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Is it a New Moon today?

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  • Is it a New Moon today?

    Here is a short collection of today's calls.

    I should call animal control on you.

    M: I do have an unit available for you on--
    W: (to her dog) Lady, be quiet. (Yapping continues) Lady, shut up! I know you can understand me. Shut up! GODDAMNIT SHUT UP!
    M: um... would you like to call us back when it is more convenient?
    w: no, I'm fine. She's quiet now. So you have an unit available for me on what dates?
    m: (I'm about to start talking when the dog starts yapping again.-
    w: Lady, I said SHUT UP! I mean seriously!

    (the yapping gets louder still)

    I know you can understand me. I said.. SHUT. UP! I am on the phone!

    dog: EEP! Yelp! Yelp!
    w: Oh my god, Lady, I didn't mean to kick you so hard...

    Needless to say I disconnected the call at the moment. I mean, its not like she was talking to me or anything... ~.~

    You puts the lotion on the basket.

    m: alright, so we have that unit booked for you for next week, and saved your remaining time with our exchange company. If you need to cancel the reservation we just booked, you will need to do---

    The conversation is then suddenly interjected by the sound of a rattling metal and someone starts yelling in the background.

    g: um, excuse me one moment -beep-
    m: um.. er... (I am now left in dead silence for about half a minute.)
    g: Alright, where were we?
    m: um.. if you need to cancel your New Year's reservation you will need to cancel by tonight to get your time back, otherwise you forfeit all the points used for this reservation. Is there anything I may be able to assist you with tonight? [ like, I don't know, call the cops? ]
    g: No, thanks. you've been wonderful. Have a Merry Christmas!

    I have never been so .. weirded out in my whole life. I couldn't help but let my cynical mind wonder off and remember the Basement scene from The Road. Mr. Cannibal, have you jumped the gun and started farming body parts in the impeding apocalypse? The Mayans swear we have another two years left...

    Oh well then, I suppose the bitter cynicism of humanity is a taste that must be acquired. Moving on.

    Haha! Take that, bitch!

    This is not anything about a sucky customer of mine but more like a bonus sighting. If any of you have read my posts on 'The Rant!' thread, you will know that one of my biggest pet peeves are Parking Space Vultures.

    You all know the kind, the annoying soccer mom in her suv, or the crotchety old fart in his land yacht and the timeless Mr. Compensation in his gigantic hummer who decide they are just too damn good to go park far away from the door and decide to camp out near the closest spots to a) either park or b) wait while their passengers do all the shopping.

    Tonight's culprit was this wonderfully coiffed mademoiselle with manicured nails and an air of importance. She had decided to camp out by the handicap spots. Whether she was waiting for a passenger or for a premium spots, I do not know, but I remember giving her The Glare when I needed to pass her to go into the other aisle and she got me blocked in (these aisles are two cars wide for traffic to flow in both directions. Cars were coming in against me and this wench refused to move.) When I finally passed her by, she smirked and waved me off as if I were a fly.

    I ignored her, went in, did my shopping and came back. Madam was still there, stubborn as ever, refusing to budge even though she had people honking at her to move because she was blocking traffic. As I got into my car (it was facing into her lane) I got to see this beautiful gem:

    A red, beat up car came into the driveway and turned a left into her aisle of cars and proceeded to stop, blinker flashing for a handicap spot. Madam refused to budge. He stays there, expecting her to move once the car behind him decides to go over to my aisle of cars. She is now clear to move forward. She doesn't.

    The old guy in the red car frowns and looks over his shoulder and spots another car behind him. He figures she is waiting for this other car to move. Another truck pulls up behind her SUV needing to leave the parking lot in general and because Old Guy is waiting for her to move, Truck Guy cannot pass the SUV lady.

    TG : -lays on the horn-
    SUV: -glances over rear view and frowns, grips her steering wheel, stubbornly and sets her face. Clearly she is pretending to not hear.
    OG: - He finally realizes this SUV is not planning to move and he starts swearing up a storm to his passenger, and he too, lays on the horn.-
    SUV: -Shoots the old guy a glare and waves at him to keep going because he is blocking traffic.-
    TG: -rolls down the window- YOU ARE BLOCKING TRAFFIC YOU OLD COW!
    SUV: -groans and rolls down her window- TELL HIM TO MOVE, HE IS BLOCKING YOU, NOT ME.
    OG: -rolls down his window- No, you broking me! broking me!
    SUV: -rolls up her window and pretends not to hear-
    OG: -snatches the placard from his rear view mirror and shoves his hand out the window, waving it at SUV's face.- YOU BROKING ME!YOU BROKING ME! SPOT MINE!
    SUV: -still playing stupid and refusing to look out her window-
    OG: -grumbles, and lays on the horn, waving his placard around-

    At this point, my husband was getting out of the car to have words with this wench but then again, so was the guy in the truck. And the old guy in the beat up car was about to go ballistic, his little hands were waving around so fast and his face was just as red as his car. Another bunch of people from the spots near by (they had just gotten to their cars too) started harassing her to get the eff out and stop blocking handicap people.

    I never saw someone's face turn so white before. She just provided the cat butt face and moved on to another part of the parking lot.
    "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa

  • #2
    Aww... I was hoping for a happy ending! (Such as the cops showing up and arresting her and towing her car. )


    • #3
      The parking lot lady reminds me of what happens nearly every day in our parking lots.

      People line-up in the fire lane, and when that gets full they start pulling along-side the ends of the rows (in the handicap yellow lines); basically turning the 2-lane (both ways) road into a 1-lane. This is a huge hazard, and part of my job is to move people that are parked/sitting here after about 2-minutes. The most common thing I get people saying to me when I tell them they can't park there is...

      "I'm not parked, I'm waiting/sitting/idling for my mom/dad/uncle/wife/husband."

      GRAAAAAH! Luckily, if they don't move after the 2nd warning, I can give them a ticket!
      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


      • #4

        That causes me all kinds of RAGE. I despise anyone who hurts or abandons an animal.
        Last edited by Hermione; 12-24-2009, 02:48 AM. Reason: remove quote


        • #5
          Quoth LillFilly View Post
          GRAAAAAH! Luckily, if they don't move after the 2nd warning, I can give them a ticket!
          Aww, why two warnings? Do they at least go by quickly?

          "Please move your vehicle now."

          "No, I'm just waiting."

          "You cannot park here. Move or be cited."

          "I told you I'm not parked, I'm just waiting!"


          It would also show initiative, and bring in the extra income from all of those tickets.


          • #6
            The parking rant is one reason why I love the camera on my cell phone...

            As I walk out of the store, I have my phone open like I'm dialing. I stop in front of the vehicle and take a picture of the license plate, then another of the driver, then walk back into the store.

            I haven't seen a driver NOT move after that...
            "Kamala the Ugandan Giant" 1950-2020 • "Bullet" Bob Armstrong 1939-2020 • "Road Warrior Animal" 1960-2020 • "Zeus" Tiny Lister Jr. 1958-2020 • "Hacksaw" Butch Reed 1954-2021 • "New Jack" Jerome Young 1963-2021 • "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 1949-2021 • "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton 1958-2021 • Daffney 1975-2021


            • #7
              Thank you for reminding me why it's cool to work in a bar that, due to its downtown location, has no parking lot!

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                I love having a camera phone.

                In fact I have a collection of photos of cars parked in the Loading Zone.
                It's like trying to get laid by showing a girl your resume.
                Look, I was good at Biology and Woodwork.
                So I know where stuff is and I'm good with my hands.

                - Dan, The Gruen Transfer

