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SC and a legal question

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  • SC and a legal question

    Me: Thank you for calling *us* how can I help you today?

    SC: Yes, i was wondering if you have an item in stock. It is *some* Razor scooter.

    Me: (check it up) I'm sorry. We're currently out of stock. Would you like me to check some of our other locations?

    SC: Oh well. No, that's okay. Listen, I had one more question.

    Me: Yes?

    SC: I already ordered that scooter from you online and I was wondering if I could return it in store.

    Me: Of course. Your packing slip acts as your receipt.

    SC: I don't have the packing slip anymore.

    Me: Oh dear. I'm sorry. It acts as your receipt and without proof of purchase I cannot process any returns.

    (She goes from nice to crazy bitch in 2 seconds)

    SC: This is ridiculous! You HAVE to return it.

    Me: Do you at least have the email conformation the website sends you once you place the order?

    SC: No! I don't. I thought I was going to keep it but I decided not to.

    Me: Well i'm sorry, there's nothing that i can---

    SC: (interrupts me) Let me talk to your manager.

    Me: I'm sorry, she has gone home for the day.

    SC: Then get me someone who knows what they're talking about. (Me: )

    SC: I decided not to get this because I read about all the injuries kids have been getting on it. I keep reading how it is dangerous and unsafe (and yes she did stress those words) and I know that you HAVE to take it back.

    Me: If you insist on speaking to someone else I can connect you with the acting MOD supervisor.

    SC: Yes, do so.

    I went to get him, but when he got to the phone she'd hung up. [end situation]

    now for the questions:

    It's obvious to me that she didn't get that scooter from us. If she'd actually ordered it from our website she'd already know we carry it: DUH.

    She was clearly trying to return something to us that she didn't buy from us.

    The problem though: she kept stressing how unsafe and dangerous the product was.

    In the past, my manager has told me that we HAVE to return an item once a guest says that an item is dangerous because our company can still be held legally liable if anything happens.

    So would this lady have had a case against us? Even though she had NO proof of purchase whatsoever?

  • #2
    Not against you guys, and not really against where she got it from. But certainly against the manufacturer.

    Such a product should be subject to a recall. I suggest you do some research online to see if one exists. In that case, it is to be taken for a full refund (NOT an exchange.)
    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


    • #3
      If it is unsafe due to a design/manufactoring fault or similar then it is the manufactorers responsibility to refnd the money if it is unsfae. you have no legal responsibilty to do anything, unless contacted by the manufactorer asking you to issue refunds on their behalf.

      If as is more likely it is dangerous in the same way a bike is dangerous, or a football, or trainset, or ANYTTHING ELSE A KID GET THEIR HANDS ON, tough shit. You can kill someone with a piece of paper doesn't mean you can return it for safety reasons.


      • #4
        She's obviously a scammer. She just called and asked if you had any hoping you'd say either what you did or that you did have some, just so she knows that you do in fact sell them. She ordered it some where else. Besides, you'd know a product like that is dangerous before you ordered it.


        • #5
          Ok.. I'm no attorney... but I'm unaware of any law stating you have to accept a return on something "unsafe" and "dangerous" that was never bought from your business in the first place. It would be the logical equivalent of walking into a Micky D's and trying to get a refund on a chainsaw.. I can't imagine the law would back you up...
          I will never go to school!


          • #6
            I can't see how the lady would have any claim against your store. If the manufacturer issued a recall on the scooters, then you'd have to give refunds. But she can't even prove she bought the scooter from your store.

            As for how "dangerous" and "unsafe" the things are--anything would become dangerous and unsafe if you were using it in your own version of Jackass--which I imagine a lot of kids are doing.

            Quoth jjllbb
            In the past, my manager has told me that we HAVE to return an item once a guest says that an item is dangerous because our company can still be held legally liable if anything happens.
            Yes, no, maybe. Some places have screwy product safety laws that would make it easier for somebody to sue. Cheeselandialand is one of them.

            But again, she cannot prove the scooter was bought from your company, so she's SOL.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              Unsafe manner? There's a difference between doing unsafe things in the safest manner possible and being an outright idiot.

              I remember going off jumps on my scooter as a kid, among other things that today would be deemed "unsafe", and would get me punished by most modern overprotective parents. Yeah, I fell a lot, but I used safety measures when doing anything more than riding to school or down the sidewalk. My worst injuries were a skinned wrist or two. ...but then again, I'm not one to sue someone else for my own stupidity. I think I finally busted the axles on my scooter after a particularly hard landing. My parent's response was along the lines of "that's what you get for being so rough on it." I never got another one. :-)

              Regardless, minor injuries are good for kids, teaches them what they can and cannot do. As a result of many attempts to do things more coordinated kids could do, I've done a fair amount of damage, however, I now know my limits, and won't exceed those (important to know for the mine exploration I do in my spare time.) If I were to exceed what I know to be my limits, I would very likely be dead by now.

              Regardless of everything else, kids bounce. :-)
              Coworker: Distro of choice?
              Me: Gentoo.
              Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


              • #8
                Quoth jjllbb View Post
                So would this lady have had a case against us? Even though she had NO proof of purchase whatsoever?
                Short answer: No.

                Since the danger the woman spoke of is not a defect in the scooter itself, and since she is aware that there is some risk inherent in using the scooter, she uses the scooter at her own peril. This is why scooters, bikes, skates, swing sets and like toys come with so many warnings about the dangers involved in the use of the toy, and why there are specific instructions included on the box regarding helmets, pads, etc. for whenever the scooter is used.
                "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
                .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


                • #9
                  Yeah, that lady doesn't really have a case against you.

                  Also, I'm gonna echo what everyone else has been saying. Kids do "unsafe" and "dangerous" things with their scooters/bikes/rollerblades/<insert riding toy here> all the time.

                  We didn't build ramps in my neighborhood growing up, but we WOULD jump our bikes off the curb. My luck being what it is, I was the only one who ended up falling off his bike and hurting himself when I tried it. That was me and bikes in general. From that little bump off the curb, to ripping up the side of my leg when I went sliding down a hill toward a ravine, to almost separating my shoulder by accidentally going off a fishing bridge by the lake.

                  zomg that bike was unsafe and dangerous! i shud SUUUUUUUUUE!
                  PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                  There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                  • #10
                    Anyone remember lawn darts? 8" of heavy steel honed to a dull point with another 6" or so of cheery colored plastic vanes attached to the end. You were *supposed* to throw them across the yard to try to hit a plastic circle laid out as a target. One occasionally *accidentally* found its way winging in the direction of my little sister. Not hard, mind you, just enough to get her to leave me and my friends alone while we played.

                    Then one day Dad comes to us and says he has to throw away the lawn darts. Some numbskull brat got themselves a lobotomy from throwing the darts in the air and then trying to catch them. Caught one in the top of the head apparently, and a major hue and cry was raised to get the things banned.

                    I remember looking at the darts and thinking how hard someone would have to be throwing the things in order for one to pierce skin, much less a skull. The things were as sharp as a finger, for crying out loud! Someone had to be working *really* hard to manage to get one in their head.
                    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


                    • #11
                      Oh yeah, I well remember having the lawn darts back in the '70's when I was in my teens! Remember them being deemed unsafe as well.

                      Don't remember if my guardians "tossed" them away, or if we defied certain death and kept on playing!



                      • #12
                        When my cousin's oldest daughter was 10 (she just turned 16 last month [!!]), they had just moved to North Carolina, and she got on her friend's little motorized scooter (that she knew she wasn't allowed to be riding), and went flying and broke both arms, and almost broke an ankle.
                        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                        • #13
                          Nah, the things themselves aren't unsafe, just the users. I can't think of any recalls of them; you just have to make sure to attach the handle together right. If one of those things can handle my fat butt, it gets my seal of approval!

                          Of course, it depends on if she was talking about the folding razor scooter (with foot brake that you push) or the electric scooter (also folding); 15mph max I think, very nice. Like with any sport, the kids should be wearing the proper equipment. I never rode my electric Schwinn without one!


                          Great quality scooter! Awww, now I'm all nostalgic for it...
                          "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                          • #14
                            Ahh, lawn darts. They were featured in the opening scene of Addams' Family Reunion.
                            "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                            • #15
                              Anything with wheels and a place to stand/sit on is unsafe. That is half the fun of those things!
                              Melody Gardot

