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No, your coupon says "limit 2", not "as much as you want"!

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  • No, your coupon says "limit 2", not "as much as you want"!

    I stopped off at Walgreen's this morning for a padded envelope to send some movies off in. In front of me was this woman who was buying eight cans of Planter's cashews. Walgreen's had a coupon for it, where you get twenty-five or fifty cents off each can. Well, she made a stink that the clerk was not adding the discount to all eight cans of cashews. Upon listening and witnessing this, it turned out the coupon was good for up to two cans of cashews, and good for a certain size. This lady was trying to get eight larger cans, and get the discount. The clerk stood his ground, telling her, "I'm sorry maam, but the coupon says it is a limit of two, not eight, plus it is good for the smaller size, not the one you have here." Was this woman going to budge? Of course not. No matter what the coupon said, she was going to have her way. I, as well as other customers, got frustrated by this. Thankfully, the photo department was open, so I could make my purchase there and leave, but others just put down their items on a nearby counter and left. I took me about one minute to check out at the photo lab, and as I passed the clerk's counter, the same woman was still there arguing with the clerk, and had not unloaded the rest of her cart. Her argument then was, "Well, why can't I just use four coupons and get the discount?", to which the clerk had to tell her it says on there that you cannot combine coupons or use more than one on the same purchase, plus again, it has to be the size indicated. I'm only sorry I was unable to see the final exchange being I was on my way to work. But, I'm pretty sure she either got what she wanted, or did this in four transactions with the correct size of cashews. It didn't look like this clerk was budging either, but neither was this woman! Deadlocked.

    Oh, the things we do to save a few cents. And all I wanted was a 99 cent envelope that should have taken me two minutes to get in and out of the store with! Argh! I'm just not meant to go shopping anymore.
    Last edited by Ree; 12-09-2006, 12:53 PM. Reason: Restored with edits

  • #2
    Quoth greensinestro View Post
    Thankfully, the photo department was open, so I could make my purchase there and leave, but others just put down their items on a nearby counter and left.
    This is, incidentally, the reason why a lot of retailers beat their managers into spineless jellyfish. Ok, you lost $2 on an entitlement whore, and she'll probably be back to try it again. But in the meantime, you *didn't* lose $20 worth of additional business.

    The line I like to use with customers like this (if I feel they really deserve it, that is), "I'd love to help you out here, but I don't feel like losing my job by helping you commit coupon fraud. Over a certain amount, it's actually a felony. In this case, you'd probably just get off with a $500 fine. *shrugs and points to the camera*".

    Then, of course, we have those people that grab 10 off the shelf for a "Limit 2" coupon and ask me to ring it up in 5 transactions. I usually let them get away with two transactions, but that's it. And if they're too stupid to realize that I'm doing them a favor, then NO COUPON FOR YOU!
    "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
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    • #3
      Yep, I thought of that, too, and this is probably what this woman did. Sort of like an earlier post of mine dealing with the express line. It says "ten items or less", yet the customer with fifty items breaks it into five orders.


      • #4
        Quoth greensinestro View Post
        Yep, I thought of that, too, and this is probably what this woman did. Sort of like an earlier post of mine dealing with the express line. It says "ten items or less", yet the customer with fifty items breaks it into five orders.
        Man, what do you do in that situation? Do you just ring him up to get him out of there, or do you try to get him to pack everything back up and back out of the line?
        "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
        -- The Meteor Principle

        Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


        • #5
          Quoth pbmods View Post
          Man, what do you do in that situation? Do you just ring him up to get him out of there, or do you try to get him to pack everything back up and back out of the line?
          Why, you grab their heaviest canned item and club them over the head with it!


          • #6
            That clerk should have called for cosmetics to help check or for an IC3 to get someone else to handle the line.

            A lot of people will come back to me to get rung up, too, if there's a big line up front, even with everyone ringing their little brains out up there.


            • #7
              Quoth pbmods View Post
              Man, what do you do in that situation? Do you just ring him up to get him out of there, or do you try to get him to pack everything back up and back out of the line?
              I have seen stores actually ring them up to get rid of them. I did an earlier post regarding whether the customer is always right or not, and I stated a customer who was buying Haagen Daas ice cream with a Nestle coupon. Neither company is related to the other, yet this woman would not leave the check out line until she got her thirty-five cent discount. Management honored this because she was holding up the line and didn't care. So, yes, they ring them up much of the time, and no, they seldom make the customer pack it up and get out of the line. It adds bad publicity to the business being this person will go tell their friends, family and co-workers how badly they were mistreated no matter how wrong they really were.


              • #8
                I work for Walgreens. I run into that all the time. I had a customer almost throw a fit over 50 cents! Today, a gentleman came to the register with his wife. He brought two cans of nuts. They were normally $3.99 or 2/$7. They were on sale for $2.99.

                SC: Those nuts are supposed to be two for five dollars.

                ME: They're not ringing that way. They're normally $3.99. Price tag is clearly printed on the item. The sale gives you a dollar off each can. Therefore, they are $2.99.

                SC: (Raising his voice) THE SIGN SAYS THEY'RE TWO FOR FIVE!

                ME: *Calls co-worker over*

                SC: Why do you have to call her over. The sign says the're two for five! If I have to wait, I am going to become irate *Yes, he did say that*

                ME: Sorry to hear that sir. She will be back in just a second.

                *Coworker comes back. Manager heard what happened. No sign. So instead of dealing with an SC, she gives him what she wants*

                SC to his wife: At least we won that battle. *Wife giggles*

                ME: *Rolls eyes*
                At the end of the day, customers are NOT always right.


                • #9
                  Quoth blaubent View Post
                  I work for Walgreens. I run into that all the time. I had a customer almost throw a fit over 50 cents! Today, a gentleman came to the register with his wife. He brought two cans of nuts. They were normally $3.99 or 2/$7. They were on sale for $2.99.

                  SC: Those nuts are supposed to be two for five dollars.

                  ME: They're not ringing that way. They're normally $3.99. Price tag is clearly printed on the item. The sale gives you a dollar off each can. Therefore, they are $2.99.

                  SC: (Raising his voice) THE SIGN SAYS THEY'RE TWO FOR FIVE!
                  That's a tricky one. I've seen some of those nuts with a 2/$5 tag on them, and others are 2/$7. I wonder if they just saw the wrong tag.
                  "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
                  -- The Meteor Principle

                  Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


                  • #10
                    Quoth blaubent View Post
                    I work for Walgreens. I run into that all the time. I had a customer almost throw a fit over 50 cents! Today, a gentleman came to the register with his wife. He brought two cans of nuts. They were normally $3.99 or 2/$7. They were on sale for $2.99.

                    SC: Those nuts are supposed to be two for five dollars.

                    ME: They're not ringing that way. They're normally $3.99. Price tag is clearly printed on the item. The sale gives you a dollar off each can. Therefore, they are $2.99.

                    SC: (Raising his voice) THE SIGN SAYS THEY'RE TWO FOR FIVE!

                    *Coworker comes back. Manager heard what happened. No sign. So instead of dealing with an SC, she gives him what she wants*

                    SC to his wife: At least we won that battle. *Wife giggles*

                    ME: *Rolls eyes*
                    See, it's crap like this that can make your blood boil inside. The evidence was all there that this customer was wrong, yet your manager let him have it anyway just to get rid of him. Plus, the wife giggling is her way of "See? My husband and I pulled a fast one on you and now you have the proverbial egg on your face." Whether or not these son of a bitch customers know, but they're stealing just as much as someone who shoplifts. And, I'm sure that couple will be back, let alone they do that in any store they go in. They probably plan that out before leaving the house.


                    • #11
                      Quoth blaubent View Post
                      SC to his wife: At least we won that battle. *Wife giggles*
                      Argghhhh!!!Grrr!!!Red rum!!!!
                      I hope they haven't spawned, I can only imagine what they'll teach to their kids. "Mommy and Daddy are warriors fighting the evil retail employees and you, my little vipers, are little warriors. Now let's all go buy some nuts."
                      Either that, or they'll go on forever bragging to their friends (do people like that have any friends? Just thinking...) how they had "won that battle". No mention about our "war hero" being too cheap to pay full price on nuts that were already on sale.
                      Words escape me.


                      • #12
                        One time my husband was stuck in line behind a lady who was arguing over 18 cents. She was in the wrong, but wouldn't budge.

                        So my husband fished into his pocket for a quarter and offered it to the lady, "If 18cents means so much to you, take this quarter. Some of us here have places to be."

                        She didn't take the quarter or even acknowledge my husband, but she did leave after making a parting shot to the cashier that she planned to complain.

                        Rude? Yes. Expedient? Also yes.
                        The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                        The stupid is strong with this one.


                        • #13
                          What does this woman being a nurse have to do with anything?


                          • #14
                            Quoth captainvegetable02 View Post
                            What does this woman being a nurse have to do with anything?
                            Where does it say that?


                            • #15
                              Quoth greensinestro View Post
                              I stopped off at Walgreen's this morning for a padded envelope to send some movies off in. In front of me was this woman who was buying eight cans of Planter's cashews. Walgreen's had a coupon for it, where you get twenty-five or fifty cents off each can. Well, she made a stink that the clerk was not adding the discount to all eight cans of cashews. Upon listening and witnessing this, it turned out the coupon was good for up to two cans of cashews, and good for a certain size. This nurse was trying to get eight larger cans, and get the discount. The clerk stood his ground, telling her, "I'm sorry maam, but the coupon says it is a limit of two, not eight, plus it is good for the smaller size, not the one you have here." Was this woman going to budge? Of course not. No matter what the coupon said, she was going to have her way. I, as well as other customers, got frustrated by this. Thankfully, the photo department was open, so I could make my purchase there and leave, but others just put down their items on a nearby counter and left. I took me about one minute to check out at the photo lab, and as I passed the clerk's counter, the same woman was still there arguing with the clerk, and had not unloaded the rest of her cart. Her argument then was, "Well, why can't I just use four coupons and get the discount?", to which the clerk had to tell her it says on there that you cannot combine coupons or use more than one on the same purchase, plus again, it has to be the size indicated. I'm only sorry I was unable to see the final exchange being I was on my way to work. But, I'm pretty sure she either got what she wanted, or did this in four transactions with the correct size of cashews. It didn't look like this clerk was budging either, but neither was this woman! Deadlocked.

                              Oh, the things we do to save a few cents. And all I wanted was a 99 cent envelope that should have taken me two minutes to get in and out of the store with! Argh! I'm just not meant to go shopping anymore.
                              Before you edited it, you also said she was a nurse one other time. Why does it matter that she was a nurse? The part you edited was a bit derogatory, in fact.

