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  • #31
    Quoth MrsEclipse View Post
    I want that game, but it's the sequel to the sequel of a game I haven't beaten yet in the first place.
    Final Fantasy X-2. How do I know? Because no one beat FFIX. 'cause it sucked.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #32
      Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
      "It has a green Luigi
      As opposed to the bright pink Luigi?

      Quoth MrsEclipse View Post
      I want that game, but it's the sequel to the sequel of a game I haven't beaten yet in the first place.
      Ah, yes, Mario & Luigi, Superstar Saga, a game I only managed to get about halfway through, thanks to that damn Fawful...

      Quoth Broomjockey View Post
      Because no one beat FFIX. 'cause it sucked.
      I beat FF9, because it was amazing. What about all the sequels to FF7 that are flooding the market now...? HATED 7, understand people like it, though. And, none of the Final Fantasy propers are sequels to any of the others. 10 is not a true sequel, the characters have nothing in common, blah, blah, blah... X-2 IS a sequel, the first time an FF game got a direct sequel.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #33
        Quoth Juwl View Post
        I beat FF9, because it was amazing.
        Bah. Hardly. You're entitled to your opinion, but in MY opinion, and the opinion of every person I know who's personally played it, it's the worst FF game of any of them. Not including X2.

        Quoth Juwl View Post
        10 is not a true sequel, the characters have nothing in common, blah, blah, blah... X-2 IS a sequel, the first time an FF game got a direct sequel.
        Yes, I know this, but we're talking about someone who uses "sequel of a sequel," so thus the FF games are a series, with each game being a sequel to the previous, but with X2 being a sequel OF a sequel. The phrase "sequel of a sequel" gives connotations of being an offshoot of the main series, which X2 was. FFVII doesn't count, because the game it'd be a sequel to is NA's FFIII, or FFVI, which is ancient by this point, and no one would describe FFVII as a sequel of FFVI because the jump between both in style and time between is so great.

        Don't try and school me on anything video game related. I'll trounce you every time.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #34
          Quoth Broomjockey View Post
          Don't try and school me on anything video game related. I'll trounce you every time.
          Hmmmm... Are you familiar with SSI's AD&D Gold Box games? Or the Might & Magic RPGs?
          "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


          • #35
            Quoth XCashier View Post
            I see we have the same customer...

            It's not fair to your spouse/SO to send them to the store to get you something from the store without a clear description of what you need. Write it down, give spouse part of the old label, tell spouse where it's likely to be located in the store, the size, strength, color, anything! It may seem like you can read each others' minds after X years of marriage, but trust me, the psychic powers konk out at the most inconvenient times.
            Heh, definitely. I love it when they try to get me to talk to their wives on the phone. Fuck that. Though, I have done it. I just don't like touching other peoples stuff.

            It IS good when they come in with the label. Makes it so much easier. Especially if I have an RF gun and can just scan that bastard.

            Lol'ing at the geek wars in the rest of the thread. I'm a dork. I only wish I were cool enough to be a geek. heh Don't like Final Fantasy, don't hate And I want the new Mario game for the Wii. I was trying to remember which Star Wars game my kid wanted for Christmas--and couldn't.

            I got him to tell me again, and I wrote it down, AGAIN. And the stores nearest us are out of it. bummer. Though, I didn't try very hard. And I'd never go bug some random associate to remember the name of random Star Wars game.
            you are = you're. not "your".


            • #36
              Quoth Juwl View Post
              I beat FF9, because it was amazing. What about all the sequels to FF7 that are flooding the market now...? HATED 7, understand people like it, though.
              Quoth Broomjockey View Post
              Bah. Hardly. You're entitled to your opinion, but in MY opinion, and the opinion of every person I know who's personally played it, it's the worst FF game of any of them. Not including X2.
              I haven't actually played most of them, but Nekojin despised 7, but beat it in spite of that fact.

              We've both played 9 (we both got distracted well before finishing, however, which is par for the course with me), and we both rather enjoyed it.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #37
                Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
                Hmmmm... Are you familiar with SSI's AD&D Gold Box games? Or the Might & Magic RPGs?
                I'd say I lost it, but I never had it.

                Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                We've both played 9 (we both got distracted well before finishing, however, which is par for the course with me), and we both rather enjoyed it.

                Not to stereotype or anything, but I'm not particularly surprised at your enjoyment of it. That said, my original statement stands. People I know disliked it mightily.
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                • #38
                  Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                  Not to stereotype or anything, but I'm not particularly surprised at your enjoyment of it. That said, my original statement stands. People I know disliked it mightily.
                  Now you've got me curious as to why you're not surprised. Do tell.

                  Feel free to PM if you don't feel comfortable saying in thread.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #39
                    Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                    Now you've got me curious as to why you're not surprised. Do tell.
                    C'mon! He has a Sith lord for his icon, and you have a unicorn thingy. Need any more be said about the difference in your tastes?
                    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


                    • #40
                      Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post
                      C'mon! He has a Sith lord for his icon, and you have a unicorn thingy. Need any more be said about the difference in your tastes?
                      "Unicorn thingy"... nice...

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #41
                        OMG... I didn't realize how that sounded until you repeated it.
                        Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


                        • #42
                          Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                          Don't try and school me on anything video game related. I'll trounce you every time.
                          Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
                          Hmmmm... Are you familiar with SSI's AD&D Gold Box games? Or the Might & Magic RPGs?
                          Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                          I'd say I lost it, but I never had it.
                          That's too bad. You missed out on some great RPGs from the old days.
                          "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                          • #43
                            Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
                            That's too bad. You missed out on some great RPGs from the old days.
                            Dude, I quoted the response from the guy in Might and Magic VII, when you say to him "I lost it" he replies "You never had it," referring to if you've managed to lose a plot item. It's one of the funniest things I ever ran across in a game because I'd no idea what he was referring to at first, so I thought he was randomly insulting me.
                            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                            • #44
                              Quoth Juwl View Post
                              As opposed to the bright pink Luigi?
                              Well that would have narrowed it down, Super smash Bros Melee!
                              Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                              "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                              • #45
                                Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                                Dude, I quoted the response from the guy in Might and Magic VII, when you say to him "I lost it" he replies "You never had it," referring to if you've managed to lose a plot item. It's one of the funniest things I ever ran across in a game because I'd no idea what he was referring to at first, so I thought he was randomly insulting me.
                                Expertise noted, and applauded. I had forgotten that quote.
                                "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

