes, we are told not to reswipe the cards because it can both put a hold on the cardholder's account, and it can screw up our side of the card system as well.

                          As for the dark chocolate lover...I work at Caribou Coffee.
                          Unfortunately, it's not everywhere in the U.S...yet...
                          Here's your sign...


                          • #14
                            Quoth EmilyRose1982 View Post
                            I used to work as a bank teller. Lots of people hook their savings accounts to their debit cards, but it's ONLY to draw money from the ATM from that account. I've never heard of a debit card successfully drawing money from a savings account for a purchase.
                            Hinakiba's Canadian. Canadian and American debit cards are completely different. I'll just leave it there or it gets complicated. If you really wanna know more about Canadian debit cards, PM.
                            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                            • #15
                              Yeah, I know nothing about the Canadian banking system.

                              All I can add is this SC employee had an American bank debit card, so I know the issue wasn't with conflicting accounts. She just had no money!
                              Here's your sign...

