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Happy Eid-ster

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  • Happy Eid-ster

    Howdy, campers.

    Just a short one today, about a series of SC’s who came in all infuriating and sucky and left all seriously docile and repentant.

    A short digression: I live in the Middle East (aka, ‘ME’) where it is currently the Eid al-Adha or the Festival of Sacrifice (Ed. note: this occurs at the end of the Hajj (annual pilgrimage to Mecca) where Muslims throughout the world celebrate the holiday where there’s animal sacrifice (sheep, goat, camel, the fatted Subway BMT, etc.), great distribution of food and other munificence and general festivities), and there was much rejoicing.

    Not in-coincidentally, it is also this country’s “National Day” Holiday, (which rings in at 4 days) so it’s 9 days off for all; yes, heathens included.


    The large national oil company for whom I (most unappreciatedly) toil holds an annual soiree whereupon it distributes a vanishingly small part of its petroleum-generated largesse in a thinly disguised gesture to curry favor from the local populace (as they are a monopoly here (the company, not the locals), one wonders at their genuine though ulterior motives), the odd-lot assortment of governmental ministries and whomever else in the general vicinity possess olfactory functions beyond that of say, oh, a brick.

    It’s a free-for-all, in several ways more than one: it’s a huge Bar-Be-Que (Braai, Goat-grab, slightly extraterrestrial ritual of igniting flame pits and searing mammal flesh), done Middle Eastern style; with heaps, mounds and piles of complimentary chow.

    How nice.

    How could that be a problem?

    Well, it’s mostly ‘free for all’. Free victuals. Just show up, possess a pulse and the ability to hold both a place in a queue and the free fine dining china (courtesy of the vast industrial petroleum refining and chemical industry), you get complimentary charred mammal protein (truth be told, we also gak a chicken or two as well), as well as selections from the galaxies of salads available (hummus, tabouli, something from outside the orbit of Ceti Alpha VI…), along with the inevitable bread and salt.

    Free. A gimmee. A Mulligan. On the house. A cuffo. An Annie Oakley.

    Got that?

    Notice any thing missing?

    You have to pay for drinks (no alcohol here) but easily and cheaply available are bottled water, juices of most every description, coffee, tea and milk...milk…(“Industrial Milk”. You know that UHT stuff? “Ultra High Temperature” processed? This stuff would survive at ground-zero during a low-yield thermonuclear test) are accessible for a very nominal charge. Like US$0.26/liter of nicely iced water. Ditto the juices (grape, orange, mango, guava, kiwi, bumalo, durian…


    Don’t get me started on durians…).



    Great spiky brownish-green football-sized looking sort of things that most right-thinking people would take a baseball bat to if they ever saw one creeping out of ones garden; that have the pleasant silky smooth taste of dreamy-creamy-caramel but the overwhelming aroma of dog farts and stale domestic beer garnished with rotting onions and swamp gas.


    “Make that a double?”

    One of the reasons for the bounty of such available comestibles is the diversity of nationalities here in the ME.

    Oh, yeah. It’s a veritable cornucopia of humanity; that is: all the fruits and nuts and none of the flowers.

    A short list includes varying populations of:

    Those of Arabian descent (Well, whadda think?)
    Eastern Indians
    South Africans
    And so on and so on and so forth.

    Yeah, in any convention burg, you get a pretty mixed bag.

    So, to accommodate varying ethnicities, predilections and preferences, we offer a large variety of solidly middle-of-the-road comestibles and potables.

    Remember I said this was going to be short? Fat chance.

    Well, through no fault of my own, it was the operations group of the large, national oil company’s turn to help host (i.e., reduce the number of casualties from the inevitable Cincinnatian crush from the spectre of free food) this little get together.

    …Bonus points to whomever gets the WKRP reference…

    Since I’m seriously senior and the team leader of the largest bunch of knot- and knuckle heads, umm, err…engineers and physicists (both petro- and geo-type), in the company, I’m elected to help sort out the “who does what to whom and where” at the park where this little shindig is held.

    As I said, it’s an annual event; and everyone knows this is the one time of year to get out in force, drag along everyone from the kiddies to the pensioners, and indulge in a frenzy of free-feeding that would make a lamprey look like a piker.

    It’s slated to kick off around 0900, but we had people showing up at 0500. Unfortunately, since I’m a Native Texan (by way of Wisconsin) (“Don’t Mess, etc.”), I had to arrive at 0300 to supervise the loading and firing of the grills.

    I mean, c’mon, it just wouldn’t be right otherwise.

    Well, the grills are grilling, the caterers catering and everything, for once, is going at what passes for normal in these parts. We didn’t do a lot of beef (Indians consider that taboo), no pork (obviously…but, I mean, WTF, what’s a bar-be-queue without baby back ribs?), no fish, but huge quantities of lamb, goat, sheep, mutton, ewe, and camel. Filet-de-hump is an especially prized cut hereabouts.

    No. I’m not kidding.

    Camel jerky is great. Just makes you so thirsty 2 days later…


    Since everyone who said they were going to show for once did, I sorted out the assignments and strolled around, puffing on my standard 75 ring Oscuro hand-rolled, checking this and adjusting that. Most everything was going swimmingly.

    Well, almost everything.

    The drinks section was utter chaos. No, chaos was better organized than this. A tsunami would be better organized. Look up the word “pandemonium” and there’s got to be a picture of this bedlam.

    Seems folks thought that since everything else was free (and do not ask me why drinks were not included…I don’t make the rules, I just sort of grimace and either acquiesce or, as more usual, find a workable end-around), the drinks just HAD to be as well.

    Most easily, you will never find a more wretched hive of cheapskates and the miserly.

    One must be cautious.


    Remember I mentioned the nationality makeup of the crowd? How here we have representatives of over 6 million different nations? Each with their own language (dialect, vernacular, guttural utterances)?

    They were all going off the rails together.

    “It’s nice to have everyone together now and again, isn’t it?” observes Bob.

    “Shut up, Bob.”

    It ran the gamut from:

    Extraordinary entitlement whore-ish-ness (“I’m a local, and therefore, by dint of where I was born, should get everything free”) to,

    Special pleading (“My baby needs water in this harsh climate”…well, toots, you brought it here…) to,

    False bravado (“Just give me my drink, you chapped bastard”), to,

    Outright deceit (“He said I could have a case of free durian juice.” Almost got me on that one.), to,

    The all time favorite: pity (“I don’t have any money. Baksheesh. Baksheesh…”).

    A trying time. Time to rend one’s soul. A time to reap, a time to sew.

    Me? I couldn’t give a toss.

    Having observed the mayhem, determining that it neither put a nickel in my pocket or took one out, and realizing that I was, irresponsibly, given a position of authority (ignoring the inevitable South Park reference), I shut down the whole affair.

    “Right! That’s it! No more drinks! Finished! Finito! Khalas! Das ende! Geëindigd! Yari na! Законченный! Selesai!”

    Sometimes it really pays to be multilingual.

    I can order a beer in 47 different languages.

    And get out of jail in 14.

    Told you it’s useful.

    Remember way back when I said this was going to be a ‘short’ communiqué? Well, beyond “fat chance’, there was that seemingly incomprehensible and inconsequential reference to “bread and salt”?

    Bread. (Insert your favorite variety.) +

    Salt. NaCl. Sodium Chloride. +


    See what happens when one doesn’t pay attention?

    A short while later, after metabolic catabolism kicks in, I have a multitude of very sedate, very quiet, very penitent individuals very quietly inquiring if they may purchase one form or another of our rather liquid consumables.

    The cheque we cut to Oxfam that year was the largest in history (that’s where the fluid funds went, later, to my dismay, I was told).

    Well, if you told me that, I could have leaned more heavily on the jerk camel.

    If only I use my powers for good instead of evil…

  • #2
    May I just say... Bravo. Bravo, my good man. I quite enjoy your writing style. ^_^ Write on!

    Hehe.... I can say quite a few things in roughly 16 languages. A couple are dead languages, but so what. Unfortunately I can only say a few phrases in each (other than English and ASL) and -none- of those phrases can be said in polite company. Or even impolite company. Ummmm... Basically I can only say them if I -want- to start a fight. ^_^
    hea·then [hee-thuhn] noun
    1. an unconverted individual that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible.
    2. an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person.
    3. the children of NotSoInnocent.


    • #3
      Quoth Doc Rocknocker View Post

      Don’t get me started on durians…).



      Great spiky brownish-green football-sized looking sort of things that most right-thinking people would take a baseball bat to if they ever saw one creeping out of ones garden; that have the pleasant silky smooth taste of dreamy-creamy-caramel but the overwhelming aroma of dog farts and stale domestic beer garnished with rotting onions and swamp gas.


      “Make that a double?”
      Ah, durian. That's the one that Lawrence Block had one of his characters describe as, "It smells like if you and a really trashy Sheila smeared yourselves all over with Limburger cheese and then had sex on top of a pile of rotting fish."

      Pity I'd forgotten that description the one and only time I ever bought the miserable thing.

      In order to understand this anecdote, you need to know about two Jewish customs:

      1. Before eating bread, we wash our hands by pouring water over them from a cup. Having so done, we do not speak until after the bread has been tasted. At a communal meal, such as we have on the Sabbath or holidays, the leader cuts a large loaf and distributes slices to the various participants; this means that there's often a period of several minutes when we can't talk.

      2. On Rosh Hashana, the day that begins the Jewish new year, it is customary to eat a "new fruit", i.e. one that you haven't eaten yet that growing season, and pronounce a blessing over it thanking G_d for keeping us alive to see the new season. My family generally uses a pomegranate for this purpose, as we don't eat them except on Rosh Hashana and therefore don't need to think back and remember if we've had, e.g. figs yet this year.

      So back in 2001, I went to Chinatown, in Manhattan's Lower East Side, to buy some fresh lychees, which I wanted to use for the new fruit: I like them, but they were hard to come by in the New York area. (Also three times the price I used to pay for them in Canada, back when I lived in Buffalo.) None of the stores had any left, but one shopkeeper directed me to a pushcart on Canal St, where I was able to score a couple of pounds. The next cart over had these huge orange things with warts all over them like the underwater mines that you see in the cartoons. I said to myself, Hm, that's also a fruit, and I've certainly never had it before, I can use that for the new fruit as well. I bought one and took it home with the lychees.

      That night was Rosh Hashana. We had all washed our hands, and were waiting for my father to cut and distribute the bread (dipped in honey as per the New Year's holiday custom); I went into the kitchen to cut my new fruit. The moment I sliced the miserable thing open, this miasma wafted out into the dining room... and a table full of family members, who were prevented by custom from speaking any words yet, held their collective nose, pointed at the back door, and went "Nnnngh!!"

      I wrapped it back up in the bag, took it out the back door and left it in the yard. Still don't know what the hell it tastes like.

      We all had a good laugh over it afterwards, once they'd opened up the windows and aired the place out. To this day my sister-in-law threatens to lynch me if I ever bring another durian in the house again.

      (Note: I've bought another one since I wrote the above, my curiosity having finally overcome me, and ate some of it in a well-ventilated area. It didn't stink like the first one; maybe it wasn't ripe enough. The inside looks like 8 peeled bananas. It's weird. Taste was pleasant, but not enough to make me want another.)

      A short list includes varying populations of:

      Those of Arabian descent (Well, whadda think?); Eastern Indians; Pakistanis; Koreans; Malaysians; Filipinos; Azeris; Romanians; South Africans; Russians; Americans; Canadians; Dutch; Brits; And so on and so on and so forth.
      I can name one ethnicity that you won't find there.

      (Although I wouldn't have been eating even had I been present. Kosher meat is automatically halal, but not the reverse.)


      • #4
        You may be my new favorite person, and not just for the sci fi references.

        Or the Getting out of Jail thing.

        (Dude, worldwide cruise! I'll buy the beer and get us into trouble. You order and get us out!)

        I'll have to pay attention here. My boss is Hebrew as are most of our clients. Helps to know the holy days. I'll know when not to go into work.
        "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


        • #5
          Oh that was evil. Brilllant and evil. And I love you writing style.

          Hmm. I may be starting to fangirl. You might want to back up a bit.
          "Honestly officer, he asked for a shot and I gave him one. Why do you need the handcuffs?" - MannersMakethMan


          • #6
            The tl;dr version:

            Company-sponsored barbeque event had free food, but paid drinks. Jerks, EWs, and whiners didn't want to pay, so shut the drinks stand down until all the heat and salt got to the collected personages, and they politely requested a reinstatement of purchasing privileges. Massive pwnage. The end.
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              Ah, durian.

              I recently tried that. It's really not like anything I've had before: think vanilla almond ice cream with a distinct meaty aftertaste. The flesh is so soft you can eat it with a spoon - if you freeze the fruit it even has the consistency of ice cream (albeit an unusual flavor).

              I ended up eating it going "Weird, I don't know if I like this, *CHOMP* it's kind of good but that aftertaste, *CHOMP* well, it's not bad, *CHOMP* the SMELL, *CHOMP* it's kind of growing on me, *CHOMP* I don't know if I like this but I can't stop eating it, *CHOMP* oh, my nose just shut down, cool, *CHOMP* huh, I guess I DO like it, *CHOMP* bugger. It's all gone now *forlorn*."

              I double-wrapped that thing, kept it in the freezer, and made sure to never open the package indoors. No matter, the smell managed to creep through the freezer and subtly permeate the kitchen.


              • #8
                Quoth Doc Rocknocker View Post
                Camel jerky is great. Just makes you so thirsty 2 days later…
                Not a problem you can have some of my water...just as soon as I pour it out of my keyboard.

                Love your stories, you wonderful bastid ^_^ Keep up the good work!
                "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


                • #9
                  Doc, (do you mind if I call you Doc?) you may well give our beloved GK a run for his money as my favorite poster. That was brilliant, in both the telling and the execution.
                  "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


                  • #10
                    Quoth Thuringwethyl View Post

                    I ended up eating it going "Weird, I don't know if I like this, *CHOMP* it's kind of good but that aftertaste, *CHOMP* well, it's not bad, *CHOMP* the SMELL, *CHOMP* it's kind of growing on me, *CHOMP* I don't know if I like this but I can't stop eating it, *CHOMP* oh, my nose just shut down, cool, *
                    Data: I hate this! It is revolting!
                    Guinan: More?
                    Data: Please!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Doc Rocknocker View Post
                      “Don’t Mess, etc.”
                      *looks around, drops an empty soda can on the ground*
                      (Why, yes, I live in Texas, much as I am loathe to admit it. Secondly, "that phrase you keep using... I do not think it means what you think it means.")
                      "I call murder on that!"


                      • #12
                        the fatted Subway BMT
                        all hail the sacrifice of the fatted bmt.

                        my son would cry in horror over the death of his favorite sandwich.

                        i am enjoying your storytelling method; please keep them coming.

                        durian? no thanks, i've got fruit cocktail, and that's bad enough.

                        funny how the location can change, but the ew quotient remains the same.
                        look! it's ghengis khan!
                        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                        • #13
                          How could you have salads from Ceti Alpha VI? Everyone knows Ceti Alpha VI exploded, which shifted the orbit of Ceti Alpha V, turning it into a desert planet and....

                          Ahem. Sorry.



                          • #14
                            mmmmm.....tasty animal flesh

                            All Hail the BMT.

                            And yes, I did enjoy this. Keep em coming.
                            The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                            Now queen of USSR-Land...

