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Two long, Two short

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  • Two long, Two short

    Was a busy 2 days for silliness...

    Had these three girls come in and ask for a wire...
    To connect their DS...
    To their Wii.

    Let it sink in for a minit.

    Yeah, I can hear the face palms from here.
    Even my mom who is AFRAID of turning the Wii on if I'm not in the house went "OMG idiots!"

    Me: "There is no such wire. The DS and Wii are on wi-f--"
    Them: "YES THERE IS! We have a game that connects the DS to the Wii!"
    Me: "I don't doubt it, but there's no wi-"
    Them: Proceeds to ignore me and shop for the nonexistent wire.
    I mean seriously. What do I know. I'm only a Nintendork.
    That's when you know they're full of shit when one of them comes up to me and asks to open a packet of wires so she can look at them.

    I grab the pack and say no.
    "Why naaaaaaaaawt?"

    Me: "Well, first of all, you can see the connectors ON the box. *points* Secondly, this is a universal DS CHARGER. It plugs in the WALL."

    They left in a huff, disappointed they couldn't find a wire for TWO WIRELESS DEVICES.

    Second story!

    We sell what's called a mega pack. It holds an Intec charging base (works fantastic, even if I disconnected the fan in mine and the light stopped working; it charges my wiimotes and that's all I ask of it), a wireless sensor bar, 2 battery packs, a wii wheel and a bag to carry all that crap. .
    Woman comes up to me and asks me about my chargers. I explain what's in the mega pack, that the charger plugs into the wii and charges up the wiimotes, etc...
    Then she asks me this mind-boggling inquiry.

    "So, how much autonomy will I have on my wii?"
    "Excuse me?"
    "When on the charger, how long can I keep my Wii unplugged?"
    "...Ma'am, you can't. The Wii HAS to be plugged at all time."
    "But you just said the charger plugs into the Wii!"
    "Yes and I also said it takes power FROM the Wii to charge the Wiimotes!"
    "But then, why is the wii sitting on it?"
    "To look cool."

    Brain to mouth filter : FAILED.

    Bonus tid bits!

    Woman comes in to ask about our Guitar Hero/Band Hero/Rock Band stuff.
    Don't ask, we barely carry the games and we special order the rest. ANYWAYS.
    I answer her and then she has the face to tell me "My son told me to ask a teenaged male, that he would know what I'm talking about."
    "Well, tell your son he's being sexist!"
    Woman laughed "I sure will!"

    Woman comes in with her child son, he points to the Sweeney Todd DVD.
    "Mom, can I have that?"
    "No honey, that's not a movie for you!"
    "What's the story?"
    "Well um.... it's um..."
    Me: "A Barber goes crazy and kills everybody while singing."

    She ended up buying Edward Scissorhands.
    Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

    "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.

  • #2
    Good on the mother in that third story to not insist on talking to a teenaged male after you pointed out the correct answer.

    Sweeney Todd mother=well...Edward Scissorhands is creepy, but not nearly as disturbing. (there's only one murder)

    The first story= I think my brain just broke.
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...


    • #3
      Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
      Me: "A Barber goes crazy and kills everybody while singing."
      Er...? I think you have that a bit wrong... I thought it was "Guy's daughter gets raped, guy gets framed, goes to prison, returns, enacts revenge by killing half of London while singing"?
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Eh, if I had mentioned the word rape to that kid, I'd be the one killed.
        While singing.
        Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

        "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


        • #5
          Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
          ... I'd be the one killed.
          While singing.
          That's what makes it opera!

          (I love John Forster's song "Figaro Todd (The Demon Barber of Seville)")
          I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
          Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
          Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.

